News Khalil Rountree out of UFC 303

Good. Let the card fall apart after main event is scrapped too. UFC never learns. #151
So he really reported himself to the authorities after consuming DHEA? I wonder if he pulls to the side of the road after going a few miles of the speed limit, too, and calls the cops?


Now he’s out for like six months and he misses the biggest opportunity of his career. Fck.
So is there a replacement for kahlil?
Not yet that we know of. I assume it'll be announced this week. Still wondering who is most likely to step'd think that if you wanted to shoot on Hill and be possibly next in line for the title after Ank, you jump on the chance now.
He worked with a suplement company to have an excuse for getting popped. They got his back
He didn’t get popped, though. He let the anti-doping agency know he had taken something he wasn’t supposed to.

But it’s weird to work with a supplement company that sends you shit you aren’t allowed to take. They knew that, right? Is is just to get free supplement products? Since there are a ton of supplement products that are listed as safe to take, by usada themselves! Why not take something that is listed as safe to take? That’s just stupid to me!
He didn’t get popped, though. He let the anti-doping agency know he had taken something he wasn’t supposed to.

But it’s weird to work with a supplement company that sends you shit you aren’t allowed to take. They knew that, right? Is is just to get free supplement products? Since there are a ton of supplement products that are listed as safe to take, by usada themselves! Why not take something that is listed as safe to take? That’s just stupid to me!
How did he know ? Fake news. What's the name of that company ? They told him like hey we laced your creatine with steroids ? Whenever fighters get poped 99% they turn to lying. Supplements tainted is one of the most effective excuses. Just blame the company. What's their name ? Is it a legit company do they lose stock value ? Probably not cause it's a plot to excuse himself and the sup company takes no damages. If it isn't someones pretend company for fighters to have a excuse.

Get the supplement excuse out before headlines come that he popped. Publicity trick.

Was it a Thai company ?
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So he really reported himself to the authorities after consuming DHEA? I wonder if he pulls to the side of the road after going a few miles of the speed limit, too, and calls the cops?


Now he’s out for like six months and he misses the biggest opportunity of his career. Fck.
The problem is that he knows they're going to catch it eventually. And if he doesn't report it right away, he'll look even guiltier if he pops after the fight.

Instead of a small suspension, he could be looking at years.
Only 1% of caught fighters admit it. Maybe 2-3 people have admited it. Everyone else ate kangaroo which was doped, took tren whey and sex pills.
Sounds like ulberg may replace him

I actually like that match-up more. Both are 33 and large LHW's at 6'4". Ulberg doesn't have the fights against big names like HIll but he has a nice string of UFC wins and was a pro kickboxer. Roundtree is a bit undersized and hasn't proven he can take out a top contender. His biggest win is against an aging and inconsistent Anthony Smith in 2023. and I think Hill would have taken him out.
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