Crime Biden was in possession of classified documents while not in office

who is coping? This is not a good thing for Biden.......
Hur didn't recommend charges because .. he says they can not prove Biden took a conscious decision to take and keep the documents.

"The evidence suggests that Mr. Biden did not willfully retain these documents and that they could plausibly have been brought to these locations by mistake,"

"We cannot prove that Mr. Biden retained these classified documents willfully,"

"Mr. Biden did not intend to retain any marked classified documents."

So after Biden and his team shitting on trump for using campaign funds and/or the RNC to help with legal bills, turns out the DNC paid for his legal fees in his own classified documents situation.

So the DNC paid $1.7million to defense lawyers for Biden just to have the prosecutor say Biden is too mentally retarded to stand trial.
So after Biden and his team shitting on trump for using campaign funds and/or the RNC to help with legal bills, turns out the DNC paid for his legal fees in his own classified documents situation.

I wonder how much cash they have on hand after such a massive expenditure.

Now do the RNC.

Garland wrote in a separate letter to Biden that the audio recordings of his interview "fall within the scope of executive privilege," and that giving the recordings to Congress "would raise an unacceptable risk of undermining the Department’s ability to conduct similar high-profile criminal investigations-in particular, investigations where the voluntary cooperation of White House officials is exceedingly important.”

The old goof is worried about how demented he sounds in the audio recordings.