Television ANDOR (Dragonlord's Recommendation: One of the Best TV Shows of 2022, post #439)

The main character could very well die and the movie character could be a clone or twin.
I'm watching this again and I'm still amazed at how good it is.

When I first watched it I gave it the attention I usually give Star Wars properties, which in this case was not nearly enough. This time I'm absorbing every second, because this show was built with the kind of care that demands and deserves it.

I've always said some properties should be interpreted by as many people as possible because that increases the chances someone will get it right. Gilroy got it right, and then some.

He doesn't care about Star Wars, he isn't married to the Skywalkers and all the cluttered fan service that mires every other project. He was handed a story and built the series as best he could, which turns out is pretty damned good.

I don't care for Mando, Boba, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka. I don't hate that they were made and I will watch every episode, but they weren't written for me. I'm pretty sure they're more successful than Andor because they tried to give people what they want and are basically kid shows.

Andor was definitely written for me and definitely NOT a kid's show. I hope this level of quality which is absolutely the highest ever produced in any Star Wars project is ultimately rewarded and repeated.
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Find it hilarious how best SW show has nothing to do with old characters while shit ones are all full of them

I actually have to disagree here. Most folks >40 (and many younger than that) would agree Andor is an objectively better show than regular SW. But while no space wizards were hurt during filming, knowing they exist allowed Andor to be what it is. This is a show about the little people living in the shadow of the holier-than-thou astronaut/race car driver/magician/samurai/diplomats who run the galaxy. And there were just enough references to remind you they're a factor - Perrin inviting Ars Dangor and Sly Moore to dinner (but never actually showing them), khyber crystals, Luthen and his space sith blades. Even "Kleia" (imitation Leia).

Cheesy SW lore had to happen off-screen so Andor could focus on grown up stuff without having to get its hands dirty.
I actually have to disagree here. Most folks >40 (and many younger than that) would agree Andor is an objectively better show than regular SW. But while no space wizards were hurt during filming, knowing they exist allowed Andor to be what it is. This is a show about the little people living in the shadow of the holier-than-thou astronaut/race car driver/magician/samurai/diplomats who run the galaxy. And there were just enough references to remind you they're a factor - Perrin inviting Ars Dangor and Sly Moore to dinner (but never actually showing them), khyber crystals, Luthen and his space sith blades. Even "Kleia" (imitation Leia).

Cheesy SW lore had to happen off-screen so Andor could focus on grown up stuff without having to get its hands dirty.

I didnt understand references lol
I'm watching this again and I'm still amazed at how good it is.

When I first watched it I gave it the attention I usually give Star Wars properties, which in this case was not nearly enough. This time I'm absorbing every second, because this show was built with the kind of care that demands and deserves it.

I've always said some properties should be interpreted by as many people as possible because that increases the chances someone will get it right. Gilroy got it right, and then some.

He doesn't care about Star Wars, he isn't married to the Skywalkers and all the cluttered fan service that mires every other project. He was handed a story and built the series as best he could, which turns out is pretty damned good.

I don't care for Mando, Boba, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka. I don't hate that they were made and I will watch every episode, but they weren't written for me. I'm pretty sure they're more successful than Andor because they tried to give people what they want and are basically kid shows.

Andor was definitely written for me and definitely NOT a kid's show. I hope this level of quality which is absolutely the highest ever produced in any Star Wars project is ultimately rewarded and repeated.
I'm not a SW fan, frankly I dislike the franchise at this point, but I thought Andor was one of the best shows in years across all genres. Looking forward to a rewatch before S2.
I didnt understand references lol

TBH I didn't know who Ars Dangor and Sly Moore were either and had to look them up after they name dropped them in the series - Mothma was hella pissed her husband invited them to dinner.

Ars Dangor was this giant oompa loompa looking MFer shown in ROTJ:


Sly Moore is space Sinead O'Connor after converting to Judaism and was sitting next to Palps in ROTS. Apparently In the EU she's also his baby mama.


Both were in Sidious' inner circle and I'm pissed they never showed that dinner onscreen in Andor. Probably went down like an awkward sitcom with Ars Dangor wanting to farm more ewoks for their foie gras and Sly Moore demanding baby yoda ear dim sum with a laugh track going in the background while Mon Mothma clenches her teeth pretending to smile.
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I'd be reluctant to rewatch this because I remember long chunks of it being really fooking boring like the assembly line scenes. I don't need to know the specifics of it all as if I'll be called upon to fill in as assembly worker.

Seems like a lot of these streaming shows have this type of long boring filler.
I'm watching this again and I'm still amazed at how good it is.

When I first watched it I gave it the attention I usually give Star Wars properties, which in this case was not nearly enough. This time I'm absorbing every second, because this show was built with the kind of care that demands and deserves it.

I've always said some properties should be interpreted by as many people as possible because that increases the chances someone will get it right. Gilroy got it right, and then some.

He doesn't care about Star Wars, he isn't married to the Skywalkers and all the cluttered fan service that mires every other project. He was handed a story and built the series as best he could, which turns out is pretty damned good.

I don't care for Mando, Boba, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka. I don't hate that they were made and I will watch every episode, but they weren't written for me. I'm pretty sure they're more successful than Andor because they tried to give people what they want and are basically kid shows.

Andor was definitely written for me and definitely NOT a kid's show. I hope this level of quality which is absolutely the highest ever produced in any Star Wars project is ultimately rewarded and repeated.

I agree with everything that you wrote. Once you accept that not everything is created for your personal tastes, the world opens up.

I loved Andor as well. It is my favourite Star Wars thing. I think it was also one of the least popular Star Wars streaming series so I get why they make things like Obi-Wan. I am just glad that they are making a season 2 of Andor.
I actually have to disagree here. Most folks >40 (and many younger than that) would agree Andor is an objectively better show than regular SW. But while no space wizards were hurt during filming, knowing they exist allowed Andor to be what it is. This is a show about the little people living in the shadow of the holier-than-thou astronaut/race car driver/magician/samurai/diplomats who run the galaxy. And there were just enough references to remind you they're a factor - Perrin inviting Ars Dangor and Sly Moore to dinner (but never actually showing them), khyber crystals, Luthen and his space sith blades. Even "Kleia" (imitation Leia).

Cheesy SW lore had to happen off-screen so Andor could focus on grown up stuff without having to get its hands dirty.

Good point. I definitely enjoyed Andor more knowing how it fit into the broader Star Wars universe.
Goddamn this was fucking great. Started it a few weeks ago, finished it a few days ago. Fine wine, top shelf Star Wars. What an unexpected treat. Really looking forward to the wrap-up S2 next year.
I'm watching this again and I'm still amazed at how good it is.

When I first watched it I gave it the attention I usually give Star Wars properties, which in this case was not nearly enough. This time I'm absorbing every second, because this show was built with the kind of care that demands and deserves it.

I've always said some properties should be interpreted by as many people as possible because that increases the chances someone will get it right. Gilroy got it right, and then some.

He doesn't care about Star Wars, he isn't married to the Skywalkers and all the cluttered fan service that mires every other project. He was handed a story and built the series as best he could, which turns out is pretty damned good.

I don't care for Mando, Boba, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka. I don't hate that they were made and I will watch every episode, but they weren't written for me. I'm pretty sure they're more successful than Andor because they tried to give people what they want and are basically kid shows.

Andor was definitely written for me and definitely NOT a kid's show. I hope this level of quality which is absolutely the highest ever produced in any Star Wars project is ultimately rewarded and repeated.
Honestly though I feel like so much of modern Starwars ignores the tone of the originals, even the first film whilst its a fantasy adventure is full of brutality and very adult banter and Empire Strikes Back which I think really gave the franchise a lot of its depth is quite a dark adult film with the odd it of humour to it. The only Starwars which really matches the tone of the sequel films very well for me is the Ewok section of Jedi and even that I feel was more successful due to Fords talent for comedy.

You look at Empire Strikes Back especially and honestly Andor is really not THAT far away in tone, its dealing more with political realitys and thriller elements than Empires grander personal stories but the tone and the setting are really not that far away.

I don't think it comes down to "fandom" so much as not exploiting cheap nostalgia, I would argue Andor takes a great deal of influence from Rogue One(which obviously Gilroy worked on heavily as well) and I think Gareth Edwards is actually a much bigger Styarwars fan than most of those making other SW content, the difference is he's more in love with the tone and the design style.
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This show was alot better than anyone thought. But it's not nearly as good as some say thatcitsxthe greatest show last 10 years or whatever. It was much better thsn anyone thought but its reviews by some are carried away. Imo

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