Assault Bike Accountability Thread

45 minutes on the bike. I've lost a bit of weight so was less uncomfortable. Also noticed a "falling forward" position makes biking much easier, even using the arms. Kinda like falling forwards makes running easier
25 min fan bike . Drug it outside in sun for extra sweat. Still couldn't ignore the seat pad after 5 minutes.
Bought myself a Rogue Echo V3 a month ago and above been using it 2 days a week long form zone 2 for 30min and two days 10/20 intervals two sets of 5, sometimes 9/30 intervals to simulate the demands of football. Also as a warm up for all gym work just 5 min to start things off.

Really seeming the benefit from it already. In my cardio and energy levels but also knee health. It's a good recovery tool to get things moving with low impact.

The intervals on it are obviously brutal, that's why we use em, but man, it is really fkn brutal. First session legit had me in an altered state of consciousness afterwards.

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