Does your mom still buy you snacks?

The first time we had Cap'n Crunch we fucking lost it. I remember her glaring at my dad and saying "Don't ever do this again" lmao

LOL. Around 4th grade my mom decided to "give us something for a change" and let us get plain cheerios (still better than shredded wheat), but my brother got ballsy and swapped it out in the cart for Honeycomb when my mom wasn't looking. And she didn't notice because both boxes were yellow and kind of looked the same. We chowed down on that shit for breakfast the next morning, then second breakfast, lunch and the box was gone by mid-afternoon lol.
Not snacks, but if she sees something she likes and thinks I'd like, she'll buy it for me.Sometimes when I'm away and she comes to take care of my cat she'd leave some homemade food for me in the fridge.
Dude I don't even know if that bitch is still alive.
LOL. Around 4th grade my mom decided to "give us something for a change" and let us get plain cheerios (still better than shredded wheat), but my brother got ballsy and swapped it out in the cart for Honeycomb when my mom wasn't looking. And she didn't notice because both boxes were yellow and kind of looked the same. We chowed down on that shit for breakfast the next morning, then second breakfast, lunch and the box was gone by mid-afternoon lol.

Dude trying to outsmart the parents was awesome. It was always this cat-and-mouse.
Yep, she keeps it on hand for me when I visit. It's what good moms do.
Lol, my wife keeps a drawer full of snacks for the older kids when they come home. Her Mom still puts out like a 1000 Easter Eggs for my kids that range from 21-39. G'ma is still trying to kill off diabetics in her 90's. Love the commitment.
Nope but they buy for the "grand" cats

but yours does.

Sorry too good an opportunity to pass up. But yes at 42 years old my mother still sends me my favorite homemade Christmas cookies and sweets in the mail.
She's passed a few years ago, but I remember her making some homemade snacks and sending me back to college with them after I had been home for thanksgiving or Christmas break.

Stuff like oyster crackers with dill and ranch seasoning:

That looks and sounds great.