Social Any MySpace vets here?

Did any of you use MySpace back in the day?

Still use it now?

I am curious because I never used it myself and I am wondering what your experiences were like.

Where did it go wrong (if it did go wrong)? What were the awesome things about it?

Myspace vet checking in. Still havent got the help from the gov to deal with my myspace induced ptsd when i got bumped out of the top 4 spot for a couple of people i knew.

i think they went wrong when they tried to have a resurgence with these cringy commercials.
I used to have one ages ago
( gf made it for me randomly without my knowledge i ended up keeping it )

But imagine using my space in 2022 <MaryseShutIt>{<diva}<DisgustingHHH>[<diva4}<BakerNo>
I remember my girlfriend at the time, briefly breaking up with me because I had drunkenly added another girl to my top 8. Lets just say that relationship didn't last much longer....
Did any of you use MySpace back in the day?

Still use it now?

I am curious because I never used it myself and I am wondering what your experiences were like.

Where did it go wrong (if it did go wrong)? What were the awesome things about it?
Used it from Korn's forum. Haven't logged on in probably 15 years. Got milky getting a message from my favourite band at the time 36Crazyfists' lead singer.
this is a question for everybody else on this thread as well - what caused you to stop using MySpace?

Were there specific issues? or did you just drift away as FB gained popularity?
I was one of the MySpace holdouts, for a while. Eventually Everyone started to jump ship and migrate to Facebook. Some would delete their MySpace account and some would just abandon it. The site was once alive, bright, and vibrant, then it turned turned into a dark, desolate wasteland full of accounts that hadn’t been logged into for months or even years. After nearly everyone on my friends list stopped using, I deleted my account. It was like being alone at a party after everyone had left. There was nothing to do or talk about.
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I used MySpace back in the day. As others mentioned, it was cool because you could customize your page, reorganize your top 8 friend list, have your own music playing, etc...

It was better than Fakebook or Shitter because it wasn't dominated by politics and fringe social groups. It was just good ol' fashion teen angst for the most part.

I deleted Tom, everybody's first friend, immediately. Sad.

I met and later hooked up with a teen celebrity who is still semi-famous and actually just got into some legal trouble. Won't mention her name because, well, you wouldn't believe me anyway, and though we were close in age and her parents were okay with it, I was a hair over 18 and she was a hair under.

I got off MySpace after I went to work in China, and when I got back to the States in 2015, I'd long forgotten about it and social media altogether.
Not gonna read all 4 pages. But it's also worth noting that MySpace was kind of the dawn of social media as we know it now. It wasn't corrupted or cynical yet and was still focused on the users' genuine interactions with each other.

Mega corporations and local police stations didn't have their own MySpace pages like FB and Twitter have now. Musicians could organically share/promote their art directly with their fans without being shoehorned into truncated clips and word counts. And the community wasn't being treated as a product to sell to data harvesters. And who can forget the lack of advertising?

It wasn't perfect, and soon enough people began to craft the kinds of exaggerated personas that are ubiquitous on social media today. It fell apart as soon as Facebook really found its groove with our generation. But for a brief period, MySpace represented what social media is actually supposed to.
I had a myspace that I used a little more than I use Facebook now which isn't much. I did have one interesting experience in my early 20's. I don't see or know my dads side of the family. I got a message from a cousin I didnt know about, as we have a weird last name. and ended up meeting my aunt for lunch. I think I may have asked if she knows what's up with my dad or if I have brothers or sisters, she didn't know anything about him or where he was. Yikes. And that was it, never talked to her again
I met a lot of people on MySpace. One of my closest friends I met there.
Did any of you use MySpace back in the day?

Still use it now?

I am curious because I never used it myself and I am wondering what your experiences were like.

Where did it go wrong (if it did go wrong)? What were the awesome things about it?
check out my death space, myspace users who died terrible deaths
Somebody else mentioned Nexopia as well. Was that a purely Canadian thing? How was it alike/different from MySpace & FB?
There were a few Americans on there, but it was dominated by Canadians. The profile layouts were pretty lame and definitely not as cool/customizable as Myspace. They had Forums which were quite popular, I don't think Myspace had that? They sold 'Plus' for $5 a month and allowed you to customize your profile a bit more and change colours and shit, and you got a few perks in the forums as well, you could even create your own subforum.

I actually lost my virginity to a chick I met on there haha.

My ex made a MySpace for me and her when it first came out. She was always trying to get me on it and I just didn’t have the time. For that shit.

Then one day she tells me a highschool ex was trying to friend request her and could she accept it. He was married had kids etc. I was like yeah whatever.

fast forward a while and she’s on that shit way to much.

then the mother fucker was texting her late at night and shit.

I dumped her for various reasons but this was a straw in the camels back I guess.

She begged. Me to take her back for months wouldn’t do it.
She eventually started dating said dude. Dude started cheating on his wife with her. Dude told her he said his wife was cheating on him blah blah blah.

Dudes a total loser.

More to story but yeah , shit fucked her life up.

The. Reason MySpace died, and Facebook took over with the. Younger generations was you used to have to have a school. Email adress to get on Facebook. And it was popular because old. People and parents where starting to get on Facebook.

Now Facebook has old people and parents and why each younger generation continually goes to the next newest social platforms.