What's Up with the UFC Hall of Fame Nowadays?


The Heisenberg of the Desert
May 18, 2022
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So, I've been chilling and thinking about the UFC Hall of Fame, and I gotta say, it's feeling kinda whack lately, you feel me? It's like everyone and their grandma is getting rumored for a spot in there, and I'm sitting here scratching my head wondering why.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there are some legit legends in there, but it's starting to feel like they're just throwing names in a hat and pulling them out at random. Like, where's the respect for the real OGs of the game?

So, check this out: I was brainstorming with my boys, and we came up with this crazy idea for Dana White to spice things up and make sure only the real warriors make it into the Hall of Fame. How about we have like a UFC Decathlon or something? Picture this: fighters gotta go through a series of challenges that test their skills, heart, and dedication to the game.

We're talking stuff like grappling matches against a bear (okay, maybe not a real bear, but you get the idea), eating the spiciest hot wings without flinching, and maybe even a dance-off to see who's got the best moves outside the Octagon. And hey, if they can survive all that and come out on top, then they've earned their spot in the Hall of Fame, no questions asked.

I know it sounds wild, but hey, crazier things have happened in the UFC, am I right? So, what do you guys think? Should we shake things up and bring some real excitement back to the Hall of Fame, or are we cool with the way things are going? Let's chop it up and see what's good!
chicago fire close the door on your way out GIF by NBC
Its really a great place Mark Coleman is in it he had to auction off his Pride FC trophies to pay for his injuries incurred. But you get free tickets to a UFC event its a pretty sweet deal if you include the Venum coupons they get.
No Ye Bin Kang in UFC HOF means it's a joke.
It's less a Hall of Fame and more of a Hall of People Who Were Nice to Dana.
They have khabib and joanna in there but no dj
Its just a hallway at the Apex with a few plaques hanging on the wall.
I mean its cool they honor who they can, especially since all people do is complain that they dont do enough for everyone who ever fought there.

But its obviously not got the same standards as a actual Hall of fame that would cover the whole sport. No one's really stepped up to do that, so the UFC's hall of fame is what we got. It is what it is.


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