Climate Change

Yup. Climate science is all a big hoax, and you can trust a guy on a karate forum with a username referencing mark coleman to sort it all out for you.

But to be honest, climate change being real or not doesn't take away governments and corps abusive use of Taxation on the plebs using the Green label to support it.
But to be honest, climate change being real or not doesn't take away governments and corps abusive use of Taxation on the plebs using the Green label to support it.

Of course. Anything whatsoever can and Will be usurped by the existing powers to get more of what they want. This was true of covid, too.

But you've got to be smart enough to realize that just because something is used as a vehicle for ulterior motives, that doesn't mean it's complete bullshit.

You need olympic level mental gymnastics to refute climate science just because you disagree with taxation policies.
Of course. Anything whatsoever can and Will be usurped by the existing powers to get more of what they want. This was true of covid, too.

But you've got to be smart enough to realize that just because something is used as a vehicle for ulterior motives, that doesn't mean it's complete bullshit.

You need olympic level mental gymnastics to refute climate science just because you disagree with taxation policies.

Of course there not going to create a TAX for a planetary defense fund against Alien invasion, they'll call it asteroids......
But wouldn't this extra CO2 just super charge plant growth which would absorb the extra CO2...........
Only up to a certain limit. Then it is like any other case of having too much of a good thing.

Yup. Climate science is all a big hoax, and you can trust a guy on a karate forum with a username referencing mark coleman to sort it all out for you.

Never said it was a hoax. If you think I was insulting your religion, I apologize.
No one said the climate would never change without humans. The current change is caused by humans. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear.

why is their solution force and sabotage instead of nuclear energy and better products?
why is their solution force and sabotage instead of nuclear energy and better products?

I don't know who you mean by they, but regarding the forcing of changes, it's required because humans are stupid, shitty, and selfish. People will choose whatever's easiest and best for themselves in the moment, regardless of the long term consequences for society at large.

And nuclear energy is too expensive, but raw energy generation isn't the totality of the problem anyways, so even if human society was completely powered by nuclear, it wouldn't fully solve the problem.

I'm guessing you don't actually know what solutions the scientific community has suggested.
I don't know who you mean by they, but regarding the forcing of changes, it's required because humans are stupid, shitty, and selfish. People will choose whatever's easiest and best for themselves in the moment, regardless of the long term consequences for society at large.

of course they'll choose what's best for them. if you were poor living in the 3rd world and had to decide between feeding your child or satisfying the whims of a bunch of ungrateful leftists or the hypthetical lives of people 100 years from now, you would 100% pick the option that's better for your immediate survival.

And nuclear energy is too expensive, but raw energy generation isn't the totality of the problem anyways, so even if human society was completely powered by nuclear, it wouldn't fully solve the problem.

why are they shunning nuclear though? it's that expensive? isn't it the safest and cleanest source of energy in the world and aren't the latest generation reactors mostly immune to the meltdown/radiation problems of older ones?

I'm guessing you don't actually know what solutions the scientific community has suggested.

i don't, but i know what all the politicians are pushing, and it's tyranny.