What are some good financial guidelines to live by?

payoff interest bearing debt first, prioritize the highest interest rate. once paid off don't run it back up

Rathole some emergency cash, 3 months worth of basic expenses before you start investing

max ur 401k's match, free money you

index mutual funds until you know you have a good financial base

only invest money u can lose

buy a small house in a safe neighborhood if u ca. Rent just goes away but even a small house can appreciate and you build equity

keep shit simple. Paying cash forces you to decide if you really need something. it is way easier to tap or swipe that card and it makes it feel like you didn't actually pay anything...the guy who invented poker was smart, the guy that invented poker chips was a genius.
Have a retirement account
Don't spend beyond your means
Have a decent amount in the bank for emergencies

Most anything else is just the details of those
Don't think you are a stock picking hotshot and instead buy market ETFs
This, until your assets are large enough to attract a solid investment manager as asset allocation and access to private equity, real estate, infrastructure etc can grow wealth.

Pay yourself first, meaning have regular automatic transfers to retirement, investment, kid's education fund and so on.
Don't take financial advice from strangers on the internet.
Don't listen to Dave Ramsey.

Anything positive that can be gained from a podcast like that you could have figured out without the fascist poision(same goes for basically the whole "advice" podcast industry). The main point of such a show is to gaslight.

Dont listen to Dave Ramsey.

LMAO you guys are ridiculous.

Ramsey gives sound fundamental financial advice for people who are completely irresponsible. He’s basically finance 101 but since he’s conservative you dislike him. LMAO at calling him facist.

I disagree a lot with Ramsey, but for people who know nothing he’s a good foundation for learning about finances.

Best advice I can give is make a budget. Understand your expenses and never spend more than you make.

Also, buy Bitcoin.
LMAO you guys are ridiculous.

Ramsey gives sound fundamental financial advice for people who are completely irresponsible. He’s basically finance 101 but since he’s conservative you dislike him. LMAO at calling him facist.

I disagree a lot with Ramsey, but for people who know nothing he’s a good foundation for learning about finances.

Best advice I can give is make a budget. Understand your expenses and never spend more than you make.

Also, buy Bitcoin.
One of those fellas doesn't have a job, house, or anything. Not sure their opinions of financial matters means anything. Like taking self-defense advice from a 3 year old.

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