Multiplatform How aggressive cheating has become in multiplayer games


Silver Belt
Apr 18, 2007
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Actually insane the advanced methods players use to cheat. Im a firm believer that the swiss cheese method of anti-cheat is the best solution.

Prior to CSGO's 2012 release Valve work shopped requiring players running Linux OS to play the game. Shortly after testing they discovered its meaningless. For when players have direct access to the hardware anti-cheat measures can be bypassed. This video shows in a way why even consoles are now having cheating problems.
What's the swiss cheese method?
He's probably talking about the same strategy that most public health officials endorsed to combat COVID. You know there isn't a single preventitive public health policy that will singularly defeat the disease (i.e. masks, social distancing, limited work/school, no mass social gatherings, vaccines, etc). So you implement many different strategies, knowing each has some holes in it that the disease will get through, but with the idea that stacking enough slices of swiss cheese together eventually forms a block which almost nothing can get through because the holes don't overlap.

While I hate cheaters, I sense another passive aggressive thread from @KaNesDeath targeting any game that is a threat to his precious CS:GO. So I'm guessing they implement the Swiss cheese method rather than a so-called "invasive", monolithic, robust anti-cheat software like Valorant does. Because he wants us all to come away from this thread with the notion Valorant doesn't have by far the most effective anti-cheat in gaming when that has been the overwhelming consensus for years.
Recently, there were times my shots did zero damage. No idea if cheating or if other player equipped lots of anti-beam armor. Normally my shots would take around 1/3rd of the target's HP.
What do cheaters get out of doing this? There’s zero sense of accomplishment

I’m a little above average in FPS multiplayer, and this shit pretty much killed it for me.

Haven’t played any of these types of games in years

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