International Germany wants to send immigrants to 3rd world countries

You're trying to compare Haiti's beaches to the ones in Florida. I'm gonna rule this discussion a simple no contest because there's not even a discussion to start off with. You're just talking straight up nonsense.

As usual the point eludes you so you declare victory and refuse to turn on your brain.
This Christmas has been brutal without my mother, I just buried her a couple of months ago. She was the best person I've ever known.

Damn, brah. I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences.
Obviously, if they are coming in illegally, that's not good but at the same time, if you are struggling to eat and live and the promise land is just a few hundred miles to the North of you, wouldn't you probably try too if you cared about your family? I completely admire immigrants who come in through the citizenship system but most of us know it's broken and it takes years and years to get in now. Some people don't have years to wait.

My biggest problem with Mexican immigration is having a lot of undocumented people and while they are paying sales tax, they aren't paying federal tax. I want everyone documented, paying taxes and contributing. Other than that, you really couldn't ask for a better immigrant. When you compare that to say Ireland right now where you have people that have zero desire to live in Ireland, don't speak the language, don't know the culture, have a different religion, are uneducated and unskilled and are getting bused in by the 100s and 1000s. What exactly are you going to offer Ireland but disruption? Who in their right mind in government thinks that is a good idea? Someone, somewhere is getting paid or...there is some kind of conspiracy at play.


The biggest problem is how overly difficult it is for good people to gain citizenship.
Too late. Closing the gate after the horse has already bolted.

Germany is much like the UK, people with tattoos, vape stores, drunks, drug addicted population with collapsing high streets.
I just read this, very sad.
Why would Rwanda take all these foreign assholes? they can barely feed their own people.
I think the Rwanda idea is great if it’s funded. It also proves that almost all of these migrants are economic migrants because none of them want to be shipped there. They want to live in a big city with welfare.

Ideally, you make a hard stance that illegal immigration will not be tolerated and unless you are fleeing war or persecution from your government on an individual basis, you will be immediately shipped to Rwanda.

I think every nation dealing with immigration problems should fund the project and try to build homes, infrastructure, donate food, etc. Try to build an immigrant refuge. If it fails, at least we tried but I think it would be a good experiment.
Why would Rwanda take all these foreign assholes? they can barely feed their own people.

They will get money, that's the simple gimmick

Sadly i believe too indeed they will become a Rwanda problem wich is unfortunate but still egoistically better than have them at my home where they should not be to begin with

Now if Italy could pick Rwanda too i will prefer, Albania is still very close and many will play on legal gimmicks to jump back to Italy

Seriously if find any central african nation willing to do the deal became common, small part of Europe's problem could be fixed surprising fast (2nd generations will keep being huge problem, and i have hard time imagine democratic solution) by sending there any illegal immigrant male committing crimes here

But thinking at such drastic solution i'm speaking about those who indeed commit crime, those who don't but are here illegally should be simply keept in repatriation center till we get the papers to make him return his own country (a pratice that should become waaay easier)
Too late.

Self-loathing, White-guilted, virtue signaling moron Angela Merkel accomplished her job of irreversibly starting the change of Germany into Haiti.

Sad as I have been to some beautiful places on the Dominavsn side but Hati os wose thsn most dirt poor Africsn countries.