Media Anthony Smith accepts Poatan's 50k grappling challenge

If you believe, you can achieve

War LionHeart
Potan’s time is coming
poatan gonna show up with gordon ryan in his corner
If they do grapple potards are gonna realize how awful Alex’s grappling is and why he’d get smoked at heavyweight
just reading comments
seeing people really absolutley believe potanan could defend a choke against smith
I guess we will find out now. He did alright against Jan with both hooks in
was is it about anthony smith that rubs people the wrong way? tryhard nice guy? it started with the jones fight where he didn't take the DQ win for the title, right?
was is it about anthony smith that rubs people the wrong way? tryhard nice guy? it started with the jones fight where he didn't take the DQ win for the title, right?
I dislike him because he acted like he was the shit for beating 89 years old Rashad and Shogun.

He also derailed quite a few prospects.
was is it about anthony smith that rubs people the wrong way? tryhard nice guy? it started with the jones fight where he didn't take the DQ win for the title, right?

He talks himself up like an invincible fighter and unsurpassable analytical genius and refuses to humble himself even in defeat.
They better stream it for the fans. That way we don't have any confusion on who won. Also, so Smith doesn't run his mouth on his podcast.
I love AS.

As real as it gets, admitted he's hella inconsistent and accepted the challenge all while giving props to Aldo.

He's also a JBG disciple

I'm a big fan too. Great example of an overachiever...his longevity and accomplishments are as much due to his mindset as his skill set.

Smith's trigger potential around here is just a bonus. It is funny to hear people shit talk about a guy with almost 60 pro fights under his belt lol
If the grappling challenge is real. Smith will probably beat Alex on the ground. Smith isn't from one of the coastal cities so his BJJ might not be "elite". Blackbelts who are professional grapplers will beat him. Smith still has a lot more mat time than Alex. Smith started out in MMA as a high school wrestler with no real training to a first degree black belt. The only real advantage Alex has is that he is in better shape than Smith. I will concede that this matchup is closer vs a Luke/Alex matchup.
I'm a big fan too. Great example of an overachiever...his longevity and accomplishments are as much due to his mindset as his skill set.

Smith's trigger potential around here is just a bonus. It is funny to hear people shit talk about a guy with almost 60 pro fights under his belt lol
He's a Delusional weirdo. Come at me bro.
Honestly, Smith has some slick grappling. He's above average in terms of grappling ability for MMA.

But Poatan trains with Glober who is no slouch. The same Glober who beat the brakes off Smith.

If Alex has truly achieved black belt level under Glober and Co, I can see Alex suprising us. But on paper, I'm inclined to think that Smith gets the tap. However, if he doesn't get the tap, I can see Alex winning on points.

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