Opinion Evolution of AI enabled weapons so much so you don't even need a human controlling them. They can change their direction mid flight.


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Jan 20, 2004
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Skynet anyone, anyone? Anyways these missiles have the ability to work with each others like pack hunters seeking out target points and not overlapping each other wasting a missile. They can be dropped out of a C-130 "6 dropped out" to C-17 "45 of them at a time". One C-17 rapid dragon equipped with 45 of these AI cruise missiles could wipe out over 15 ships at once if not more. -

A.I controlled loitering munitions are pretty much the next big step and everyone is looking into them

Our military calls them "WW1 level tech breakthrough"
A.I controlled loitering munitions are pretty much the next big step and everyone is looking into them

Our military calls them "WW1 level tech breakthrough"
Not sure about the WW1 level technology comparison but with jamming technology becoming more and more effective letting AI ID and control the local situation removes some of the dangers jamming poses if not completely.
These those physics-defying UFOs we been hearing about?