Media *Breaking News* Connor Mcgregor Becomes a Part Owner Of BKFC BAREKNUCKLE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP

Bigger Bread and Circuses for a dying world.

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Never thought it would last this long but damn, Feldman puts everything in it. Hell, he used his house as collateral last year just to pull off a big event.

Props for what he has done.

I think Conor is great for BKFC. Hard to even buy the type of hype he can create for you.

Think it will get real interesting with Conor after this Chandler fight as I believe he'll have one fight left on his contract. Also it was reported that 2018 contract had a 5 year expiration date, but since he wasn't in the testing pool I'm guessing that got frozen until recently. Either way it will be very interesting on what Conor does after this Chandler fight win or lose. Conor is really the only guy that could go out there and put on Diaz vs Conor 3 on his own a do a killing. Hell, the middle east is paying crazy money over there for shit like this. Conor could go fight in BKFC to bring a shit ton of eyes to his latest investment. He is probably the only fighter that can go out and probably make much more money than the UFC would ever be willing to pay him. Hell, if Francis can do it, it's a cake walk for Conor.
Movies, fighting and and now owner. Conor is taking over the entertainment world in 2024. Once he KOs Chandler the Mac is officially back.
Have their ppvs been selling?

Feldman has publicly talked about PPV buys in past but it usually turned into how many illegal streams where going on and if they could get them to pay BKFC would be killing it. Sounds like his buys aren't bad but aren't great either. They seem to help him more or less break even or make a little bit. It doesn't sound like he gets his ass handed to him in loses with events.

He is realistic and knows he can't stop the illegal streams and he seems very set on trying to work out a media deal that pays enough to get off the PPV platform. Last I heard him talking about that it sounded as if he was hoping this year he could accomplish that.
i would trust that it is some sort of "Rock - WWE" deal where they are relying on the publicity he will bring.

It will be very interesting to see how he promotes connor for the next fight.

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