Opinion What is behind the insulin shortage in the US?

There would be if there weren’t hoards of shit diet induced Type 2 diabetics consuming most of the insulin

90%+ of diabetics are Type 2
There would be what? Sympathy ? Why wouldn’t you have sympathy for type 1 diabetics? Type 2s existing has nothing to do with them
There would be what? Sympathy ? Why wouldn’t you have sympathy for type 1 diabetics? Type 2s existing has nothing to do with them
I don't see why we shouldn't have sympathy for people with lifestyle-induced problems either. People's choices are a result of their tendencies and environment also. Sometimes we have to make tough choices, but IMO, they should always be informed by understanding and love.
As usual it's the endless cycle of big pharma trying to rip off your insurance company. They probably figure that if you're a fatty with a diabetes diagnosis your insurance will almost certainly cover the GLP1 agonists, which has a sticker price of around $1,000 a month without insurance. Can't get profits like that with insulin.
There would be what? Sympathy ? Why wouldn’t you have sympathy for type 1 diabetics? Type 2s existing has nothing to do with them

There’d be less of a shortage and more supply
I don't see why we shouldn't have sympathy for people with lifestyle-induced problems either. People's choices are a result of their tendencies and environment also. Sometimes we have to make tough choices, but IMO, they should always be informed by understanding and love.
This, 100%.
Apologies if already stated, but

Too many fatties?
I mean, euthanizing fatties would be a net benefit

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