Media For anyone here that's financially illiterate... "Once I learned how debt worked it changed my life" -James Krause (5 Mil. Debt)

Debt can indeed increase your wealth through leverage.

As long as
1 your return is higher than your borrowing cost and have sufficient cash to ensure bills/interest gets paid .

But if borrowing costs exceed earnings you can go backwards very quickly.

If you can't make the cash bill payments you have to sell investments at the current price regardless if it's massively discounted.
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Fractional reserve banking is not why most money is "created out of thin air".

It is the favorite term of people who just discovered that "money isn't real!" or whatever though.
Who knows if Krause even made that post himself, he could've had messages set to release after his death, like Jigsaw! :eek::eek:

Congratulations James, you have mastered high school level financial literacy.
Most college grads have no idea how the debt slavery system really works and how you can play along with it. And the more advanced their degree, the more brainwashed they are by normie finance. Jacques Ellul explained how such propaganda works like 80 years ago, but that topic is outside the scope of most people in this thread leaving drive-by comments.
It's funny how all these successful real-estate millionaires really need your $50 to buy their book or attend their seminar...
Because that's how life works, when you discover how to make easy money, the first thing you do is tell everyone else....
Also, evidently Kraus has never heard of something called interest, if he thinks that getting into debt is the only way to beat inflation...
I’m in over 5 million dollars of debt and don’t lose a second of sleep over it.

You know its about great wisdom when out of the box bro start his rant saying how he is not suffering at all.

I am 5'10 manlet in sherdog forums and I am not feeling lonely!
This dude is so slimy. I bet every person that DM's him he'll just respond with, "Alright, so to get started give me your full name, SSN, addresses, credit card numbers with security codes, and I'll set all this up for you! Don't worry if you see money randomly coming out of your accounts or new lines of credit being opened in my name, just trust the process "🤗
He's going back into MMA with his new BJJ weapon: the Kiyosaki Guard.

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