Maths teacher Rebecca Joynes, 30, breaks down in tears as she is found GUILTY of having sex with two students

What a pussy that teen. Gets to fuck a hot slutty teacher and cries about it. In the 90s us non pussies would have killed for the opportunity.
Under British law, under these circumstances, he he still on the hook for child care costs?

I wonder if he/his parents decided to move forward with this case once she got pregnant and realized he would be responsible financially for the baby.
What? 62 posts into the thread and not a single southpark "nice!" vid/gif?
War Room what has happened to you?
She's British. Is normal.
Why she look like Maureen Ponderosa?
Lmao at male teenagers crying about it tbh (i'm speaking about these stories on general, in this one pregnancy being involved in this make it serious), not sure if society changed so much to don't make them realize how bitch they sounds

At that age you're going to boast about any +1 female you manage to stick your dick in lol

Those boys should be ashamed. They have late year high school girls around them who are probably looking as good as they will, and they choose this?

I've heard of going for the dented car, but these guys shopped at the demolition derby junkyard

Tbh why even be picky at that age, guy can have girlfriend, run after all his HS girls, bang the weirdo teacher and still go out that night with friends to see if there are nice tits in the club

I hope she faces the same punishment a male would.

I'm against lot of modern feminism retardness, but this does'nt make sense, the teen being male or female does tons of difference