Any suggestions for traditional metal, hard rock or classic rock songs with a galloping bass?

Joni Mitchell wrote " This Flight tonight " and did a great job on her acoustic guitar , Nazareth would listen to her in their tour bus and decided to do a cover

and then a few years later Heart released " Barracuda " which they later admitted borrowed the galloping bass riff from Nazareth

Interesting. So Nazareth borrowed in some sense and then Heart borrowed from their borrowing. I guess that's often how music works...
When Sabbath and Dio banged hard for Heaven and Hell, Lady Evil brought the bass. That ENTIRE album rocks!

The early '80 were blessed to have that while Ozzy got paired with the phenomenal guitarist Randy Rhodes (RIP Randy). Was lucky enough at that time to be a metalhead (with the time and money) to to see both Heaven and Hell and Ozzy's Blizzard of Ozz tours live AF in good ol' North Cackalackey USA.

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