Media Czech MMA legend Karlos Vermola could face up to 3 years in prison (animal cruelty)

Heartless, cruel and unnecessary. He deserves the punishment from the law.

You should never ever de-claw a Big Cat, their claws are everything too them, they are vital. I'd never get any of my house cats de-clawed let alone a Big Cat like Tiger which is million times worse than a house cat, because of their weight and size.. because of balance and mobility and many other things. I know that Tiger probably won't need to use its claws to grip and hunt prey because its owned by that fighter and he will feed it.. however its still vital for balance and mobility, especially because he will get really heavy when its a mature adult
People often get their house cat declawed in North America. Guess the laws vary quite a bit around the world.

People also spay / neuter their pets so it's always going to be where do you draw the line.
I don't want to get into a debate of USA vs the world but its worth noting that the USA (via various state laws, not necessarily federal) has some of the poorest animal protection laws if we consider the first world, globally.
The famous wrestler/MMA fighter Karel "Karlos" Vémola (38) is facing big problems because of claws removed from all the paws of his white tigress Ramby. It's against the principles of breeding big cats and against the Czech legislation itself.The Central Bohemian Veterinary Administration is preparing to hand over the hot case of Karlos Vémola (38) to the law enforcement officers, as its spokesman Petr Vorlíček told the portal

"The beast will be irreversibly mutilated, losing, for example, the ability to climb trees, defend against an attack by another animal or mark its territory," Ondřej Charvát, spokesman for the Ministry of the Environment, once described the general problems of big and small cats without claws, which are key to exercising their natural drives.

In this regard, the affair also has a second level, as the relevant authorities will also check "Karlos" Vémola's other felines for the same reasons, including his favorite Elsa. Apparently, the veterinarians have convincing evidence and means to properly evaluate the Czech fighter's misdeeds and who actually performed the prohibited procedure and why. If the strong suspicions are finally confirmed, Vémola would not only lose the rest of his beloved pets, but also most likely face a prison sentence of up to 3 years. The same goes for his vet!

Karlos takes pride in his statement on social media, that the general public supports him in this matter. However, the reality is "different from what they portray". But non-profit organization Click and Feed took a sharp crack at it on Facebook:
“This dament maimed Ramby the tigress. He had her claws removed! He is unable to prove the origin and acquisition of the animal, so he got it black. This is not his first seized tiger. He provided the authorities with a fake family tree. The animal was kept in unapproved and completely unsuitable conditions for its species," they addressed to Vemola.

Source (in Czech):



Damn, it Vemola.

I respected that guy as a fighter.

But yeah, fuck this. Big cats are amazing, but you don't need to keep them - and if the only way to do so is to mutilate them, then maybe prioritize them over your own childish 'need'?

Patronize a zoo if you care that much.
This mfker should fix his eye instead of cutting the knuckle of a cat.
I thought this was standard procedure for anyone owning a big cat …
If you even ever considered to declaw a house cat or approve of that you should be hanged by your balls.

The level of stupid machismo grandeur to own a tiger is in completely different spectrum tho. And then to declaw said tiger because you can’t handle it tells quite everything about that kind of personality.

It’s sad what a lot of people are willing to do to stroke their fragile egos.
Imagine if we was domesticate big cat instead of wolf, how much better hunter society we will have become.

Joe Rogan may have become tiger trainer instead of hunting guru but that is life.

we domesticated the best hunter, the house cat is a fucking exterminator of species, literally.
Let's hope the next time Vemola makes headlines, is when one of the cats bit his head off. 👍
What a scum bag. It's a good thing he never made it in the UFC.
as much that declawing a cat is bad for them, it's funny how outrageous it seems to people that are perfectly fine with cutting off their balls.
i just ask myself if there's still people that think for a moment before open their mouth.

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