Social Morning Breakfast Routine

Depending on my schedule it's 1-4 hours after waking up that I eat. I drink hot water and exercise before breakfast.

Have you changed what you're eating at night recently?
Nah just been eating less due to stress
I don't eat breakfast unless it's the weekend. I get up, drink some kratom and go to work. Two meals, lunch and dinner.

When I do want to eat breakfast it typically involves eggs. Don't understand adults who eat cereal. Who the hell wants to waste 500 calories on a bowl of dried wheat flakes? Cereal is disgusting and terrible for you. It's a long running scam marketed at parents who are too lazy to make a meal in the morning.
On gym mornings I have a black coffee first thing, go to workout (6-7am) and then a protein ball afterwards. Then i usually would not have anything until lunch, might have an apple or something.
I used to skip breakfast, but I feel it was affecting my concentration and performance at work and/or the gym. Guess that's what happens when you get old. Now I chug some water upon waking, then have a couple fruit bars and a scoop of protein powder. Small meal, but gives me a good mix of protein and carbs.
drink something first thing in the morning, usually water then maybe have something 2-3hrs later depending on how hungry i am. mix together oatmeal, berries, peanut butter, and yogurt. keeps me full for another 3-4hrs. changed the diet in general and lost 10-15lbs over the last few months.
How long are you usually up before you eat anything, and what do you eat in the morning? I've been waking up starving for about a week, I don't get it. Usually I just have a large iced coffee in the morning and something small before a big lunch.
Only thing I'll have every morning when I wake up like at 430am is a cup of cafe bustelo jet black no sugar. Followed by several bottles of ice cold bottled water throughout my day to get thru work. Once I am home and settled down from work is when I usually eat the first of anything at all, all day long. 6pm-7pm is when I have dinner ready for my son and wife, I'll usually have a small portion (small bowl) of whatever I made, yesterday I made arroz amarillo con habichuelas( yellow spanish rice w dark red kidney beans) con pollo asada (roasted chicken) and that is it. I usually eat a very generous portion (very small portion) of food only once a day in a very small window of time. I maintain a caloric deficit by not eating all the time. When I was eating Bfast, Lunch and Dinner everyday I got to 199lbs and I'm only 5'10 so I got fat. My entire life I was very skinny with muscles basically had near 0% body fat but now I am 37 and I have noticed if I eat like I used to I instantly gain weight and it's harder to shed the weight than when I was in my 20's. Thanks to the way I eat I am in the best shape I've been in a long time. The way I see it is the more I eat the more I have to work to put what I ate to good use for my body. I'm not climbing mountains and training like Goku anymore so eating once every 24 hours fits my daily routine perfectly. Helped me lose all that unnecessary weight and I feel strong everyday. The minute I start eating more I gain unnecessary weight, I feel like shi* thru out the day and that just don't suit my needs. Anyone out there trying to get to a certain weight or wants to lose unnecessary wight stop eating so much. Eat one time a day. Fight that ghrelin hormone in your brain, once you do the hunger will subside and go away. Drink water instead of eating food.
God Bless everyone in here and WAR Sherdog.
I wake up and read for like 15 mins in bed.

Then get up.

Half a glass of water.

Then I throw some oats in the microwave. I put a chopped apple and 3 spoonfulls of Natural Yogurt in the oats + 1-2 handfulls of multi-grain cereal.

After I eat this I have a cup of black coffee.

That's me literally every day haha.
Only thing I'll have every morning when I wake up like at 430am is a cup of cafe bustelo jet black no sugar. Followed by several bottles of ice cold bottled water throughout my day to get thru work. Once I am home and settled down from work is when I usually eat the first of anything at all, all day long. 6pm-7pm is when I have dinner ready for my son and wife, I'll usually have a small portion (small bowl) of whatever I made, yesterday I made arroz amarillo con habichuelas( yellow spanish rice w dark red kidney beans) con pollo asada (roasted chicken) and that is it. I usually eat a very generous portion (very small portion) of food only once a day in a very small window of time. I maintain a caloric deficit by not eating all the time. When I was eating Bfast, Lunch and Dinner everyday I got to 199lbs and I'm only 5'10 so I got fat. My entire life I was very skinny with muscles basically had near 0% body fat but now I am 37 and I have noticed if I eat like I used to I instantly gain weight and it's harder to shed the weight than when I was in my 20's. Thanks to the way I eat I am in the best shape I've been in a long time. The way I see it is the more I eat the more I have to work to put what I ate to good use for my body. I'm not climbing mountains and training like Goku anymore so eating once every 24 hours fits my daily routine perfectly. Helped me lose all that unnecessary weight and I feel strong everyday. The minute I start eating more I gain unnecessary weight, I feel like shi* thru out the day and that just don't suit my needs. Anyone out there trying to get to a certain weight or wants to lose unnecessary wight stop eating so much. Eat one time a day. Fight that ghrelin hormone in your brain, once you do the hunger will subside and go away. Drink water instead of eating food.
God Bless everyone in here and WAR Sherdog.
Sounds like you're very disciplined and in very good shape. Is the water ice cold because it helps with hunger or do you just prefer it to be ice cold?

I start most days with a venti iced coffee. I know it's not great for you.

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