Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Election interference... it's hilarious that you even typed those words.

The claim was that Trump used Campaign Funds to pay off Stormy. We just learned that he paid through his personal funds. There is no case here... why is this judge letting this farce continue?
Wait, did that seriously happen? Not as In that its an argument, but was it proven?

The claim is that some of the documents are out of order from when the FBI took the documents, so that means the FBI planted evidence. It's an obvious stretch to claim that means the evidence is "planted".

Oh, well, then meh.
I was referring to whether or not it was proven that Trump just paid her with his own money as opposed to campaign funds
If @Whippy McGee says it happened, then it happened. It might be hard to believe that such a simple fact that could have completely exonerated Trump got overlooked by his lawyers, but Whippy has a knack for identifying things like this. Of course his legal expertise on matters like this have never actually worked out, but don't be surprised if this case is dismissed first thing tomorrow.
I was referring to whether or not it was proven that Trump just paid her with his own money as opposed to campaign funds

This was from today's NY Times observation on the trial.

Cliff Note: He paid with personal funds, not campaign funds.

The case was predicated that he paid with campaign funds. I don't understand why the charade continues, but it's above my pay grade.... and I had zero time today to listen in.
This was from today's NY Times observation on the trial.

Cliff Note: He paid with personal funds, not campaign funds.

The case was predicated that he paid with campaign funds. I don't understand why the charade continues, but it's above my pay grade.... and I had zero time today to listen in.
No.... the case is predicated upon his paying off this woman to shut up, among others, because otherwise it could damage his campaign. God damn, you really will do anything to defend that putrid cunt even if it makes you seem like a blithering idiot.

How sad. Now, that's not to say I have any sympathy for you, but surely it's hard to find a bigger piece of shit on this forum with less self-respect than you display here, don't you think?
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Seriously? How long have the Republicans been investigating Biden only to find absolutely fuck all? A year? More? And their main source turned out to be fed entirely by Russian disinformation. So to what do you want Biden held accountable?

It's not all politicians that are so clearly crooked and flaunting their crimes in front of the American people with the expectation of never being punished for them. Just Trump. If there's a double standard it's the kid glove treatment Trump is receiving compared to pretty much any other accused criminal.
The crickets from @Bob Gray are loud and clear now.
Ahhhh, now we’re getting down to business. And here I thought you truly, sincerely wanted to know what this was about. ;)
But you knew exactly what this is about. Let’s proceed then.

Look, I'm just gonna be honest. There's a clear double standard here. Most, not all, of the people who are adamant that Trump should be found guilty don't have the same conviction when it comes to other rich, powerful people/politicians.
As you probably know, Trump has 4 criminal cases pending. And I’ll be honest: I don’t know of another rich, powerful politician that’s ever done anything remotely like Trump has done. Sorry, I mean “allegedly” done. :rolleyes: Do you have examples?
point of coming to trial he should be found guilty. I don't want to excuse behavior like this, but at the same time I'm not gonna put my head in the sand and pretend it isn't pretty par for the course. I live in California and it's amazing how many people would say a shitbag like Newsom should run for President while at the same time going out of their way to condemn Trump for something like this.

Now, if this were some kind of new Renaissance to hold rich, powerful people/politicians to the same standards of everyone else and go after every one them with the same zeal, then I'd be all for it. 100%. But you have to know that that isn't what's happening here. They aren't going to go after Biden once he's out of office. And the truth is, if you stuck a huge team for years on top of practically any powerful politician, or probably any billionaire, you're gonna find some "irregularities".
I’ll be honest with you: for me—and I’m just stating my opinion—this is the Trump criminal trial that I’m the least concerned with. Not that falsifying business records and campaign finance violations aren’t serious, they are. But it’s not nearly as concerning as hatching a multi-state scheme to illegally disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters (including yours truly, as a WI voter who voted for Biden). I take my right to vote quite seriously, and I’d very much like to see Trump get his comeuppance. It’s also not as serious to me as purposely stealing dozens of boxes of records, including highly classified material, and sharing highly classified material with randos who have (and never had) a security clearance.

There is a long history of federal officials being charged and convicted with crimes; a history that goes back to the earliest days of our Constitution. I don’t think it’s accurate to act like politicians are never held accountable, there are plenty who have been. As for Presidents, the list of those in which there is potentially enough evidence to convict them of a felony in court is very, very short. Nixon is probably the closest parallel, but was of course pardoned before anything like that could happen. What Trump did is far worse than Watergate though.

This doesn't mean I'm justifying it. I'm acknowledging that it happens. At the end of the day singling out one target for political reasons, which, let's be fair, is whats happening here, is kinda bullshit. Like if there was some sort of effort to actually start "cleaning up" politicians I'd be fine with it, but thats not what this is
I strongly disagree that this is just for politics or show. Donald Trump is the most corrupt, criminal, POTUS we have ever had—and I don’t think it’s particularly close. Trump is so corrupt that he has been under some form of investigation during every single decade of his adult life, going back to the 1970s. He thought he could ruthlessly attack our democratic institutions like he’s ruthlessly attacked everyone else throughout his career (and gotten away with it)— I think, and hope, it’s finally caught up to him.
If @Whippy McGee says it happened, then it happened. It might be hard to believe that such a simple fact that could have completely exonerated Trump got overlooked by his lawyers, but Whippy has a knack for identifying things like this. Of course his legal expertise on matters like this have never actually worked out, but don't be surprised if this case is dismissed first thing tomorrow.
He did pay Cohen from his own account (and from some business account before that), this is not new information. Whippy’s problem is just that he has no idea what he’s talking about.
At the end of the day, I don't like Trump and I never did. But it's obvious to me that there's double standards when he involved.

ahh yes them deep state double standards. who could ever forget the time when obama and biden falsified their business documents to hide the payments they made to some whore from the gangbang videos that they cheated on their wives with?
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Okay. What this case is about is him having an affair with a Playboy model for 9 months, him getting his Naional Enquirer buddy to catch and kill her story, him never paying his friend back, then asked him to do the same for the Stormy fucking. Of which Pecker told him to fuck off. Now, we're in this mess of where the funds came from and if it influenced him becoming president.
Kinda, yeah.

He never paid Pecker back, so they are considering that a contribution in kind to his campaign.... that sounds pretty tenuous to me---assuming I was a juror.

Then, they are laying the ground work to demonstrate that Trump knew very well about the payments and what they were for, which makes their accounting of the payments fraudulent x 34 counts (I believe). That part is a slam dunk IMO. Just the folks that have already testified have sown that up, and we're only half way done the prosecution's case (give or take) and then it will depend on whether or not Team Diaper puts forth a defense.

I don't know these women, I never met these women ain't going to fly in court.

There's more, but IMO, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up charged as a misdemeanor in the end.
If Trump had lawyers worth a fuck, they would have made a deal to plead to the misdemeanor right off the bat... but what do I know? It's not like I have press credentials to get in to watch, or that I'm a lawyer.

I bet they could auction off tickets to that shit show ;)
No.... the case is predicated upon his paying off this woman to shut up, among others, because otherwise it could damage his campaign. God damn, you really will do anything to defend that putrid cunt even if it makes you seem like a blithering idiot.

How sad. Now, that's not to say I have any sympathy for you, but surely it's hard to find a bigger piece of shit on this forum with less self-respect than you display here, don't you think?

Basement life got you down? 🤡

The underlying charge (Federal) is that he used campaign funds. The Orange One didn't according to sworn testimony today from a Prosecution witness. Facts matter.
I never voted for him. I don't know why you think I did. I didn't pick him. I don't want him as president.

At the end of the day, I don't like Trump and I never did. But it's obvious to me that there's double standards when he involved. Doesn't mean I'm saying he didn't do anything.

You didn't vote for him but here you are carrying water for him.

There are no double standards here, at least not in the way you suggest. The real double standard here is that if he wasn't in the good tier of the two-tiered justice system he would have been in prison years ago.

You didn't answer my questions about Georgia. Do you feel he's being singled out there too? Was the tape faked?

He was right about conservatives.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

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