Relationship How are you managing your snoring in a relationship ?

Bipap crew in da house yo.

Not really but I bet I’d benefit from a bit of bi level positive airways pressure

( not bisexual to those that are perverted duh)
Raise the roof man!!

Nose pillow FTW!

My wife calls me a snuffalupagus, and I find it amusing when I roll over in the middle of the night and my positive exhale pressure hits either her or the cat with a soft stream of air.

That air puff is more welcome than the 'love puffs' I tend to blast them with on the regular.
Bitch better have her earplugs.... also don't buy the hype they don't snore either

I’m feeling colours…..:eek:
Stop being fat

Read a story recently about a guy that was arrested for killing his neighbor for snoring.
I don't snore in my sleep but I do talk a lot. I have sexual dreams a lot too for some reason and I have no idea why. Never know what I'm going to say and get stabbed while I'm asleep.

For the girls I'll try to roll them over or just wake them up. I can't sleep at all when a bitch is loudly snoring.

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