Aussie rock appreciation thread

A mixed Kiwi / OZ rock band headed by the legendary Max Merritt - Max Merritt and the Meteors - I must've played the grooves off this album as a teen and all the coolest parties had the needle in the groove of it!!! Unfortunately, we lost Max some years ago ......let the good times roll :)
The drummer and other members of this legendary 60s band played in the Easybeats - their hit song in '65
Midnight Oil - yuuuuuuuck !!!


Show some respect.



Show some respect.


I have little respect for a wimpy band which is highly overrated and knows it !! There are thousands of Aussie bands of the past and present which eat off MO's head any ol' day !!!
Wow, a lot of stuff here to go through. I went through a phase a few years back of listening to to a bunch of Sharpie related bands. Lobby Loyd and the Coloured Balls, especially.
Since I never get to talk Australian bands with anyone except here I'll throw in Asteroid B-612. Perfectly fine garage rock stuff. But, for me, mainly notable because swedish rock giants The Hellacopters did an awesome cover of their song "I Just Don't Know About Girls"

Here's the Hellacopters version:

Also utterly unrelated to the above, and probably not the scene of most people on this thread, but Australia is home to one of the biggest* 90's Christian Death Metal bands (yeah that's a thing), Mortification. They have a shockingly huge catalogue that I'm only partly familiar with. But of what I've heard I think this is their best album.

*"Biggest" being an EXTREMELY relative term here ;)
Since I never get to talk Australian bands with anyone except here I'll throw in Asteroid B-612. Perfectly fine garage rock stuff. But, for me, mainly notable because swedish rock giants The Hellacopters did an awesome cover of their song "I Just Don't Know About Girls"

Here's the Hellacopters version:

Also utterly unrelated to the above, and probably not the scene of most people on this thread, but Australia is home to one of the biggest* 90's Christian Death Metal bands (yeah that's a thing), Mortification. They have a shockingly huge catalogue that I'm only partly familiar with. But of what I've heard I think this is their best album.

*"Biggest" being an EXTREMELY relative term here ;)

Well, what to say ! Hi MT5, I hope life finds you well my friend :).
I have never heard of Asteroid B-612 before. It seems to have slipped thru the crax. Aussie rock has quite a chunky garage psych rock history (see Tol-Puddle Martyrs), but bands in the late 70s and 80s didn't carry the legacy thru. The late 90s and the Ks saw a slight return of psych bands (eg Stonefield, The Glycereens), but that's all. The Stems hit it hard though. I see your love for the Hellacopters, a great band. Sweden and Greece seem to dominate the modern psych rock and rock scene nowadays. On the exquisitely rock end, I love bands like Romero, Baby Animals, Amy & the Sniffers and that sort of stuff. The Aussie metal and death metal scene is flourishing and I'm quite into that as a matter of fact although I listen to more psychy stuff myself :). You should listen to Lycanthia, a Sydney-based symphonic doom metal band if you get the chance. Great reading your posts. Have a great Friday man :). Oh I nearly forgot to mention another great psych garage band called Dolly Rocker Movement (some vids of the bands I mentioned here can be found in various threads in the Jukebox :)