Economy CBC: "this is not the jobs report of a weak economy" UPDATE: GDP Growth exceeds forecasts

It's also worth noting that Canadian GDP per capita has now shrunk 5 of the past 6 quarters (as of April 24, 2024 StatsCan report):

Slower economic growth over the past year and near-record population increases fueled by temporary and permanent immigration have put the spotlight on recent trends in Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Real GDP per capita has now declined in five of the past six quarters and is currently near levels observed in 2017. Recent reports by Porter (2024), Ercolao (2023), and Marion and Ducharme (2024) have all stressed the trend towards weaker per capita growth, highlighting its negative implications for living standards and wage growth. Recent declines in per capita output have also brought concerns over Canada’s weak productivity performance to the fore, since historically, much of the long-term growth in GDP per capita has reflected sustained improvements in labour productivity.
- USA is having a huge loss of jobs on the other hand. How those suposedly new jibs, are people returning to their old jobs, from the down caused by the covid?
Our headlines either leave that out, or say "more people are choosing part time work", like they're doing it for enjoyment because housewives just find it fulfilling to drive around town in their minivan to pick up shit from McDonald's to drop on people's porches for $6.

Also the idiot that started the thread just ignores posts pointing shit like that out lol.

The left wing intelligencia strikes again
It's mostly part time jobs seasonal jobs. Cooked stats as usual.
Mostly. Yeah, like 50000 out of 90000 thousand. There was nothing misleading in what I posted. That's still 40000 FT positions filled which is double the expected number on its own. Stop being so obtuse.
Mostly. Yeah, like 50000 out of 90000 thousand. There was nothing misleading in what I posted. That's still 40000 FT positions filled which is double the expected number on its own. Stop being so obtuse.


You're one of those guys who says 'inflation is down' when the rate slows right? 🤣

Canada's Economy is Outperforming Expectations
The Canadian economy is doing better than expected. In the face of rapid and substantial increases in interest rates to tame inflation, growth has slowed but outperformed expectations in 2023. Canada avoided the recession expected by many forecasters (Chart 3), with real GDP rising by 1.1 per cent in 2023, over three times higher than what was forecasted in Budget 2023 (0.3 per cent).

Canada's economy is growing. Despite some temporary factors such as the Quebec public sector strikes late in 2023, real GDP rose by 1 per cent on an annualized basis in the fourth quarter, driven by strong global demand for Canadian exports, as well as resilient demand from households for goods and services. Economic indicators are also encouraging so far in 2024. With the economy benefiting from a boost from the unwinding of temporary factors, this translated into strong real GDP gains in January (7.4 per cent annualized) and preliminary February (4.9 per cent annualized). This suggests that growth in the first quarter of 2024 is on track for around 3.5 per cent annualized. In recent months, household and small business sentiment has also been more positive.

Canada's strong economic fundamentals have helped the economy weather the impacts of higher interest rates. These strong fundamentals include solid labour markets driving ongoing gains in workers' income, as well as solid household and business balance sheets.

The surprising strength of the U.S. economy has also been a factor supporting Canada's better-than-expected performance (Chart 4). Growth in the U.S. has far outpaced expectations, driving solid external demand for Canadian goods and services, as well as foreign direct investment in Canada, which provided a sizeable boost to the Canadian economy throughout the past year."
Canada is fucked: falling productivity compared to the US, debt doubled since 2015, massive consummer and housing debt, housing shortage crisis, 1/3 of immigrants leaving, highest food prices in the G7, OECD has worst outlook for Canada of G20 and so on

If you are in Canada, you best start holding investments in US dollars.
Ignorance is bliss. I'd love to be this stupid for just one day to see how it feels.