News White to Aspinall: Defend Interim Title or Sit on the Shelf. You Don't Get Jones.

But he was doing rugby tackles weeks after surgery, so maybe it "healed" a lot quicker? Just something to think about.

Haha, I hadn't seen that.

The pecker injury was late October & this vid is posted Feb 9th, so that's likely a solid 3 months of healing. As violent as that looked, it was him impacting a guy with a cushion in a controlled environment. Obviously this is a completely different situation than being able to do Everything that hand to hand combat at full power would demand.

That said it's pretty fooking stupid for him to be possibly compromising his recovery with a needless activity.

As far as this showing that it's a fake, I think that's a reach (pun intended) but since the best we could ever do is speculate... I don't see any point in trying to figure on it.

I recall him tweeting a picture of him in the hospital bed after surgery. I suppose that's being said to be a hollywood style scam, but I can't be bothered to entertain stuff like that. It's clear he wants to fight Stipe & that for whatever reason... he chose not to do it at the allotted time last year, & so we're doing it this year. That's all I really need to know.

I don't think he's holding up the division. HW has barely been able to produce a solid top 10, (maybe even top 5) Since Stipe, DC & Ngannou left. Don't get me wrong, we got some very interesting up & commers, but I don't think any of these men, (including Aspinall) has a resume deserving of stripping Jones of the title while he heals.
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