Social January 6 Capitol Hill Cop to Run for Congress on Democrat Ticket


Silver Belt
Dec 13, 2013
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Would this put the neutrality of his Congressional testimony on the Jan 6 riot into question? I have my reservations about people running for partisan office coming from law enforcement or judiciary background.
A former US Capitol Police officer who faced racial slurs as he fought off a mob during the 6 January attack has announced he is running for Congress.

Harry Dunn gained fame for his emotional testimony at the first public hearing of the committee that investigated the 2021 attack.

Mr Dunn says he is "running as the forces that spurred that violent attack are still at work".

He enters the race as a Democrat from Maryland.

Mr Dunn testified multiple times before the House 6 January committee about what he experienced when supporters of Donald Trump broke into the Capitol, where lawmakers had gathered to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Telling rioters that Joe Biden won the election, "prompted a torrent of racial epithets" he testified. "One woman in a pink Maga [Make America Great Again] shirt yelled, 'You hear that, guys, this [expletive] voted for Joe Biden!"

"No-one had ever - ever - called me a [expletive] while wearing the uniform of a Capitol police officer."

In his campaign announcement video Mr Dunn walks through what is supposed to be the halls of Congress - in a recreation video of 6 January.

"I put country above self," he says in the video. "The problem is - a lot of [lawmakers] didn't. Some of the same people who stood behind us when we protected them went back on the floor of Congress and stood behind Trump."
Why would it put his testimony into question?
They also released video that basically proved his testimony was not accurate. He should be in jail (perjury), not in congress.
Because he's running for office after leaving? Guess what? Every single witness has some sort of political leaning. You aren't required to be completely apolitical to work for federal law enforcement.
You don't think Republicans are going to use the "he was a Democrat all along" angle?
LMAO crazy cunts. In another country they might have been mowed down by a hail of bullets the moment they breached the doors of the seat of government. I'm still surprised only one person was shot as it is.

that treasonous domestic terrorist got put down like a diseased dog just to own the libs.

play stupid games win stupid prizes. that filthy magat should have complied with police orders. that was the wrong thing to do.
that treasonous domestic terrorist got put down like a diseased dog just to own the libs.

play stupid games win stupid prizes. that filthy magat should have complied with police orders. that was the wrong thing to do.
Am I correct in my recollection that the traitors kept pushing deeper until that one silly cow was put down and then they all noped out? I wonder why people think they won't be better prepared to respond to gunfire the next time around?
ACAB buddy I don’t give a fuck if some chuds beat your ass with a flag pole on J6
LMAO crazy cunts. In another country they might have been mowed down by a hail of bullets the moment they breached the doors of the seat of government. I'm still surprised only one person was shot as it is.

Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them shoot 100-pound, unarmed women. ;)