Economy CBC: "this is not the jobs report of a weak economy" UPDATE: GDP Growth exceeds forecasts

I know sometimes you want to look up your own sources for verification, but this one is easy. Just type Trudeau or Tiff Macklem promises interest rates will stay low in Google search. They were shouting it from the rooftops in 2020 and 2021.

A lot of us had this discussion in 2021 when he called election and I started planning to lock in for 10 years because that was a neon flag to me that the modelling data indicates shit is going downhill.

Not by you, but by many i was called foolish in the lounge for locking in at below 3% for 10 years because "rates might go even lower in 5 years!. The BOC and government are not going to raise rates, they need low rates for years to get out of the covid funk!"

in any case, here are the first 3 links that popped up when i ran a search.

I think I will have a look for some of my own, thx for the head start. Although, whether it's 2000, 2010, 2020 or 2030 I will take 3% for 10 years any day of the week. People who wouldn't settle for that are just gambling, obviously.
I think I will have a look for some of my own, thx for the head start. Although, whether it's 2000, 2010, 2020 or 2030 I will take 3% for 10 years any day of the week. People who wouldn't settle for that are just gambling, obviously.
2.9% :)

The bank tried to browbeat me into taking a 5 year at 2.1%. To get 10 years I had to tell them I'll go to broker and take my mortgage elsewhere because SOMEONE will give me 10. They cracked and gave in.

My wife wasn't happy either at the time as it was a discussion with both of us and they worked on her when they realized I wasn't budging. She's happy now though
2.9% :)

The bank tried to browbeat me into taking a 5 year at 2.1%. To get 10 years I had to tell them I'll go to broker and take my mortgage elsewhere because SOMEONE will give me 10. They cracked and gave in.

My wife wasn't happy either at the time as it was a discussion with both of us and they worked on her when they realized I wasn't budging. She's happy now though
Happy wife, happy life. Which is half the problem with half the War Room, I think.