Social Are intelligence and happiness tied together in any way? If you are highly intelligent, is it more likely that you’ll be more, or less happy?

If you are highly intelligent, is it more likely that you’ll be more, or less happy?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I find that when you are highly intelligent academically, you end up losing something or missing some other skill like social skills for example.

I think if you are a obsessive analyzer keen observer of life, you're going to go bonkers, because your hypersensitivity and the amount of info you are processing is through the roof.

I believe people who super intelligent, may tend to be less happy than people with average intelligence. I could be wrong though.

Do you think people who are highly intelligent are more happier or less happy in the long run?

I think if you are a obsessive analyzer keen observer of life, you're going to go bonkers, because your hypersensitivity and the amount of info you are processing is through the roof.

I believe people who super intelligent, may tend to be less happy than people with average intelligence. I could be wrong though.
You hit the nail on the head, at least in my own, personal experience. The overthinking, overanalysing, and overobserving of what's going on around me, both on the smallest (regular, social life), and the largest scales (national, global, scientific, etc.), can completely consume me at times, sometimes for months on end. Makes living in the moment almost impossible. And it appears to be getting worse as I get old(er).
Yes, generally speaking, I reckon.
To a degree, generally speaking looks like having a higher IQ helps, with a higher income & thus less general stress more security, & agency. they might have high,those with the lowest IQs.

While they might have high standards and big picture concerns, research shows that people with high IQs are actually more likely to be happy; data from the research showed that people with the highest IQs were much happier than those with the lowest IQs.
(If you're wondering, those categorized as having the highest IQs fell between 120 and 129, while those in the lowest category fell between 70 and 99.)
Any data/ research on people with IQs over 129?
i would imagine life without constant brutal introspection and over-analysis is quite nice and peaceful. i don't see how a truly smart person can be happy. you quickly get to the dark joke at the center of all existence and there's no unseeing what you see there.
i would imagine life without constant brutal introspection and over-analysis is quite nice and peaceful. i don't see how a truly smart person can be happy. you quickly get to the dark joke at the center of all existence and there's no unseeing what you see there.
Can really fuck up developing social skills as well. My perception of life, at five, was so vastly different from all the other five year olds, that I became completely isolated. I mean, what five year old obsesses over death and the universe, and always has his head buried in a book, instead of wanting to kick a ball or play chase or some other nonsense, useless game? It wasn't until I was 15, 16 till I came across someone of a same age who shared my world view and obsessions.
When looking at the “evidence” that suggests a correlation between IQ and depression, and other such things, keep in mind that much of this stuff uses survey data which is not accurate.

For instance, would lower IQ people even know if they had mood disorders or were depressed? No. So how would they self report those dispositions?
i would imagine life without constant brutal introspection and over-analysis is quite nice and peaceful. i don't see how a truly smart person can be happy. you quickly get to the dark joke at the center of all existence and there's no unseeing what you see there.

Acceptance. I can't speak for others but that's how I stay reasonably balanced. I know we live in a fucked up world which is likely to get worse, I can get all bent & depressed over it or just accept it & get on with my life and move on. I choose to do the latter, life's short and I've got shit to do.
I think you’re more likely to be sad if you’re intelligent - but that all depends on empathy rather than Einstienery

If you’re intelligent but not empathic you’ll be happy you can succeed and outwit people.

If you’re bright but empathic then anything can make you sad. Think about the state of the world = sad. The fact that a squirrel will never be able to appreciate Mozart = sad.

If you are empathic but not bright stuff might make you sad if you understood it but you don’t so you’re fine…
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Maybe it is not actually being intelligent, but more introspective. You can fool others for a lot longer than you can fool yourself, especially if you are constantly examining your actions all the time.
The dumber you are, the happier you are.

High IQ losers BTFO.
Ive met some really, really dumb fuckers that were happy with their lives.

Ive met some super smart people that were not.

Honestly.. the dumb fucks may have been on to something.