Locked AEW CX: Stinger's Last Ride

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That Darby promo set in some reality. Fucker's crazy and probably wouldnt mind dying up there.

Death comes for us all, B. Some sooner than others.

Okada as a cocky dick who knows he's the best, while The Young Bucks do their EVP shtick is gonna work very well imo. Okada is naturally good at being cocky
Sexy Okada is going to act like a giant jerk and beat the shit out of Eddie? This is the best debut ever
Very much enjoyed Dynamite this week. Was hoping they'd keep momentum going and they did. Big Business is next!

New look is good. Not sure about the music, will give it a listen.

Swerve absolutely killed it in the opening promo segment. Devil group suck.

Tag match was good. Again, Swerve looking like a million bucks.

Weird Bucks thing in the back.

Hook vs Cage was there. Highlight was Taz burying the latter's promo ability.

Poor Hook, the latest victim of Jericho. Might be the final nail in his short career.

Killswitch's finisher sucks. GTA Christian was fantastic!

Nick Buck is a horrendous promo. Okada! He's a heel. Right. We'll see how it goes.

Statlander vs Riho was great.

Darby cut a darn good promo on Jay White. Should be a good match. Darby is insane for wanting to climb Everest.

Main event was good. You can probably put Will in there with anyone, but I will certainly take Bryan Danielson at some point!
Dynamite was excellent this week. Nobody touches Ospreay in the ring and Okada finding the hard cam immediately and giving us that smarmy grin was money. The Bucks got their mojo back pretty quickly.

The show seemed very organized and contained. The perfect amount of: videos, angles and matches for AEW. Hopefully that continues.
Angelico hasn't worked for AAA for like 7 years. Don't think he applies to the CMLL vs. AAA politics lol
I thought it applied to all Mexican promotions that weren't CMLL. Although I dunno when he actually last worked Mexico
Angelico hasn't worked for AAA for like 7 years. Don't think he applies to the CMLL vs. AAA politics lol

I thought it applied to all Mexican promotions that weren't CMLL. Although I dunno when he actually last worked Mexico

Thought the embargo was on Mexican wrestlers that didn’t wrestle for CMLL at all.

…which would have no effect on a South African wrestler that rassled in AAA.
Thought the embargo was on Mexican wrestlers that didn’t wrestle for CMLL at all.

…which would have no effect on a South African wrestler that rassled in AAA.
I didn't think it specified nationality.
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