Anyone think that Joey Swoll goes overboard?


Dragon Slayer
Mar 10, 2002
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I watch his videos, in part because I sit in front of a computer at work and get bored and also because they are interesting and also because he often does make good points about respecting people, etc. and often seems to be giving people their just deserts for obnoxious, bullying actions. But sometimes I go to check out the accounts of people he's called out in his video just to see the backlash and I definitely think for some of them it goes way overboard. Like for the ones where its an influencer or would-be influencer complaining that someone complained about them or complaining that someone walked in front of their camera or whatever, it seems like it isn't necessarily a justification for an Order 66 Viking raid on all their social media accounts. Maybe this has been discussed ad infinitum but does anyone else think that maybe the guy could include in his videos a disclaimer that people shouldn't attack the people he's critiquing or bomb their social media accounts?
I watch his videos, in part because I sit in front of a computer at work and get bored and also because they are interesting and also because he often does make good points about respecting people, etc. and often seems to be giving people their just deserts for obnoxious, bullying actions. But sometimes I go to check out the accounts of people he's called out in his video just to see the backlash and I definitely think for some of them it goes way overboard. Like for the ones where its an influencer or would-be influencer complaining that someone complained about them or complaining that someone walked in front of their camera or whatever, it seems like it isn't necessarily a justification for an Order 66 Viking raid on all their social media accounts. Maybe this has been discussed ad infinitum but does anyone else think that maybe the guy could include in his videos a disclaimer that people shouldn't attack the people he's critiquing or bomb their social media accounts?

Had to look this bloke up

"Bodybuilder and fitness influencer"

seen some of his vids. the issue with what he does, which is calling out the call-outers is that eventually he becomes one of them. what started off as ok ends up being preachy and gets enough people against him that one day they may attack him back.
seen some of his vids. the issue with what he does, which is calling out the call-outers is that eventually he becomes one of them. what started off as ok ends up being preachy and gets enough people against him that one day they may attack him back.
Yeah, that's kinda what I think. Lynch mob-type things seem to always eventually turn on the people that instigated them.
Nah. They post the shit to the internet, they didn't have to. People shouldn't post shit if they don't wanna catch flak for being shitty, especially when the people they're filming didn't consent to it and aren't doing anything wrong. They're just having done unto them what they're doing to others
Nah. They post the shit to the internet, they didn't have to. People shouldn't post shit if they don't wanna catch flak for being shitty, especially when the people they're filming didn't consent to it and aren't doing anything wrong. They're just having done unto them what they're doing to others
Yeah, I definitely see what you're saying, but then I think some of the videos are relatively benign--like where someone walks by a video and the influencer briefly bemoans it--relative to the hardcore backlash they receive. I remember a woman was filming herself and a guy approached her pretty aggressively and told her he didn't want to be in her video and she posted something like, "What's this guy's problem?" and it seemed like the Swoll army just went in way too hard on her, where like, everything she posted for a while had some Swollios going after her.

Some stuff he goes after is pretty bad though, like those guys making fun of the handicapped dude busting his butt doing squats, for example. Really, tons of them are super-obnoxious. I just don't know about the part where peole flock to all their social media and nuke them, especially the tamer ones.
would-be influencer complaining that someone complained about them or complaining that someone walked in front of their camera or whatever

This is the problem. People are just complaining way too much about every little thing nowadays. And i would like to file an official complaint against those people.
I watch his videos, in part because I sit in front of a computer at work and get bored and also because they are interesting and also because he often does make good points about respecting people, etc. and often seems to be giving people their just deserts for obnoxious, bullying actions. But sometimes I go to check out the accounts of people he's called out in his video just to see the backlash and I definitely think for some of them it goes way overboard. Like for the ones where its an influencer or would-be influencer complaining that someone complained about them or complaining that someone walked in front of their camera or whatever, it seems like it isn't necessarily a justification for an Order 66 Viking raid on all their social media accounts. Maybe this has been discussed ad infinitum but does anyone else think that maybe the guy could include in his videos a disclaimer that people shouldn't attack the people he's critiquing or bomb their social media accounts?

You need to do better. Mind your own business.
seen some of his vids. the issue with what he does, which is calling out the call-outers is that eventually he becomes one of them. what started off as ok ends up being preachy and gets enough people against him that one day they may attack him back.

I've seen a few vids as well. They arent interesting enough to watch any more.

The whole thing is kind of stupid. Youtube influencer trying to out-youtube-influence other youtube influencers. Joey seems only slightly less annoying than his targets.

Sure, sanctimonious self-entitled influencers filming themselves in the gym is pretty cringe, but the solution to this cringe that Joey offers is almost as cringey, and WAY more sanctimonious and falsely moralizing. He's really doing exactly the same things these gym bimbos are doing - only instead of showing off his body, he's trying to show off this contrived pseudo-compassion.

It's content for girls just entering puberty, who are hormonally empathetic and haven't yet developed a robust charlatan and fakery defense system yet - and, just learning now that he has an attack squad that lash out at the subjects of his video, this makes perfect sense. Right in line with 12 year old girl mentality.
Rage porn grievance influencers wear their hearts on their sleeves and do nothing but bitch. I don't watch him. I don't need to go to YouTube to hear people complain.

His videos are made for people who don't go to the gym. I go to a big gym with power lifting, people talking about steroids openly, and young attractive people filming. I am the weird old guy stretching in the aerobics room. Never have I ever had a bad interaction with anyone, or seen anything go down. If you work out, Joey Swoles videos won't appeal to you because he is talking about irrelevant bullshit.
I've seen a few vids as well. They arent interesting enough to watch any more.

The whole thing is kind of stupid. Youtube influencer trying to out-youtube-influence other youtube influencers. Joey seems only slightly less annoying than his targets.

Sure, sanctimonious self-entitled influencers filming themselves in the gym is pretty cringe, but the solution to this cringe that Joey offers is almost as cringey, and WAY more sanctimonious and falsely moralizing. He's really doing exactly the same things these gym bimbos are doing - only instead of showing off his body, he's trying to show off this contrived pseudo-compassion.

It's content for girls just entering puberty, who are hormonally empathetic and haven't yet developed a robust charlatan and fakery defense system yet - and, just learning now that he has an attack squad that lash out at the subjects of his video, this makes perfect sense. Right in line with 12 year old girl mentality.

I think you should stop beating about the bush and tell us how you really feel.......
I watch his videos, in part because I sit in front of a computer at work and get bored and also because they are interesting and also because he often does make good points about respecting people, etc. and often seems to be giving people their just deserts for obnoxious, bullying actions. But sometimes I go to check out the accounts of people he's called out in his video just to see the backlash and I definitely think for some of them it goes way overboard. Like for the ones where its an influencer or would-be influencer complaining that someone complained about them or complaining that someone walked in front of their camera or whatever, it seems like it isn't necessarily a justification for an Order 66 Viking raid on all their social media accounts. Maybe this has been discussed ad infinitum but does anyone else think that maybe the guy could include in his videos a disclaimer that people shouldn't attack the people he's critiquing or bomb their social media accounts?
Joey Swoll was a fitness scammer that changed his image with one of those PSA videos. That is his schtick now and it is honestly good for the fitness community when it comes to policing etiquette. A lot of small or big influencers have main character syndrome when they are filming. We all pay the same amount in the gym but we have to work around someone because they have a tripod. The issue is that Joey Swoll is just making videos for content now and sometimes he forces the content.

The people that follow him also go too far with the doxing. Sometimes I get the outrage but other times I am just like this person was being a snob in the gym. No reason to try to get them fired or go after their spouse's job etc etc.
For a while he went for a softer "do better" approach and im not sure if he still does that. The chicks that openly accuse guys of being perverts for no reason at all seemed to be the ones he would have his audience target.

If anything gym bullies should be fair game, stealing weights and benches from people who also pay for membership. Outside of that I could care less if people walked in front of a camera and someone got mad.