PC Why so many girls play Valorant


Oct 4, 2020
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I support female gamers but What is it about valorant that attracts more women to play?
It's easier than Counter-Strike.
They also like Overwatch, Splatoon, Paladins, and to a lesser extent Apex. Definitely some similarities among the lot. TF2 is still mainly the lads though.
Is that why Valorant pros possess superior raw aiming skills versus CSGO pros?
I'm not sure that video is proof of your claim but I think we're jesting. Regardless, I think there is more to either game than raw aim ability. In tac fps, the best mechanical player is not necessarily the best player. Years ago, shroud was considered a premier aimer in the CS pro scene. He was a mediocre pro. Scream is another example. Tenz, yay, shazham, fns, Sick, derke, and so forth were low-tier pros in CS. A counterargument would be the NA CS scene was not well when Valorant came out. Many washed-up NA CS pros were able to transition to a similar game in its infancy and establish a foothold. NA valorant teams were also pouring large sums of cash into salaried rosters which further incentivized the switch. CS has long been dominated by EU/CIS players who seem to possess a superior tactical mindset and approach to the game than their NA counterparts. "NA is all aim no brain" has been the punchline for half my life.

Defined spray patterns and the need to counter-strafe in CS provide for a higher level of skill expression in terms of gunplay. Head hitboxes are smaller in CS. You do not have as many info-gathering tools and methods to clear angles that various Valorant agents provide. At low levels, I think Valorant is more accessible to casuals. I enjoy Valorant but I believe CS is more difficult.

I don't know the definitive answer to OP but superior marketing comes to mind.
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I'm not sure that video is proof of your claim but I think we're jesting. Regardless, I think there is more to either game than raw aim ability. In tac fps, the best mechanical player is not necessarily the best player. Years ago, shroud was considered a premier aimer in the CS pro scene. He was a mediocre pro. Scream is another example. Tenz, yay, shazham, fns, Sick, derke, and so forth were low-tier pros in CS. A counterargument would be the NA CS scene was not well when Valorant came out. Many washed-up NA CS pros were able to transition to a similar game in its infancy and establish a foothold. NA valorant teams were also pouring large sums of cash into salaried rosters which further incentivized the switch. CS has long been dominated by EU/CIS players who seem to possess a superior tactical mindset and approach to the game than their NA counterparts. "NA is all aim no brain" has been the punchline for half my life.

Defined spray patterns and the need to counter-strafe in CS provide for a higher level of skill expression in terms of gunplay. Head hitboxes are smaller in CS. You do not have as many info-gathering tools and methods to clear angles that various Valorant agents provide. At low levels, I think Valorant is more accessible to casuals. I enjoy Valorant but I believe CS is more difficult.

I don't know the definitive answer to OP but superior marketing comes to mind.
If we're talking about low TTK shooters, aim mechanics are the divider. Because, indeed, shooters are about a lot more than that, but the moment you introduce those other elements, of tactics and strategy, the high TTK shooters become more complex and demanding.
Wish they used black and white colored balls for the test so that Harvard Business Review could tell us all how it proves how subconsciously racist we all are.
Not that I want to steer into politics, since I don't think it's relevant aim trainers, to Valorant, or girls playing Valorant, but the thing that goads me is how much the press picks on gamers-- whether about the racial stuff you're talking about, or just generally. It seems the core demographic of the mainstream press these days are young female college graduates from schools with 80%+ acceptance rates and soft degrees who couldn't make their rural backwater 7th grade volleyball team, and yet they pick on gamers as aggressively as the fabricated stereotype of quarterback jocks from 1980's sex romp comedy films.

And what really goads me about it is that you know 2 minutes after they hit the "Send" button on their latest hitjob story they lay back into their seat on the subway or the bus they're riding, pull out their phone, and fire up their 1000th hour of Candy Crush or Farmville or The Sims.

Bitch, you're a gamer, too.
Not that I want to steer into politics, since I don't think it's relevant aim trainers, to Valorant, or girls playing Valorant, but the thing that goads me is how much the press picks on gamers-- whether about the racial stuff you're talking about, or just generally. It seems the core demographic of the press these days are young female college graduates from schools with 80%+ acceptance rates and soft degrees who couldn't make their rural backwater 7th grade volleyball team, and yet they pick on gamers as aggressively as the fabricated stereotype of quarterback jocks from 1980's sex romp film comedies.

And what really goads me about it is that you know 2 minutes after they hit the "Send" button on their latest hitjob story they lay back into their seat on the subway or the bus they're riding, pull out their phone, and fire up their 1000th hour of Candy Crush or Farmville or The Sims.

Bitch, you're a gamer, too.

Lol, yup all true. I was just poking fun of the famous (infamous ???) reflex test Harvard used lol.
I support female gamers but What is it about valorant that attracts more women to play?

Hero shooters attract a 30% female player base and Riot Games heavily advertised to girl gamers who played Fortnite/Overwatch.
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Because, indeed, shooters are about a lot more than that, but the moment you introduce those other elements, of tactics and strategy, the high TTK shooters become more complex and demanding.

In your opinion what high TTK shooter would be the pinnacle of displaying skill?