2018 PotWR Round 5: The General Election

Sherdog PotWR Round 5: General Election Ballot

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/Led/ blanket
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
WARNING: All votes are final. There is no change vote option on these ballots. Please do not request your vote be changed because it will not be done.

War Room Citizens. We have finally made it to our final ballot which will determine the next President of the War Room.

Please remember that the results showing above are not accurate to the actual results. Only registered voters will be counted who voted in the poll above. Please do not make assumptions simply from seeing the numbers above as they are not accurate.

Our two remaining candidates prepared their final speech before voting begins:

luckyshot said:
Wazzzup WR? It's your friendly iPotWR, luckyshot here. As the election of 2018 grinds on like the Battle of Verdun, I don’t give a heck. I’ll do this all day.

Thank You Voters!!!
First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who voted for luckyshot & Fawlty in Round 1 and/or Round 2. Whatever else happens in this election, it is truly incredible that so many posters deigned to give us their support. We are humbled. And, of course, we'd like to thank @Lead for putting in serious work to host this fiasco.

luckyshot and Team Sanity won the first round of this election. We were the top choice for more voters than anyone else. Some assumed that “Second Choice Cubo” would cruise in the second round.

Whelp, guess what folks? Didn’t happen.

If you didn’t vote luckyshot in Round 1 or Round 2, that’s OK, I ain’t mad atchya. Come on over! Party’s still going, water’s still warm, and we’re about to make a fresh beer run!

Why lucky?

My Sticky thread plans are right here where they’ve always been. Right out in front. Under President luckyshot the PotWR sticky threads will become one of the WORLD’S foremost intellectual resources for exposing bothsideism.

The sticky thread will be an ongoing series of topics—guest written, thoroughly cited and sourced, by Sherdog’s leading intellectual lights— dedicated to utterly dissecting the pernicious myth that “both sides are just the same anyways.” And yes, smart conservatives will get their say.

Some of the topics in this series – each to be explored in detail – would be:
· markets
· immigration
· technology/infrastructure
· social programs
· civil rights
· military interventionism
· fiscal responsibility
· jurisprudence
· the environment
Think you know what “both sides” have really done throughout history in these areas? You’ll probably be surprised by a fact or two – or ten. You get to pick which side you think is right; we’re here to explore how both sides are – and are not – the same.

Other candidates either have NO vision for the sticky thread or a totally unrealistic vision based on false powers that the PotWR doesn’t have.

Cubo has said he’d turn the sticky thread into a long, interminable series of votes about what the Sticky thread should be about! Lol. How pointless… anyone on Sherdog can make a thread. Why do you need 99 votes to see what the Sticky thread should be about? There is an old saying, “If you have two quarterbacks, then you don’t have a quarterback.” Well, if you have 25 different ideas for a Sticky thread, you don’t have a Sticky thread.

A leader needs to have an actual VISION.

There is one important addition to the Sticky platform, and this comes courtesy of esteemed WR stalwart @JDragon. In addition to the “bothsides” series, the WR sticky will also contain a comprehensive list of the most common logical inconsistencies and rhetorical fallacies that we see in the War Room debate—along with specific examples. I thank JD for this suggestion, and feel it will really serve to raise the level of awareness for and around quality argumentation.

When you look at it honestly, I’m the only candidate with a clear, realistic, specific vision for the Sticky thread. I’d get it done right, and over the course of the next year, we’d learn an important thing or two that affects our political outlook. Isn’t that why we’re here?

My Sticky plans are better than Cubo’s. I am still willing to debate, defend or modify them based on the best ideas anyone’s got. I feel extremely confident that I continue to offer the most clear, specific, realistic, and focused plan for the Sticky.

Speaking of thread-making content… it’s recently been brought to my attention that Cubo has made a grand total of four threads this year. Why should Cubo be gifted a Sticky thread when he barely ever even bothers making regular threads? I, on the other hand, have contributed content to the WR continuously.

From the start of this campaign I have made no bones about who I am or where I stand: anti-Trumpism but vigorously pro-honest, specific debate. Again and again I have demonstrated the willingness to listen calmly to those with whom I disagree, and to try to understand why they believe what they believe.

Cubo likes to say, “A vote for luckyshot is a vote for another Homer Thompson!!!”

But, if you look at it objectively, what was Homer’s worst feature? He lost the ability to distinguish between Sherdog and irl and lashed out over it (see Crave fiasco).

Well, Cubo, sorry, but I’ve got to point something out:
· Who lost his cool this election over a stupid online joke?
· Who used social justice to try to pressure the other candidate into getting rid of his VP?

I think temperamentally, out of the two of us, you’re the one who has some questions to answer.

Here’s the difference between luckyshot and Cubo in a nutshell:
luckyshot takes issues seriously; Cubo takes himself (a bit too) seriously.

I’ve really enjoyed the relationships I’ve made over this stupid fake election. This, of course, includes my Sanity brothers, but also all the guys who have busted my balls in good humor. Thank you all. One guy I’ve been lucky to get to interact with for first time is a man who is a King in his own Realm, a funny dude (who actually has very common-sense political views), and – most important – a People’s Champion...

I am thrilled to announce that as part of the community building initiative of the luckyshot campaign, @Clippy has graciously agreed to join this party-- in a Role of shadowy behind- the- scenes power!!

That’s right folks: in a first ever WR special 2 for 1 deal: You vote luckyshot & Fawlty, and you get a Clippy absolutely free! (or vice versa).

Sanity gives the people what they want. Let’s do this folks. Let’s have some fun out there.

PS- If you are a Sanity voter worried that I've "sold out" by accepting Clippy's endorsement, never fear. Turns out that even a Paper Clip has more spine when it comes to expressing a clear opinion than "moderate left" candidate Cubo, lol.
Somehow Trump convinced all you guys that he is the only source of true news, and that's dangerous and really exposes America.
Remember that time heroes died in a war for us and Trump was afraid to get a little wet once in his life
Trump intentionally filled the cabinet with the worst he could find. Wash them all out.
Well I'm a Canadian but I would vote for Not-Trump

luckyshot, 2019

@Cubo de Sangre
Cubo de Sangre said:

Fellow Sherbros,

The time has come to make a final decision. Before you decide please take a moment to understand the differences between team Cubo/Chris and Luckyshot/Fawlty.

A vote for Lucky is a vote for the continuation of left-wing partisanship in the same vein as we got with the Homer/Lucky administration. Just switch out Homer with Fawlty. A vote for Cubo is a vote against letting partisan elitists shout you down and ridicule you, as they attack in a pack.

A vote for Lucky is a vote for the same old threads made every day in this forum. They've admitted there's nothing special about their plan. But that's ignorant, and telling. What does it say about them that they couldn't even bother to find out the specifics of what the office of President can do? A vote for Cubo is a vote for somebody who wants to make a difference badly enough to understand the rules. The President gets to make sticky-threads, set the rules (that don't break forum rules), and enforce any breeches of conduct via the authority of reply bans. This is why my platform is the only one bringing value to our War Room. I'll raise the standard of discourse in those threads and reply ban those who choose not to abide.

So ask yourself, do you want the same old threads, but all from a partisan left perspective? Or do you want a variety of posters to create content from across the political spectrum, where I work diligantly on your behalf to weed out the worthless trolling and the substitution of insults for arguments?

I humbly request this opportunity to attempt something we've never had here. Something that can only be done if elected President. It is my promise to work as hard as I can not to let you down. And to stake my reputation on conducting myself impartially when enforcing the sticky-thread rules. You will all have a chance to submit your ideas and be thread starters. You will all be able to post in the threads without fear of partisan hostility undermining the process of deciding which ideas are best, rather than victories being claimed over which guy talks the best smack.

This shouldn't be about which poster you like better, Cubo or Lucky. It should be about which platform is going to deliver the greatest benefit to the War Room. The answer to that is inarguably the Cubo/Chris platform.



Eliminated Candidate Endorsements:
Clippy said:
Dear fellow Sherdoggers

I was asked to write a victory speech or a concession speech depending on what happens. So I thought I would do both at once so I only have to write one thing and am prepared for anything. I never like to quit so I'm hoping this will be a victory speech. This might get weird and very conflicting with itself.

First off congrats to @luckyshot who I'm officially announcing as my primary Vice President! Or if I'm not in the finals then I fully endorse this man. If you came here to vote for me then vote for me but if I'm not here then vote for him. For real. I look forward to seeing me here … hopefully.

I am so happy and proud to make it this far and look forward to the finals unless I'm not here. Luckyshot will be a worthy contender and I'm glad Cubo de I can't say his name is eliminated. What a glorious victory this is for me.

Every year my powers grow stronger and I make a little further. So even though I did or didn't make it I feel blessed to be where I am - hopefully with a crown on my head.

I wanna do crowns. I'm also glad to see the colourful Warroom prefixes are gone now that I won or didn't. Vote Clippy cause it feels right. You guys are awesome and thanks to EVERYONE who got me wherever I am.

I wanna take some time now to personally thank so many people annoyingly and one at a time

@SOAzmayesh - You are the most motivational motivator ever. You really motivated me good with your motivations and kept my spirits up when things looked grim. When doors needed to be knocked down you knocked them down! You rock man I hope to see you by my side as I run the War Room or as I pick up the pieces and run again next year.

@Arqueto176 - You made a lot of good campaign material and artwork for me. I only know how to draw alcoholic messy lines in bitmap so when you showed up and made all this artwork for me it meant a lot. Look forward to even more of your amazing talents while I take charge of this place or concede to fight again next year.

What the fuck you're writing a speech now? Like seriously I thought this was some weirdo fantasy election thing on a fighting forum but you are spending WAY too much time on it. I mean you have to fix these stairs soon cause one of us are going to get hurt and you can damnwell bet if I get hurt you'll get fuckin hurt too - are you listening to me what the fuck STOP TYPING ASSHOLE

whoops sorry I have this thing where when people talk to me my thoughts get confused and I just keep typing everything I'm hearing. I had to pop out for a second cause my wife needed me and says hi.
I should really erase all that but I don't like to waste my time, if I type all this shit out I'm using it. It's a big flaw of mine, it's why I failed English in grade 10 but I don't care - I'm not changing for anybody and
Oh shit I gotta get back to thanking people.

Grolsch beer is really good - it's German beer but I'm Canadian and don't give a fuck, I like German beer. Except Heinken

Clippy's campaign is brought to you by German beer and legal Canadian Marijuana

@Canned Tuna - I want to thank you for your help. You always knew how to gussy up my speeches. I can write a decent speech but you sprinkle flakes of tuna, I mean flair and greatness in what I write. You took my turd and polished it and made it into a diamond. And diamonds are forever. I should have given you this speech to proof read cause I don't know what I'm doing really. Sometimes I just think stuff unfiltered and my words just fall over the keyboard like so much spilled spaghetti. But seriously you were loads of help and I feel bad cause you chose me as your Noob off Mentor and … I was kinda useless.

@RockstarChris You were my first VP before I fired you publicly for losing focus and supporting other candidates and being overall more manic than I usually am. And then … we haven't talked since. You're either really mad at me or died and I hope you're feeling good and not dead. I hope we can one day look back at this and laugh over a cup of tea and an episode of Battlebots. Robot fighting man it's what's for dinner.

@MC OverPressure You were the delivery boy of my cabinet and in a time of postal strikes this was really helpful. It's weird that you delivered everything in shopping bags though and always had shopping bags in your pockets. Like you have some kind of weird obsession with shopping bags and getting stoned a lot. But you're cool and even though I had to jab at you with a meter stick (you guys call them yard sticks) to remind you to vote for me, you always came through. Except in the first round when you forgot to vote me. Just remember to vote me now in the finals unless I'm not in the finals. Like fuck this is confusing but I'll be damned if I'm writing two speeches.

@sniper You were or still are my Minister of Guns and then you shot the place up and didn't do much else … but thanks for playing with guns.

@syct23 You are or were depending on what's happening, my war chief. And much like Sniper .. I don't know what you did. You mostly told me to fuck off and have a good day. You weirdly kept alternating from insulting me to being nice to me to insulting me to being nice to me

Oh fuck this reminds me of a Monty Python sketch

Oh man first thing I'm doing in the War Room sticky thread is having a discussion about our favourite Monty Python sketches - If I won which I don't know right now.

But hey @Lead you did a bang up job running this show - it's always a good time. I hope we do this exact same shit next year where I'll try to get re-elected … or elected for the first time.

I was never good at ending speeches.

JamesRussler said:
Ladies and gentlemen,

Now is not the time for cucking to the @luckyshot campaign. Don't be a beta male. If you elect Luckyshot, you will be bombarded with the gayest SJW bullshit you ever saw. Seriously. It will be like rape. You will be a beta male cuck, and you will be taking it up the ass all year. Everyone will lose respect for you. Don't do it.

Now is the time to vote for @Cubo de Sangre. He is is super based and red-pilled, and totally fucking awesome. He will support freedom of speech and guns. He is a badass. Cubo is also a family man, which is badass. Vote for Cubo if you are a man with honor. Cubo is known widely as a man who brings people together. He is a man of the community. Everyone who knows him loves him. You should vote for Cubo.

Luckyshot likes all the gayest shit. He likes shit like My Little Pony and Pokemon. He is also down for shit like feminism and reparations. He will enforce hate speech laws to silence you. He is a fucking asshole. Fuck him. @Clippy cucked to Luckyshot. I believe there's a picture of it online somewhere. I won't post it here, but that shit is gross. Fuck all that shit.

Basically if you're a Right-leaning voter, you would be a retard to vote for Luckyshot. Cubo is the only choice you have. If you voted for @JamesRussler before, I better not catch you cucking to Luckyshot. A vote for Luckyshot is a vote for @Fawlty . It's also a vote for @HomerThompson , whom was universally hated when he was banished. Luckyshot will report you to Crave.

Vote for Cubo. Don't be a beta male cuck. This is for the betterment of society and the world.
He is the chosen one. You should choose him too.


Lowmanproblems said:
Please! No! Dont! Stop!

Breathe through the pain, it always gets easier with time.

The world is flat.

Dont touch the fire or you will get burned.

“Taking crazy things seriously, is a serious waste of time”

Haruki Murakami

“For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.”

Suzanne Collins

“When two men are fighting and the wife of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she puts out her hand and catches hold of the mans privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy.”

Deuteronomy 25:11

“Moreover, the one who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall certainly stone him. The alien as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.”

Leviticus 24:16

“Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals—as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions. This is how you assessed the obscene conduct of your youth, when the Egyptians fondled your nipples and squeezed your young breasts.”

Ezekiel 23:19-21

“I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I dont like eating fish, and I know that's very popular out there in Africa.”

Britney Spears

“The word “genius” isn't applicable in Football. A Genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.”

Joe Theismann

“In the War Room anyone can be President, thats the problem.”

George Carlin

Vote @luckyshot PotWR.

One for @Cubo de Sangre

“I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.”

Dean Martin

A vote for Luckyshot is basically a vote for Homer Thompson, and why would any sane person want a continuation of that disaster?

@Cubo de Sangre has my vote.

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Candidate List (Seeded)
@Cubo de Sangre


@Hunter Simpson

The Registered Voter List (Please use a limit of 10 tags per post)
@Cubo de Sangre
@Farmer Br0wn
@Lord Coke
@Jack V Savage
@Hunter Simpson
@Liquid Smoke
@Roaming East
@MC OverPressure
@Lord Palis
@Jackie Blue
@Rational Poster
@Edison Carasio
@Dr. Shoemaker
@Captain Davis
@Limbo Pete
@ocean size
@Devout Pessimist
@bad seed
@Anung Un Rama
@second sight
@Son of Jamin
@D 1 Wrestler
@Possum Jenkins
@no fat chicks
@The ScorpioN
@The Diplomat
@Last Samurai
@Ice That Jaw
@King of Fists
@Teen Wolf
@Diamond Jim
@Al Gorithm
@Bloody Pulp
@Gutter Chris
@Staph infection
@Carolina Skiff
@computer fogie
@Lucifer Alpha
@Mark Hunts FIST
@Post Mortem
@Dirt Road Soldier
@Don Quixote
@Final Rehab
@Hans Gercmiov
@Hard To Tell
@Iceberg Slim
@n...not crazy
@Rob Battisti
@kiki do you love me
@Whippy McGee
@Workers United
@Satsui Ryu
This is GNN!!!!!


luckyshot lead remains intact even after the 24 hour "Late Cubo Voter Phenominom" plays itself out for the third and final time in the 2018 POTWR election.

DOX News Instanalysis

Cubo's Bold Move: Authentic or Tactically Motivated?
by DOX News Anchor JDragon

POTWR candidate Cubo de Sangre has surprised the WR public with a statement in which he stressed that he never intended to be the posterboy of the right, felt that the campaign process forced him into that role, and that from now on he wanted to focus on his platform and bipartisan outreach again.

There are good reasons to believe this statement is heartfelt. Cubo's original campaign focused strongly on a process-oriented platform, and his attempts to seek endorsements from left-wing and centrist posters are documented. The recent mudslinging contest, also involving his wife in the periphery, certainly caused stress and spill-over that he cannot have liked - and the optics of his involvement were not good for neutral observers.

At the same time, Cubo is now firmly entrenched as the darling of the right. While some right-wing WR citizens have made the leap of faith to support luckyshot, his core support team now consists of hard right wing citizens and even Palis Analytica. Luckyshot has inaccurately been framed as a radical left-winger, which Cubo did not push himself, but had also not worked against. The deed is done, the narratives have been established. From this point of view, Cubo now has nothing to lose in terms of right-wing appeal, but to gain from centrists and long-time War Room citizens.

And then there also is the long game. Not only would Cubo, an independent thinker, hate to be assigned to a camp too firmly in the public eye, but there also is the issue of how he is supposed to achieve his goals as POTWR if he completely alienates the centrist and left-wing portions of the War Room. He'd have won, but lost the ability to do what he set out to do, rendering his reign empty and meaningless.

In the end, it is likely a mixture of emotional and tactical aspects that made him go this way. It remains to be seen whether he will be successful. The numbers favor Cubo down the line despite a narrow luckyshot lead. But what is most important to me here: irrespective of who wins, we are likely to get the best POTWR to date. Sure, they will have to deliver. But that is still reason to celebrate already.
Gandhi said:
This is GNN


luckyshot takes early lead over Toxic Cubo in POTWR final ballot!!!!!!!
GNN Reports: Cubo falters early after dirty politicking jades voters; remains slight favorite to win race


Barely twelve hours in the final round of the POTWR election and there has already been substantial drama. Luckyshot has pulled out to a surprising 23-vote lead, currently besting race-long front runner Cubo de Sangre by a tally of 89-66. While de Sangre has made a habit of slow starts in both of the previous rounds of voting as well, there may be reason for concern this time around, as voters who identify as "moderate" have expressed disgust with his recent campaign decisions, including spreading lies about both his opponents and constitutents and, perhaps most notably, aligning himself with unsavory characters like Palis, Sketch, and SBJJ. While de Sangre had come under fire previously for his chumminess with characters like SBJJ, a poster arguably defined more by his dim wits and poor social tact than necessarily his bad intentions, it was not until recently that Cubo actively supported the brain cell-diminishing campaign activity of bona fide shit posters Palis and Sketch. The emergence of Sketch and Palis as leading de Sangre surrogates granted a gaping insight into just how badly Cubo's campaign had degenerated and to what depths it would stoop.

"I originally thought he was a reasonable moderate," one poster was quoted as saying, "but Sketch and Palis are two of the worst posters in the history of the War Room and the fact that he refuses to disavow them is like if Donald Trump refused to disavow Jared Fogle and John Wayne Gacy."

However, GNN polling still projects Cubo to return to his deep bag of voters and pull out a squeaker. We currently give Cubo a 52% chance to win, versus 48% for luckyshot.
Gandhi said:


luckyshot takes early lead over Toxic Cubo in POTWR final ballot!!!!!!!
GNN Reports: Bipartisanship council for luckyshot campaign seems to be in works, could include cincymma79, others

As first reported by GNN, the luckyshot campaign has been vetting candidates for a possible bipartisanship council to help reach across the aisle and make the War Room more connected. With recent votes cast in his favor by posters @cincymma79 and @Rygu, it looks like the two posters could be early favorites for appointments to this council. Other posters rumored to be under consideration include @KnightTemplar, @HockeyBjj, @Headkicktoleg, @Son of Jamin, and @machidafan99.

GNN Reports: Moderator puppet? Potential tyrant? Candidate Cubo de Sangre has unresolved questions


GNN has been contacted by every member of this race, all seeking an endorsement, and it has refused to provide one. Even now, on the night of the election, we have not endorsed a candidate. However, we have expressed concerns. And tonight, they are about Cubo de Sangre.

Democracy is fragile. At no point since the end of the Cold War has this reality ever been more clear. Entering the final round of voting, race-long betting favorite Cubo de Sangre has left several questions unanswered about how and whether he will protect democratic values in the War Room. Repeatedly, he has deferred to moderator action and celebrated when moderators scoffed at the War Room's own members suggested their own changes and their own control over moderation.

This is fundamentally concerning.

We all know a moderator that we like and who carries out his or her duties with professionalism, sincerity, and grace. However, most of us also know moderators that frequently abuse or abandon their authority. For all the good that the War Room's moderators can do and have done, there is one glaring problem with their office: moderators are not elected - they are merely bureaucrats appointed by a faceless big brother. This makes our moderators fundamentally disconnected from the democratic pulse of the forum. We need to reaffirm that we, the people, make up this community and that the moderators should serve in our interest.

It has long been the position of GNN that the solution to democracy is always more democracy, not less. And we are unsure of whether Cubo de Sangre can sufficiently protect the narrow democracy still left in the War Room.

But de Sangre's deference to moderators is not the most concerning aspect of his campaign. While he has made sure to toe the line and avoid clear political stances, his temper has flared dramatically in recent weeks. This was most vividly seen when he, in response to an off-hand joke, unleashed a furious series of insults at his opponent's vice presidential candidate Fawlty. However unsightly, this was somewhat understandable given their history of vitriol and Fawlty's notoriety as a silver-tongued sillyboy. But Fawlty was not the only target, as many members of his opponent's team and their friends were sucked into the whirlwind of anger, in which Cubo repeatedly endorsed false, even vicious, claims against posters not even party to the election.

This is not to say that de Sangre is a terrible candidate. Personally, this GNN writer rather likes him. And this is certainly not to say he is not a viable candidate: current GNN polling places him at having 51.9% of the vote and gives him a roughly 69% chance of winning this election. Should he win, not all hope is lost. To be sure, he would be a much better President than the disaster that was 2017 President Palis. However, these questions of his temperament, his openness to ideas, and his subservience to unelected moderators is concerning.

GNN is a nonpartisan outlet that is funded exclusively by its readers and by its founder @Gandhi. GNN would like to formally congratulate both of the candidates and wish them both the best possible luck.
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Since good Sherdoggers don't read OP's.


Fellow Sherbros,

The time has come to make a final decision. Before you decide please take a moment to understand the differences between team Cubo/Chris and Luckyshot/Fawlty.

A vote for Lucky is a vote for the continuation of left-wing partisanship in the same vein as we got with the Homer/Lucky administration. Just switch out Homer with Fawlty. A vote for Cubo is a vote against letting partisan elitists shout you down and ridicule you, as they attack in a pack.

A vote for Lucky is a vote for the same old threads made every day in this forum. They've admitted there's nothing special about their plan. But that's ignorant, and telling. What does it say about them that they couldn't even bother to find out the specifics of what the office of President can do? A vote for Cubo is a vote for somebody who wants to make a difference badly enough to understand the rules. The President gets to make sticky-threads, set the rules (that don't break forum rules), and enforce any breeches of conduct via the authority of reply bans. This is why my platform is the only one bringing value to our War Room. I'll raise the standard of discourse in those threads and reply ban those who choose not to abide.

So ask yourself, do you want the same old threads, but all from a partisan left perspective? Or do you want a variety of posters to create content from across the political spectrum, where I work diligantly on your behalf to weed out the worthless trolling and the substitution of insults for arguments?

I humbly request this opportunity to attempt something we've never had here. Something that can only be done if elected President. It is my promise to work as hard as I can not to let you down. And to stake my reputation on conducting myself impartially when enforcing the sticky-thread rules. You will all have a chance to submit your ideas and be thread starters. You will all be able to post in the threads without fear of partisan hostility undermining the process of deciding which ideas are best, rather than victories being claimed over which guy talks the best smack.

This shouldn't be about which poster you like better, Cubo or Lucky. It should be about which platform is going to deliver the greatest benefit to the War Room. The answer to that is inarguably the Cubo/Chris platform.


I was going to vote for [SIZE=5]@Clippy[/SIZE], but now that he's joined the luckyshot ticket, I'm team Lucky all the way!

With luckyshot's experience, intelligence, and cool temperament (that other guy is an emotional wreck!), combined with Clippy's raw sexual magnetism?

Forget about it, I'm sold.
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Look at the creative energy exerted for your entertainment between the two campaigns, then ask yourself who you can trust to put work into this for the next 11 months.




















Wazzzup WR? It's your friendly iPotWR, luckyshot here. As the election of 2018 grinds on like the Battle of Verdun, I don’t give a heck. I’ll do this all day.

Thank You Voters!!!
First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who voted for luckyshot & Fawlty in Round 1 and/or Round 2. Whatever else happens in this election, it is truly incredible that so many posters deigned to give us their support. We are humbled. And, of course, we'd like to thank @Lead for putting in serious work to host this fiasco.

luckyshot and Team Sanity won the first round of this election. We were the top choice for more voters than anyone else. Some assumed that “Second Choice Cubo” would cruise in the second round.

Whelp, guess what folks? Didn’t happen. We won that one, too.

If you didn’t vote luckyshot in Round 1 or Round 2, that’s OK, I ain’t mad atchya. Come on over! Party’s still going, water’s still warm, and we’re about to make a fresh beer run!

Why lucky?

My Sticky thread plans are right here where they’ve always been. Right out in front. Under President luckyshot the PotWR sticky threads will become one of the WORLD’S foremost intellectual resources for exposing bothsideism.

The sticky thread will be an ongoing series of topics—guest written, thoroughly cited and sourced, by Sherdog’s leading intellectual lights— dedicated to utterly dissecting the pernicious myth that “both sides are just the same anyways.” And yes, smart conservatives will get their say.

Some of the topics in this series – each to be explored in detail – would be:
· markets
· immigration
· technology/infrastructure
· social programs
· civil rights
· military interventionism
· fiscal responsibility
· jurisprudence
· the environment
Think you know what “both sides” have really done throughout history in these areas? You’ll probably be surprised by a fact or two – or ten. You get to pick which side you think is right; we’re here to explore how both sides are – and are not – the same.

Other candidates either have NO vision for the sticky thread or a totally unrealistic vision based on false powers that the PotWR doesn’t have.

Cubo has said he’d turn the sticky thread into a long, interminable series of votes about what the Sticky thread should be about! Lol. How pointless… anyone on Sherdog can make a thread. Why do you need 99 votes to see what the Sticky thread should be about? There is an old saying, “If you have two quarterbacks, then you don’t have a quarterback.” Well, if you have 25 different ideas for a Sticky thread, you don’t have a Sticky thread.

A leader needs to have an actual VISION.

There is one important addition to the Sticky platform, and this comes courtesy of esteemed WR stalwart @JDragon. In addition to the “bothsides” series, the WR sticky will also contain a comprehensive list of the most common logical inconsistencies and rhetorical fallacies that we see in the War Room debate—along with specific examples. I thank JD for this suggestion, and feel it will really serve to raise the level of awareness for and around quality argumentation.

When you look at it honestly, I’m the only candidate with a clear, realistic, specific vision for the Sticky thread. I’d get it done right, and over the course of the next year, we’d learn an important thing or two that affects our political outlook. Isn’t that why we’re here?
My Sticky plans are better than Cubo’s. I am still willing to debate, defend or modify them based on the best ideas anyone’s got. I feel extremely confident that I continue to offer the most clear, specific, realistic, and focused plan for the Sticky.

Speaking of thread-making content… it’s recently been brought to my attention that Cubo has made a grand total of four threads this year. Why should Cubo be gifted a Sticky thread when he barely ever even bothers making regular threads? I, on the other hand, have contributed content to the WR continuously.

From the start of this campaign I have made no bones about who I am or where I stand: anti-Trumpism but vigorously pro-honest, specific debate. Again and again I have demonstrated the willingness to listen calmly to those with whom I disagree, and to try to understand why they believe what they believe.

I’ve really enjoyed the relationships I’ve made over this stupid fake election. This, of course, includes my Sanity brothers, but also all the guys who have busted my balls in good humor. Thank you all. One guy I’ve been lucky to get to interact with for first time is a man who is a King in his own Realm, a funny dude (who actually has very common-sense political views), and – most important – a People’s Champion...

I am thrilled to announce that as part of the community building initiative of the luckyshot campaign, @Clippy has graciously agreed to join this party-- in a Role of shadowy behind- the- scenes power!!

That’s right folks: in a first ever WR special 2 for 1 deal: You vote luckyshot & Fawlty, and you get a Clippy absolutely free! (or vice versa).

Sanity gives the people what they want. Let’s do this folks. Let’s have some fun out there.

PS- If you are a Sanity voter worried that I've "sold out" by accepting Clippy's endorsement, never fear. Turns out that even a Paper Clip has more spine when it comes to expressing a clear opinion than "moderate left" candidate Cubo, lol.
Well I'm a Canadian but I would vote for Not-Trump
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Please! No! Dont! Stop!

Breathe through the pain, it always gets easier with time.

The world is flat.

Dont touch the fire or you will get burned.

“Taking crazy things seriously, is a serious waste of time”

Haruki Murakami

“For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.”

Suzanne Collins

“When two men are fighting and the wife of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she puts out her hand and catches hold of the mans privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy.”

Deuteronomy 25:11

“Moreover, the one who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall certainly stone him. The alien as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.”

Leviticus 24:16

“Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals—as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions. This is how you assessed the obscene conduct of your youth, when the Egyptians fondled your nipples and squeezed your young breasts.”

Ezekiel 23:19-21

“I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I dont like eating fish, and I know that's very popular out there in Africa.”

Britney Spears

“The word “genius” isn't applicable in Football. A Genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.”

Joe Theismann

“In the War Room anyone can be President, thats the problem.”

George Carlin

Vote @luckyshot PotWR.

One for @Cubo de Sangre

“I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.”

Dean Martin
Thank you fellas and ladies for your votes to this point. There is just one more vote to go before the winner is declared. Been a long election but it's nearly over, and we have a good chance of winning. Check out our position and our plan below.

Thanks again, and cheers!

We will come out of the gate swinging in January, where we will tackle our first issue: Free Speech! The modern and historical considerations: constitutional limits, safe spaces, political correctness, lies, academia. Words from ancient civilizations, to the Founding Fathers, all the way to modern thinkers. Who has it right? Is it really "both sides?" We'll tear into it together and decide. While we're going hard from the start, the other campaign wants to hold a town hall. Forget that! We know each other well enough around here, and we're ready to get started on day 1.

Luckyshot and Team Sanity have a clear, specific vision of exposing "both sideism," illogical beliefs from every ideology, and getting to the truth of the issues. Threads will be comprehensive and high-quality, sourced and researched. Arguments will be held to a high standard. We will be as tough on shaky liberal arguments as we are on conservative ones. A strong argument is a strong argument.

So vote for sanity, vote for the strongest arguments, and vote to curb both-sideism. Vote for Luckyshot (plus clippy!)!



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Look at the creative energy exerted for your entertainment between the two campaigns, then ask yourself who you can trust to put work into this for the next 11 months.



















The heart and soul of my novice/special ed Gimp skills >>>>>>>>> Fake quotes


that I made you stop using

Thank you fellas and ladies for your votes to this point. There is just one more vote to go before the winner is declared. Been a long election but it's nearly over, and we have a good chance of winning. Check out our position and our plan below.

Thanks again, and cheers!

We will come out of the gate swinging in January, where we will tackle our first issue: Free Speech! The modern and historical considerations: constitutional limits, safe spaces, political correctness, lies, academia. Words from ancient civilizations, to the Founding Fathers, all the way to modern thinkers. Who has it right? Is it really "both sides?" We'll tear into it together and decide. While we're going hard from the start, the other campaign wants to hold a town hall. Forget that! We know each other well enough around here, and we're ready to get started on day 1.

Luckyshot and Team Sanity have a clear, specific vision of exposing "both sideism," illogical beliefs from every ideology, and getting to the truth of the issues. Threads will be comprehensive and high-quality, sourced and researched. Arguments will be held to a high standard. We will be as tough on shaky liberal arguments as we are on conservative ones. A strong argument is a strong argument.

So vote for sanity, vote for the strongest arguments, and vote to curb both-sideism. Vote for Luckyshot (plus clippy!)!

All of the women in my life are party animals.

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