Max Holloway: 'BMF' Title Fight at UFC 300 Creates a 'Lot of Options'

Big fan of both guys and hate to see Max get dismantled by Justin. Love the willingness to step up and go for it though.

P.S. The BMF belt is a crock of shit.
Im going with Holloway all the way, we got mutual friends & acquintances and from what I gathered from the few times I’ve met him, he’s a legit a good dude.
So basically you pick Holloway because you like him more. Biased/emotional pick imo. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it is what it is i guess lol.
I really like both guys. I really don’t like that one must fall. I’m stoked for this but I’ll be stressing.
hope max is on all of the POI derived synthetic testosterone he can handle. he gon need it. can gaethje be beaten? yes. is a natural 145'er going to be the guy to do it? highly unlikely. if he loses, suddenly, there aren't a lot of options. its a fun fight, but it should have been someone like bobby green. not one of the most dangerous lightweights, whose known for literally changing the quality of life after you fight him. wit that said WAR HOLLOWAY!!!!!!! hope he can harness the aura of past warriors and wage triumphantly.
Just Bleed Bless :)

Fake tits make me sad sir, can I get a better pair that actually move?
I wouldn't call slurring your words, drooling on yourself and forgetting your own name as options but each to their own I guess. Max is a madman. Fully respect the guy I want to make that perfectly clear
I think Max can win this, if he catches Gaethje early.
Tough, tough fight and I don't think he wins it. I would love to be wrong. Gaethje has always been the hammer and now he's a tactical one. I think Max's career is winding down. I'm just going to appreciate him while he's here.

One of the few fighters i'd fly to the states to see fight. Imagine you see him and catch him on Kattar/Ortega form. That would be priceless......
So basically you pick Holloway because you like him more. Biased/emotional pick imo. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it is what it is i guess lol.
Yes and I already stated i think Gaethje is overrated always did but he has impressed me his last few fights & people on here are really underestimating Holloway. It is what is.
I used to like Max, but the fluffy hair, all these decisions, and "it is what it is" kicked him out of the love circle.