International Putin About Xi: "As Close as Brothers", Xi About Putin: "Good Neighbour" - China and Russia No Longer Equals?

Russia and china are the strongest they have been in the last 30 years.
Thanks Biden.
Russia and china are the strongest they have been in the last 30 years.
Thanks Biden.

2 Yale researchers are pulling back the curtain on Russia's sanctions-stricken economy — and it's landed them on a list of Putin's enemies​

Over the last few years, they've found themselves on Vladimir Putin's watch list for stating what they see as a simple truth: the Russian economy is in trouble, and there's only so much cherry-picking of the data that can obscure that fact.

Moscow has fiercely defended its vision of a prospering economy, but the evidence speaks for itself, Sonnenfeld and Tian say. Soaring prices and ailing consumer sentiment have hit key sectors in Russia's economy, and Moscow is paying a huge cost to keep its war machine running.
The nation is in such dire straits that citizens could even start turning on Putin later this year, they predicted, assuming the West continues to supply military and financial aid to Ukraine.
"We can list for you what Putin has concealed – suddenly – the past three years. If his economy was performing at the level he claims, he'd provide the data ad not hide those facts," Sonnenfeld told Business Insider in an interview. "Putin survives only by cannibalizing Russian businesses – throwing the living room furniture into the furnace to keep the fire burning."



2 Yale researchers are pulling back the curtain on Russia's sanctions-stricken economy — and it's landed them on a list of Putin's enemies​

Over the last few years, they've found themselves on Vladimir Putin's watch list for stating what they see as a simple truth: the Russian economy is in trouble, and there's only so much cherry-picking of the data that can obscure that fact.

Moscow has fiercely defended its vision of a prospering economy, but the evidence speaks for itself, Sonnenfeld and Tian say. Soaring prices and ailing consumer sentiment have hit key sectors in Russia's economy, and Moscow is paying a huge cost to keep its war machine running.
The nation is in such dire straits that citizens could even start turning on Putin later this year, they predicted, assuming the West continues to supply military and financial aid to Ukraine.
"We can list for you what Putin has concealed – suddenly – the past three years. If his economy was performing at the level he claims, he'd provide the data ad not hide those facts," Sonnenfeld told Business Insider in an interview. "Putin survives only by cannibalizing Russian businesses – throwing the living room furniture into the furnace to keep the fire burning."


Propaganda. Nothing more
Propaganda. Nothing more


There's a lot of propaganda, and usually you can cut through the bullshit with some simple questions.

For example, is it really likely that a heavily sanctioned nation that lost a sizable portion of its marketplace can be performing better than it was before?

If so, most businesses would stop selling to large swathes of the population in order to make themselves more profitable because magic.

The nuclear weapons take a lot of upkeep to stay functional. It's been doubted for a long time that Russia has done what is necessary to maintain their full arsenal.

I've never taken the total warhead stockpile to mean a whole lot after the MAD quota was reached. The US deliberately downsized and streamlined, with the focus on its nuclear triad shifted predominantly towards SLBMs.

That's debatable, at least China has the ability to actually produce planes, Russia can build cool prototypes but doesn't has the tools to serialize production.

A&D also includes ICBMs, SLBMs, and space launch vehicles. The engineering has always been top notch, and rocketry got its theoretical birth from the work of Tsiolkovsky. But yeah, Russia is limited in production capacity because its economy is so comparatively weak. The last I looked, petroleum comprised over 65% of total exports. Dire.
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A&D also includes ICBMs, SLBMs, and space launch vehicles. The engineering has always been top notch, and rocketry got its theoretical birth from the work of Tsiolkovsky. But yeah, Russia is limited in production capacity because its economy is so comparatively weak. The last I looked, petroleum comprised over 65% of total exports. Dire.

Its not like a country that has a good R&D can easily throw money at a thing and increase production.

Mass production of anything is a quality and science on its own, not just a thing of money, the best example is the F-35 they made the prototype and worked just fine, then claimed a production quota that has significantly been underperforming as they underestimated how hard it would be to actually mass produce them.

What i am trying to say is that Chinese are not necessarily behind Russians, because Chinese may not have as cutting-edge tech, but they have shown they can actually produce a 5th gen aircraft, unlike Russians.
So basically as Belerus is to Russia as Russia is to China
The nuclear weapons take a lot of upkeep to stay functional. It's been doubted for a long time that Russia has done what is necessary to maintain their full arsenal.
didn't the UK's malfunction when they tried testing them again.
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China has been ahead of Russia for at least 15 years.

With Europe's dependency on Russia, it always had one foot in the West. I imagine the threat that Russia could pivot West (if China got too big and scary, the West would embrace it) gave Russia disproportionately outsized influence in the relationship. But now the European dependency is broken and Russia is isolated. They have no where to turn but to China so China can act it's size.

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