Law 9 year-old boy served VPO at school

Who said it wasn't true? I said it was odd for something like this to involve 9 year-olds.
I didn't say anyone said it was true or false, other than the mother obviously. That's not the point of an if...then... statement, is it?

The story does not document and specific actions taken by the kid or by the school, nor does it confirm whether or not police reports were created on the occasions she says she contacted them.

It's all just a bunch of ifs due to the lack of information. If she complained to both the police and the school multiple times, what did she say the kid was doing to her daughter, specifically? Where is the school's documentation of these incidents and what does it say? Ditto the police? The lack of detail suggests there isn't any, i.e. the incidents are overblown in her head or some such.

On the other hand, the fact that the protective order was granted suggests there is real substance to the complaint, although I know nothing about the process so I don't know what the standard is, frankly. But in that case why did the school fail to take any action?

So, I reserve judgement, but by default, fuck bullies at any age. They need to be taught early on that shit is not on.
I think the parents of bullies should get served felony prison sentences. Hold parents accountable for the action of their kids. They are doing it for school shooters now. But I think it needs to be for all kinds of shit.
It's tough because bullies are often the manifestation of awful situations at home, terrible parenting, and lack of discipline both at home and at school. Bullies do suck for the other kids and their parents but I also genuinely feel bad for them because they're often dealing with a shitty situation themselves. One thing I noted is that the grandmother of the bully was speaking in the article which suggests his parents aren't around.

When the school and parents/guardians won't do anything, as seems to be the case here, then I have no problem with something like this happening. It's unfortunate but kids deserve to go to school to learn and have fun. There will be difficult situations along the way but they shouldn't be constantly harassed and bullied with the school and parents/guardians not doing anything about it.
I self-moderated my comment. I get what you're saying. But it's hard for me to empathize with bullies. I entered elementary school when I was 5 years old but I was ahead of everyone in the class. So for a long time I was always smaller than everyone else in my class and the automatic target of every bully, pretty much. Once I finally hit a growth spurt that stopped for the most part, but that just reinforced to me that bullying is a bitch-ass weak sauce move and all the more detestable from the point of view of the bullied.
I self-moderated my comment. I get what you're saying. But it's hard for me to empathize with bullies. I entered elementary school when I was 5 years old but I was ahead of everyone in the class. So for a long time I was always smaller than everyone else in my class and the automatic target of every bully, pretty much. Once I finally hit a growth spurt that stopped for the most part, but that just reinforced to me that bullying is a bitch-ass weak sauce move and all the more detestable from the point of view of the bullied.

I get where you're coming from. Having been on both sides of it when I was young, I understand why victims of bullies don't have much sympathy for them. I've just seen a lot of situations where the bully needs help themselves, especially in the more drastic cases where the bullying is constant for a long period of time.
What sucks is the kid who the other parents claim is a problem seems to be being raised by his grandmother

How does a 9 year old stalk someone at school? It's not like they're running around unsupervised all day.

This seems like overkill to me.
At that age, it's likely they have all the same classes together, or the same teacher all day. From the sounds of it, the school didn't care and lord knows most teachers won't get involved. So what else are the parents supposed to do?

Besides just going and beating the hell out of the other kid, which I endorse if all else fails
Teachers can only do so much. It takes their principal/administrators to actually take the necessary action to remove the threat/handle the issue.
Even then it can take a small miracle. Most schools, and the people running them, would rather turn a blind eye.
It depends, what was happening? From the article it doesn't seem like anything that egregious even took place, just that some kid was annoying a little girl with constant unwanted attention.

This mother might be one of those helicopter Karen types, who did some serious overreacting, but it's hard to tell with such little information available.

They also don't mention the father at all. I wonder if he's in the picture, as it's a father's job to protect his daughter. If he is, it's possible he's somewhere with his head in one hand and a beer in the other, because his crazy baby mother went and acted ridiculous again over kids being kids. But, again, too little information to tell.
Lol if only you had this level of skepticism for Bigfoot sitings!
Sadly there has been a ton of news here about violence and bulling in schools lately,
We are talking from 8 - 9 year old even having knife with them to school.
Schools for some reason has refused to call the people or file with the police.
Now the police has gone public and told schools and partens to file.

Little shits like this need to learn a lesson.
when they are young there is still time to turn them into decent people.
A few more years and its too late.

As a parent I understand you will do anything to keep you children safe and to have a good childhood. I cant hate on that.
her mother can't protect her forever

bullying is bad but it's something that you need to overcome to live a healthy life

bullying doesn't stop at school, it's everywhere
At that age, it's likely they have all the same classes together, or the same teacher all day. From the sounds of it, the school didn't care and lord knows most teachers won't get involved. So what else are the parents supposed to do?

Besides just going and beating the hell out of the other kid, which I endorse if all else fails

most teachers wont get involved in what exactly?

I can't imagine a teacher just watching someone get abused for that long without intervening

either the parent is overreacting or the school needs to be investigated
most teachers wont get involved in what exactly?

I can't imagine a teacher just watching someone get abused for that long without intervening

either the parent is overreacting or the school needs to be investigated
Most teachers will not get involved in their students being physically, emotionally, or even sexually abusive. Its easier for school districts to just blame parents or ignore the problem.
Most teachers will not get involved in their students being physically, emotionally, or even sexually abusive. Its easier for school districts to just blame parents or ignore the problem.

America needs to overhaul their system then. That is disturbing.

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