Social Baton Rouge Will Split into Two Cities Following Court Ruling

That's broad because there's lots school choice systems and they all approach it differently. There are systems with charter schools and there are systems that simply eliminate the neighborhood school requirements.

I think the charter system is flawed. First, if there are not enough charter seats for every student that wants to change school then there will be a funding problem. Most school districts move funding with the student. So if a student moves to a charter, his funding leaves his original school and goes to the charter. However, since the overhead of the original school does not change, this simply defunds the original school at the expense of the students who remain.

School has $500k @$1k per student. Teachers, electricity, buses, etc. all cost $X. If 10 students leave for a charter, the school gets $10k less. But they still have the same number of teachers, the same number of buses to run, electricity for the building remains the same. The school now risks a budget shortfall and the remaining will suffer because of it.

If the funding doesn't follow the kids then both groups benefit. The remaining students get better student/teacher ratios and the leaving students can go where they want.

If it's simply eliminating neighborhood schools, that can work fine since the total number of students and the total number of seats remains the same. The funding would remain consistent across schools.

But the 2 elephants in the room with any school choice program are simply "Do you continue to fund the prior school at the same level?" and "Do you have enough flexibility for every student that wants to choose or does it turn into a system where only some kids get the benefit?"

Sounds like a clear anti-school choice voucher program position.

The whole idea behind the programs would be that the funding follows the student otherwise the funding is just double paying per student.

On one hand, I understand the idea that school choice is welfare for the wealthy. On the other, if the schools are so terrible, it’s understandable that families would want to send their child to a better school and not have to continue to also pay into the system that produced the terrible school.

Sounds like a clear anti-school choice voucher program position.

The whole idea behind the programs would be that the funding follows the student otherwise the funding is just double paying per student.

On one hand, I understand the idea that school choice is welfare for the wealthy. On the other, if the schools are so terrible, it’s understandable that families would want to send their child to a better school and not have to continue to also pay into the system that produced the terrible school.
How can it be a clear anti-school choice voucher program position when I stated 2 specific variations that are fine? IF I say "It's when fine implemented this way, not fine when implemented that way." That's not a clear pro- or con- position. That's a "It depends on how it's done," position.

And the idea behind school choice was not that funding follows the students, it's that students should have more choice in where they go to school. There are places where the funding does not follow the student. Why ignore that?

And students who leave a school are not the only students who matter. This is why I specifically said that an issue is "Are there enough seats for all of the students who want to change schools?" Why ignore that as well?

I never said anything about welfare for the wealthy. It feels like your post doesn't really engage my post, rather it engages common narratives about school choice and not the specific elements that I addressed. For example, a large part of my position is about the students who do not change schools and how these programs affect them. Your response says nothing about that.
How can it be a clear anti-school choice voucher program position when I stated 2 specific variations that are fine? IF I say "It's when fine implemented this way, not fine when implemented that way." That's not a clear pro- or con- position. That's a "It depends on how it's done," position.

And the idea behind school choice was not that funding follows the students, it's that students should have more choice in where they go to school. There are places where the funding does not follow the student. Why ignore that?

And students who leave a school are not the only students who matter. This is why I specifically said that an issue is "Are there enough seats for all of the students who want to change schools?" Why ignore that as well?

I never said anything about welfare for the wealthy. It feels like your post doesn't really engage my post, rather it engages common narratives about school choice and the specific elements that I addressed. For example, a large part of my position is about the students who do not change schools and how these programs affect them. Your response says nothing about that.
I was trying to be really civil in the discussion no need to get upset.

I agree with nearly everything you’ve said.

School choice or voucher programs generally refer to a reimbursement on the taxes you spend on education so that you can put it toward a private school.

I don’t think anyone argues that students or families can’t choose to go to private school — only whether or not the state should fund it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, you agree that kids should have the ability to go private but not if their funds follow them?
I was trying to be really civil in the discussion no need to get upset.

I agree with nearly everything you’ve said.

School choice or voucher programs generally refer to a reimbursement on the taxes you spend on education so that you can put it toward a private school.

I don’t think anyone argues that students or families can’t choose to go to private school — only whether or not the state should fund it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, you agree that kids should have the ability to go private but not if their funds follow them?
You are wrong about my position.

My position is that schools should not lose funding when kids leave because their overhead costs are not decreasing. This can result in underfunding which harms the students who do not leave.

Nowhere in that statement do I comment on how to fund kids who choose to go elsewhere. Why? Because I don't think it's the important part of the conversation. To me, the important part of the conversation is the students who do not leave and how to ensure that their education is not negatively impacted.
Baton Rouge is a shit city already. Gee, I wonder what part will have all the violence and murder?

Fuck Baton Rouge. That shithole rioted when alton sterling, an armed pedophile, was killed by police as he was struggling to pull the gun from his pocket. Then, three police officers were murdered in response. Again, fuck that shithole
well i gave you a hard time for hating all the people of Cleveland. Here at least you were more specific in saying you just hate the black people of Baton rouge. So much better. I wonder how many minorities had their life ruined because you didn't like the shade of their skin
well i gave you a hard time for hating all the people of Cleveland. Here at least you were more specific in saying you just hate the black people of Baton rouge. So much better. I wonder how many minorities had their life ruined because you didn't like the shade of their skin
When did he say he hates the "Black" people of Baton Rouge...he stated he hates all the criminals that live there. When exactly did he say he hates "Black" people?
This is very interesting. It's obvious the social fabric of North America is overwhelmingly breaking down and it is very concerning to us who live here. Our family generations before us made this place possible through their hard work and to see it being given away to people who don't appreciate it is unacceptable and actions like this need to become common. If we are not going to be appreciated, our elders respected, our values followed, and our money wasted then, we need to leave en mass to our own communities and create them in our image.
You are wrong about my position.

My position is that schools should not lose funding when kids leave because their overhead costs are not decreasing. This can result in underfunding which harms the students who do not leave.

Nowhere in that statement do I comment on how to fund kids who choose to go elsewhere. Why? Because I don't think it's the important part of the conversation. To me, the important part of the conversation is the students who do not leave and how to ensure that their education is not negatively impacted.

Okay — also dude I get the sense you’re getting upset and I don’t know why.

The essence of a school choice voucher program is to take the money the parents otherwise would give to the public education through taxes and reimburse it through a credit(voucher) so that they can use it to pay for the private school.

In that case, I suppose it’s taking funds away from the public schools but you’d also be taking away a student from the public schools.

That is what you’re against?
well i gave you a hard time for hating all the people of Cleveland. Here at least you were more specific in saying you just hate the black people of Baton rouge. So much better. I wonder how many minorities had their life ruined because you didn't like the shade of their skin

Did I say I hated the black people? Please, point that out for us. The city is splitting into the wealthier side and the not so wealthy side. Again, gee, I wonder which side will be more violent. And Cleveland is a shithole. Asshole, I can say whatever I want about a city/state and you have zero proof that it a. Has anything to do with race. B. Led to lives being ruined. C. Have ever been able to prove a single one of your wild accusations nor, can any sane person argue that these crime ridden cesspools are not exactly what I say they are. And I am sure you would have been there with all the other dirtbags with your pitchfork after the pedophile felon, alton sterling, was shot by police while trying to pull his illegal/stolen firearm from his pocket because you support pedophiles.
This is very interesting. It's obvious the social fabric of North America is overwhelmingly breaking down and it is very concerning to us who live here. Our family generations before us made this place possible through their hard work and to see it being given away to people who don't appreciate it is unacceptable and actions like this need to become common. If we are not going to be appreciated, our elders respected, our values followed, and our money wasted then, we need to leave en mass to our own communities and create them in our image.
The hard work previous generations did to create inequities in society are the very reason we are in predicaments like this. You may want to take off the rose colored glasses when it comes to what our ancestors did.
In that case, I suppose it’s taking funds away from the public schools but you’d also be taking away a student from the public schools.

That is what you’re against?
What they're trying to explain to you is that funding does not go up or down by increments of one student in public school. If a school has 900 students and loses 50, they're funding decreases but their overhead doesn't' (unless you lose one or two teachers). It's not like a school can sell off a classroom or desks it doesn't use anymore or not pay overhead on it.
- We cant simply split in a new city here. I'm surprised on how easy it's to do in USA.:oops:
I read that same thing.

It's class division no matter how you slice it. It's the haves playing keep away with the have nots.

Do you think poor people pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than more affluent people?

How can conservatives cry meritocracy when so many advantages come directly from wealth? How can a meritocracy only provide good schools and roads to those who can afford them?

You're smarter than 99% of the conservatives on this forum, I'm sure I don't have to provide the list of federal measures and monetary handouts over the past century that specifically excluded black people. Neighborhoods destroyed by redlining remain destroyed. The black communities and families targeted by Nixon's weaponization of law enforcement which was perpetuated by Reagan remain in shambles and impoverished.

All of this is too obvious to ignore, but almost all of you will.
Redlining is the non existent boogeyman that people like you point the finger at to explain why black people were poor before those maps were drawn up, while those maps were in use, and after those maps were abandoned. It’s irrelevant
Redlining is the non existent boogeyman that people like you point the finger at to explain why black people were poor before those maps were drawn up, while those maps were in use, and after those maps were abandoned. It’s irrelevant


And they didn't build expressways through black neighborhoods. And slavery was actually excellent training for lucrative positions in the workplace. And conservative politicians didn't openly admit they were targeting black people with law enforcement.

There are very, very few of you so shameless you actually say redlining wasn't a thing, or the southern switch didn't happen.

And they didn't build expressways through black neighborhoods. And slavery was actually excellent training for lucrative positions in the workplace. And conservative politicians didn't openly admit they were targeting black people with law enforcement.

There are very, very few of you so shameless you actually say redlining wasn't a thing, or the southern switch didn't happen.
I said redlining wasn’t a thing and you started bringing up expressways and southern switch and all this stuff

You’re a broken record bud
The hard work previous generations did to create inequities in society are the very reason we are in predicaments like this. You may want to take off the rose colored glasses when it comes to what our ancestors did.

What they're trying to explain to you is that funding does not go up or down by increments of one student in public school. If a school has 900 students and loses 50, they're funding decreases but their overhead doesn't' (unless you lose one or two teachers). It's not like a school can sell off a classroom or desks it doesn't use anymore or not pay overhead on it.
I understand that. I was just trying to better understand his position. I get the arguments against voucher programs and the arguments for them.
I said redlining wasn’t a thing and you started bringing up expressways and southern switch and all this stuff

You’re a broken record bud

You're denying redlining, which is undeniable.

I just mentioned some other things you might want to deny that are just as undeniable.
You're denying redlining, which is undeniable.

I just mentioned some other things you might want to deny that are just as undeniable.
It is deniable, becuase we have studies where they analysed the effect of race on likelihood to get a loan in various areas around the country and they found no effect. Plus we can look at the home ownership gap of whites and blacks before, during and after redlining and it barely changed. If you want I’ll send the links to the studies
I'm happy for the people of St. George. Good for them for working hard to achieve what's in their best interests.

Baton Rouge has had decades / generations to un-f*ck themselves. The people could have adopted better culture, maintained work ethic, gotten some morals, and had a bit of pride in their community.

Things didn't change, people didn't raise their kids better, nobody wanted to adopt the successful culture that the St. George folks appear to embrace. Now you have two cities. One a suburban shithole with gangs and violence, the other a middle class enclave hopefully primed for success.

Want what the St. George people have? Adopt their culture and get rid of yours if it isn't leading to success and happiness.
well i gave you a hard time for hating all the people of Cleveland. Here at least you were more specific in saying you just hate the black people of Baton rouge. So much better. I wonder how many minorities had their life ruined because you didn't like the shade of their skin

Do you ever defend your assertions or do you just pop in, tag me with some bullshit, and then slide on out like the pussy you obviously are

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