Should I train lethwei or boxing

I'd say your lethwei would be way better if you got some previous training in boxing. Just my two cents from the sofa.
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I'd say your letwei would be way better if you got some previous training in boxing. Just my two cents from the sofa.

They are very different. boxing tends to be more front foot dominant and defensive oriented; lethwei and muay thai much more back foot dominant and "throw caution to the wind" offensive approach. badass? yes. but lethwei and thai fighters are not known for their long careers because of it. brutal on the body even by combat sport standards.

however i would agree that at least learning how to properly sit back on your punches would help; you can implement as much of a turn into the punches as you feel can still be practical with the back foot dominant balance of a lethwei fighter (that is to say, less than a pure boxer; but you can still get some turn into your punches). could throw some nasty elbows this way as well

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