News Jamahal Hill arrested for domestic violence after altercation with brother

My brother and I had our last fist fight in our mid 20s, but neither of us have ever escalated it past that with cops or weapons or any other idiocy. We're from a part of the world where brothers fist fighting each other in their fuckin 50s is very normal. People are coming down hard on Jamal, but from what both sides have said, it really sounds like Jamal's family situation isn't as black and white as some are trying to make it seem.
To me it sounds like Jamals family has been pulling at his pockets since he became champion, there was a dispute over some minute amount of money, Jamal's brother started insulting him about how he "doesn't care about his family" or similar and brought up how he's even a bad father for not calling his daughter on Thanksgiving, as parasitic individuals will try to rectify their taking from you by linking themselves to someone else you should inexorably care for and therefore support, and it escalated from there. Just the way Jamal's brother phrased it "I was conflicted with calling the police because I knew it would ruin Jamal's career as a fighter"
Okay, but you did it anyway? He didn't call the police to save his life, he called the police to press charges. If it's your brother, that's bitch shit, especially if you know you said some shit to instigate it, and especially if you know it's going to put a dent in his career that you're probably living off if he's paying your wife $300 to clean his house.
I haven't had to deal with any of it with my immediate family thankfully, but some people just have shitty family members dealt to them. I'll reserve judgement for whether it's Jamal or his brother until after all the facts are out.
This all day. When you make it big, some people come crawling out from underneath the floorboards with the assumption that they are now your responsibility. Just because they are family or because they once gave you a ride home from the gym one day…Amongst other stuff. Either way, pressing charges on your brother is 100% Grade A Bitch Shit. Interested in seeing how this plays out.
Jamahal's brother seems like a bit of an arse

I'm sure Jamahal could have shown a bit more restraint though
Sounds absolutely lame, we don’t know all the details but can’t be a professional fighter and champion doing super stupid shit like punching the tooth out of your own brothers mouth.

You know you can beat his ass. Why the fuck would you do something so caveman. Now your dumbass gotta pay for for having a hot head. What was achieved!?!?
This all day. When you make it big, some people come crawling out from underneath the floorboards with the assumption that they are now your responsibility. Just because they are family or because they once gave you a ride home from the gym one day…Amongst other stuff. Either way, pressing charges on your brother is 100% Grade A Bitch Shit. Interested in seeing how this plays out.
Grade A bitch shit is instantly resorting to violence instead of solving the problem with words.
Don't really care what was said - you as a professional fighter should not be putting hands on anyone, especially family.

Fucking cringe watching people defend him.

He successfully proved he's an emotionally immature manchild resorting to violence instead of talking to solve an issue.
Sounds absolutely lame, we don’t know all the details but can’t be a professional fighter and champion doing super stupid shit like punching the tooth out of your own brothers mouth.

You know you can beat his ass. Why the fuck would you do something so caveman. Now your dumbass gotta pay for for having a hot head. What was achieved!?!?

Because he is a moron - that is why.

Zero self-awareness of his situation in life.

Deserves what he is getting.
I'll wait til the whole story comes out and not just intentional misleading tweets or the other guys side of the story.

Hill said himself he's looking forward to the full truth coming out in court, but as per usual all the cushion pansies were there, know exactly what happened, and that James side is the only side.

Fighting isn't great, but the fact that this many people here care that a dude and his brother got in a tussle is kinda ridiculous to me.

TBH, if my brother starts trying to father me telling me in front of kids that i'm a bad dad and abandoning them, i'm not sure i wouldn't react the same. Don't make it right, but sometimes shit happens when people overstep.
This. All day.