Economy Workers at Tn VW plant vote to unionize. GOP politicians say they made a mistake

Bullshit. You can parrot the nonsense excuses the Florida Republicans are using to try to disguise this, but there's one reason they did this. Because big businesses told them to.

“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,”

Allowing businesses to police themselves. What could possibly go wrong?

Doesn't OSHA have heat rules in place.

Found this.
"OSHA has never issued direct regulations on the subject. Instead, they've relied on the General Duty Clause when issuing heat-related citations. “Heat is a recognized hazard by OSHA, and it's been using the General Duty Clause traditionally."
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Bullshit. You can parrot the nonsense excuses the Florida Republicans are using to try to disguise this, but there's one reason they did this. Because big businesses told them to.

“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,”

Allowing businesses to police themselves. What could possibly go wrong?
I can quote from the same exact article you are quoting too......

"The ordinance was the culmination of a years-long campaign from local workers’ rights groups in response to heat-related illnesses and deaths in industries such as construction and agriculture.

Currently, there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors."

Florida workers now have a state mandated protection that no other state has. STFU
Doesn't OSHA have heat rules in place.

Found this.
"OSHA has never issued direct regulations on the subject. Instead, they've relied on the General Duty Clause when issuing heat-related citations. “Heat is a recognized hazard by OSHA, and it's been using the General Duty Clause traditionally."
These guys learned everything they know about this from tiktok.
suddenly you don't like government regulation. not surprised.

So municipalities don't have a government structure? Why do they elector people like a mayor and city council? Heck, they even put things up for vote on election day.
Sounds like government to me.

How small does that party of small government go?

The only reason this was passed was because business owners were getting fined for pushing their workers too hard, not allowing them proper breaks. So, a bunch of money was donated to the right people, and boom, we have this. There was no reason for the State to get involved.
So, a bunch of money was donated to the right people, and boom, we have this. There was no reason for the State to get involved.
The article clearly state that the bill is the culmination of years of pushing from workers rights groups............but please...tell us more about all the money being donated to the right people.
I can quote from the same exact article you are quoting too......

"The ordinance was the culmination of a years-long campaign from local workers’ rights groups in response to heat-related illnesses and deaths in industries such as construction and agriculture.

Currently, there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors."

Florida workers now have a state mandated protection that no other state has. STFU

My bad, I forgot you have the reading comprehension of a potato. That ordinance you highlighted, that was used in the article, is an example of what is now illegal in Florida because of this law, you dumb shit.

Show me anywhere in this article or the text of the law where it says anything about "state mandated protection" that no other state has. Because other than you repeating it I haven't seen that anywhere.
The article clearly state that the bill is the culmination of years of pushing from workers rights groups............but please...tell us more about all the money being donated to the right people.

People are talking about it. Just last week I had a lady, a kind, nice woman, come up to me, and ask why we haven't taken rights away from municipalities and given then to the state.
Doesn't OSHA have heat rules in place.

Found this.
"OSHA has never issued direct regulations on the subject. Instead, they've relied on the General Duty Clause when issuing heat-related citations. “Heat is a recognized hazard by OSHA, and it's been using the General Duty Clause traditionally."

Exactly. It's vague as shit. Which is why localities that have extreme temperatures and outdoor working conditions (like those in Florida) passed clearer, more stringent worker protections through local ordinances. All now illegal.
Exactly. It's vague as shit. Which is why localities that have extreme temperatures and outdoor working conditions (like those in Florida) passed clearer, more stringent worker protections through local ordinances. All now illegal.
No amount of gaslighting is going to change the fact that big business can no longer influence local municipalities to pass ordinances that don't protect the workers. Florida outdoor workers will soon have statewide protections.

Per the new law, if federal OSHA hasn’t developed rules regulating heat by July 1, 2028, the state Department of Commerce must adopt a statewide heat exposure requirement, which the legislature would then need to ratify.
No amount of gaslighting is going to change the fact that big business can no longer influence local municipalities to pass ordinances that don't protect the workers. Florida outdoor workers will soon have statewide protections.

Per the new law, if federal OSHA hasn’t developed rules regulating heat by July 1, 2028, the state Department of Commerce must adopt a statewide heat exposure requirement, which the legislature would then need to ratify.

Big business is what is behind this law moron. You literally highlighted a local ordinance that protected workers that will be removed because of this law. I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose considering it's making a point that is the exact opposite of what you're trying to argue here, but you were just too stupid to realize it.
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A Union Win for Biden but Not Workers​

This union victory had much more to do with autoworkers voting to save their jobs

The vote to unionize was, in many ways, a vote to keep their jobs.

Tesla is the bellwether for the EV business, and it’s in trouble. Last week, the company announced it was laying off more than 10%, or about 14,000, of its employees.

What's wrong with voting to save jobs?

And trying to say that Tesla's woes represent a cooling of the EV market and not the direct result of mismanagement and inflated valuation is very misleading. Tesla fucked up the cybertruck left and right and is now recalling it, and Musk is thoroughly insane if he thinks that cutting 10% of their workforce is magically going to improve their ability to deliver more product on time.

Their ability to deliver in Q3 and Q4 is going to be even worse with the staff cuts.
Let’s see if they do t try to pass a law to stop them from unionizing. That’s another fun double standard the Republican Party lives by; anti regulation until it comes to workers getting a fair shake.
- I think it's ridiculous that pro-wrestlers dont have a union. Athleast the ones that work exclusively to a org, like Wwe for example.
I'm a tradesman with tickets I can negotiate my own wage and go get a new job tm. I stay where I am cause of the guys, we were a non union company that was forced to go union.

Unions are good for unskilled labourers who will otherwise get screwed. That's it.
Trade rate is a trade rate. Look what the difference is in union vs non. This is complete nonsense.
Not sure what hot weather has to do with working in a car factory, but it isn't "muh big business against the working and middle class". The working and middle class are ones who get buttfucked when they just hike the cost of the cars to cover the added expense. Do you think car companies just decide "oh man, sucks for us", or do they increase the prices and just open the next plant somewhere else? Millionaires and billionaires don't drive Volkswagons, so this money comes from the people who do. Yeah, no shit the governor thinks it's a bad decision when the main attraction of opening an auto factory in his state is gone.

The UAW IS big business, and they don't even make anything. They have a billion dollars in assets and Shawn Fain is rich entirely from skimming off people's paychecks. He isn't negotiating for other people to help them out, he's doing it to get rich himself.
"The uaw is big business and they don't even make anything"

The United auto workers don't even make anything? You sure about that champ?

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