Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)


yeah i dont know if that's a fart box that i would tongue punch.
Rocky Dennis in The Mask
So Pecker confirmed that he used the National Enquirer to catch and kill stories to benefit Trump while also targeting negative stories geared towards Trumps political rivals. All this came to be after a meeting where Trump asked for this specifically.

Makes one wonder what liability FOX News has. For their on-air talent speak at Trump political rallies.

Election interference! The owners of the National Enquirer should be brought up on treason charges!

But in all seriousness, imagine being so pathetic that you have the National Enquirer blocking stories for you.
Election interference! The owners of the National Enquirer should be brought up on treason charges!

But in all seriousness, imagine being so pathetic that you have the National Enquirer blocking stories for you.
or imagine living in a country with such a pathetically informed and uneducated electorate that what is published in the national enquirer has an effect on their voting!

Ted Cruz is a human doormat. First Trump found out Jerry Falwell Jr, liked to watch the Pool Boy drill press his wife. Trump then got Cuck Falwell Jr to switch his endorsement from Doormat Cruz to Sleepy Donny, then Trump blames Doormat's Dad for killing Kennedy and Cruz being a serial adulterer like Donny.
How does Doormat Cruz respond to all the bullshit Trump pulled on him?

Ted Cruz is a political version of Reek!
My 2nd favorite angle from yesterday is Dino the Doorman. I dont think the story is true(but is plausible), but laugh every time I think the Ultimate Con Man in Trump got conned by a fucking Doorman for 30k.

Romney: ‘You don’t pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you’

But in all seriousness, imagine being so pathetic that you have the National Enquirer blocking stories for you.

Problem with this incident is that it involves the National Enquirer. Its status as a news publication doesnt carry much weight. Gives Trump supporters another out with disregarding Trumps unethical/illegal actions.
I used to work in a restaurant with a chick named Joy. I used to walk around saying, I am only here to spread joy, Where is Joy?

Dont get mad, because it is funny Ole Man Trump is taking naps and blowing ass in court. Sure those jokes have been beat in the ground, but farts are funny. My Dad taught me the pull my finger trick when I was a kid, which I have passed on (pun intended) to my kids.
Onto* 💨

Ted Cruz is a human doormat. First Trump found out Jerry Falwell Jr, liked to watch the Pool Boy drill press his wife. Trump then got Cuck Falwell Jr to switch his endorsement from Doormat Cruz to Sleepy Donny, then Trump blames Doormat's Dad for killing Kennedy and Cruz being a serial adulterer like Donny.
How does Doormat Cruz respond to all the bullshit Trump pulled on him?

Ted Cruz is a political version of Reek!

Election interference! The owners of the National Enquirer should be brought up on treason charges!

But in all seriousness, imagine being so pathetic that you have the National Enquirer blocking stories for you.
why do so many libs read the national enquirer? What is the fascination?
Coping will never change the fact that TR7MP used this rag to kill damaging stories about him and to spread fake news to help him win the election.
yes, it was defiantly all the FAVORABLE to Trump fake news stories during 2016 that got Trump elected.
Problem with this incident is that it involves the National Enquirer. Its status as a news publication doesnt carry much weight. Gives Trump supporters another out with disregarding Trumps unethical/illegal actions.
People here definitely repeated some of those stories. I distinctly remember the "Hillary has 6 months to live" thing being pushed.
Yeah, liberals are buying this magazine
You could see chuds in the War Room repeat this bullshit back in 2016.

We had like 3-4 megathreads on her health, where people were saying she'd be dead in 6 months.

Here we are, 8 years later. Must have been all the adrenochrome she sucked out of the kids in the Comet Ping Pong basement that kept her alive all this time!