Shoop Sherdog I.G community

TS is clearly trying to steal user info. Ban, imo.
MODS. I've posted this here and hope you might pin it or leave it in heavies: elsewhere has different people who won't otherwise see this. I accept defeat if I'm overly optimistic.


The Sherdog has been around for a long time. Sadly, some of our Sherbros have passed away in real life and many of you never know each other beyond a username and thread.

I recommend getting to know each other even a tiny bit better.

We already have a starter thread for the shy but courageous:
Post your pic

Perhaps you'd be willing to follow one another on IG (or elsewhere) and make the community more real?

Yours in the Dawg.

You'll be surprised who people are beyond a username. Of course, we have trolls and jackasses but this Forum has been around forever and it would be sad if people never quite went beyond an opinion of somebody because of their smart-ass replies or lack of rasslin knowledge ;)
We already follow each other sir:
