Crime Special counsel charges FBI informant with lying to the bureau about Hunter and Joe Biden

Gave you the like but it was Cheney that lied and misled Bush on those issues. That and GW refusing to pardon Cheney's henchman Scooter Libby led to their falling out.
Yea and I always wonder but the intel and WMD's they could be telling bush the whole time about that and how would he know the difference. How would anyone know unless they're on the ground themselves to intel work really.
Republicans star witness has to have his bail revoked because of fears he might flee the country

they're gonna hold him in pre-trial detention?

good. they better now allow any international phone calls to the kremlin in there either.
Gave you the like but it was Cheney that lied and misled Bush on those issues. That and GW refusing to pardon Cheney's henchman Scooter Libby led to their falling out.

Being misled as the commander in chief of the most powerful nation and military in the world is a catastrophe. While Cheney and other advisors may have played influential roles in policy recommendations, ultimately, it was W that made the final decisions and bore ultimate responsibility for his administrations policies.
And I appreciate them saving me the trouble since I'm already at work. Funny how you show no contrition at being wrong from the beginning. Happy trails, dipshit.
Saving you the trouble? Who are you fooling? All you do is play patty cake in the lounge and insult people. But I see you couldn't resist getting in more jab. You really are just that pathetic.

Queue the laugh emoji.
Being misled as the commander in chief of the most powerful nation and military in the world is a catastrophe. While Cheney and other advisors may have played influential roles in policy recommendations, ultimately, it was W that made the final decisions and bore ultimate responsibility for his administrations policies.
True. He also should have taken steps to make sure he wasn't misinformed.
Being misled as the commander in chief of the most powerful nation and military in the world is a catastrophe. While Cheney and other advisors may have played influential roles in policy recommendations, ultimately, it was W that made the final decisions and bore ultimate responsibility for his administrations policies.

Woodward's series of that War suggests Bush wasn't really misled. Or at least, the claim that he was is a bit egregious. That Administration knew exactly what they were doing
True. He also should have taken steps to make sure he wasn't misinformed.

Yes, Just like with Ukraine. Biden may have been the point man and the top diplomatic official assigned to Ukraine, but it was still the Obama administration that assigned Joe, and it was Obama's policy for all impactful policy initiatives.
Yes, Just like with Ukraine. Biden may have been the point man and the top diplomatic official assigned to Ukraine, but it was still the Obama administration that assigned Joe, and it was Obama's policy for all impactful policy initiatives.
Biden pulling a Cheney and executing his own plan is what I've been suggesting this whole time.
Woodward's series of that War suggests Bush wasn't really misled. Or at least, the claim that he was is a bit egregious. That Administration knew exactly what they were doing

Ya, The dynamics between Bush and Cheney were complex and not fully transparent. One thing I'm sure of is that 9/11 Happening on W's watch was particularly humiliating, and he was looking for any excuse to start a war.
Cheney couldn't execute any plan without Bush giving the final approval, just like Joe and Obama.
Oh really?

Oh really?

Absolutely, he's claimed Executive Privilege so guess what, he's part of the Executive. The VP may lead certain initiatives, but ultimately they serve under the authority of the President and must defer to their decisions.
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Honestly? To give her some credibility on the national stage.

She doesn't have the power to do shit with the border unless he signs off. So, he's telling everyone that she's the point person so that they have to deal with her to get proposals to him. It loops her in and forces the players to engage her. Which could be beneficial politically down the road.

It's optics and politics. But in reality? He still makes all of the ultimate decisions.

Not to belittle her but it's like going to a restaurant and telling the waitress that your kid will order for himself. At the end of the day, you're paying the bill and if you don't approve of what your kid is trying to order, you're going to shut it down. The illusion of power.
She also actually wasn't assigned to do anything at the actual border. She's been working on root causes of the surge, trying to secure investment and political reforms in Central America.

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