International Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China

I don’t really mind countries trying to protect their ethnic identity. Is Japan xenophobic? Absolutely. Like the very definition of it. But is it a bad thing for them? I don’t believe it is.

I do think it’s funny when people are xenophobic in the US though. Like the old crotchety racist itt telling everyone how his ancestors came here and assimilated… uh no no they didn’t. There was a whole race of people here that got removed to make way for America today.
I don’t really mind countries trying to protect their ethnic identity. Is Japan xenophobic? Absolutely. Like the very definition of it. But is it a bad thing for them? I don’t believe it is.

I do think it’s funny when people are xenophobic in the US though. Like the old crotchety racist itt telling everyone how his ancestors came here and assimilated… uh no no they didn’t. There was a whole race of people here that got removed to make way for America today.
- Japan is a tiny island. They cannot handle much migration.
Now China on the other hyand can. The thing China isnt gonna tolerate migrants bad behaviour thought. So they will get bad-mouthed by that also?

But i dont think is a good look to the president of a contry to say that about sovereign nations. THey can do as they like. I was against Trump when he said bad things about Haiti, and i am against Biden. Theres a reason i dont like that tard Bolsonaro either. We have great diplomats here in Brasil, and that imbecile ruined decades of us brazilians being loved around the globe, just to badmouth contries.

We have several migrants here. And they rarelly get involved in crime. I really dont know why @BlankaPresident any opinion?
I don’t really mind countries trying to protect their ethnic identity. Is Japan xenophobic? Absolutely. Like the very definition of it. But is it a bad thing for them? I don’t believe it is.

I do think it’s funny when people are xenophobic in the US though. Like the old crotchety racist itt telling everyone how his ancestors came here and assimilated… uh no no they didn’t. There was a whole race of people here that got removed to make way for America today.

I mean they're definitely having a demographic crisis along with South Korea. So that is a problem.

Not directed toward you but how TF is Russia xenophobic when they're really diverse already? It's not that Russia is xenophobic, it's that people don't want to come there.
- Japan is a tiny island. They cannot handle much migration.
Now China on the other hyand can. The thing China isnt gonna tolerate migrants bad behaviour thought. So they will get bad-mouthed by that also?

But i dont think is a good look to the president of a contry to say that about sovereign nations. THey can do as they like. I was against Trump when he said bad things about Haiti, and i am against Biden. Theres a reason i dont like that tard Bolsonaro either. We have great diplomats here in Brasil, and that imbecile ruined decades of us brazilians being loved around the globe, just to badmouth contries.

We have several migrants here. And they rarelly get involved in crime. I really dont know why @BlankaPresident any opinion?
They're welcome.
I don’t really mind countries trying to protect their ethnic identity. Is Japan xenophobic? Absolutely. Like the very definition of it. But is it a bad thing for them? I don’t believe it is.

I do think it’s funny when people are xenophobic in the US though. Like the old crotchety racist itt telling everyone how his ancestors came here and assimilated… uh no no they didn’t. There was a whole race of people here that got removed to make way for America today.
My people weren't here then, try again. You're allowed to have your opinion but I'm going to have to draw the line at you rewriting my family history and then using it to insult me. I'm mostly Irish, dork, I think if that mattered to me, I could say a little about people being driven from their homeland.

You thought you really had a gotcha moment there, didn't you?

I still find it surprising that with all of the potential people to choose from for the Democratic nomination it was Biden that got the nod. I mean I understand Hillary was never ever ever going to win but Democrats couldn't be behind anyone else but Biden in sufficient numbers?
He's the president, they basically don't have a primary for an incumbent president.
Japan is based, aside from declining birth rates which is a world wide phenomenon, Japan's nationalistic approach only seems to be working for them, low crime, affordable housing, low homelessness all with high population density
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A phobia is an irrational, or unrealistic fear of something. Japan just needs to look at fellow modern countries in the west to see what happens when you just don’t care about your culture, and value the economical god. Their xenophobia doesn’t look like a phobia now. More like a cautionary warning they picked up on.
Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. Immigration will only make things worse.

So do you plan on sticking to your principles and going to back whatever homogeneous paradise your forefathers came from?

And no, all white Europeans are not of a singular monolithic culture. Your family came to a country that had a large multinational mix of people, so apparently diversity was fine when it applies to you, but you would rather kick down the ladder once you've made it to the top so nobody else has the same opportunity.

Total and complete selfishness.

Get real dummy
My people weren't here then, try again. You're allowed to have your opinion but I'm going to have to draw the line at you rewriting my family history and then using it to insult me. I'm mostly Irish, dork, I think if that mattered to me, I could say a little about people being driven from their homeland.

You thought you really had a gotcha moment there, didn't you?

lol it doesn’t matter about what your family personally did. They and you are benefiting from the erasure of a society that is not that far in the past. Hell we were actively dismantling Native American cultures up into like the 1950s so yes in fact your family was here while it was still happening. Yet here you are demanding people assimilate to you. The US is not Japan. The US’ entire culture is about accepting immigrants and them adding to our culture.

I’ve already heard you babbling on about your family history. I was already aware that you were going to say you came after because you pulled that shit in the thread about slavery. So you might as well drop that lame “gotcha” bullshit.

I know it’s not really about assimilation with you though.
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Japan genuinely can't carry on its current path.

They are the oldest proper country in the world, aren't they? (screw Monaco, no one's talking to you)

It's bizarre that people try to claim that as a 'win', it's very short sighted. They will need to address this, the question is, how?
They can. It’s just going to cause a lot of economic hardship and a generation or two to recover from
Black plague killed 40 to 60 percent of european population

What ended up happening was worker rights improved because there were no workers anymore yet there were still jobs to do, its considered first step out of serfdom to renossance and age of enlightment.

Yea there will be economic hardship but in time society will adapt as it always does.Pumping out kids just to be workers is not really good imo
lol it doesn’t matter about what your family personally did. They and you are benefiting from the erasure of a society that is not that far in the past. Yet here you are demanding people assimilate to you. The US is not Japan. The US’ entire culture is about accepting immigrants and them adding to our culture.

I’ve already heard you babbling on about your family history. I was already aware that you were going to say you came after because you pulled that shit in the thread about slavery. So you might as well drop that lame “gotcha” bullshit.

I know it’s not really about assimilation with you though.
Another swing and miss, you're on a roll. The only line in my family tree that was in the states pre 1890 were descended from the Abenaki in Maine, I live about 30 miles from where my great(x10) grand mother was born. You really have no idea what you're talking about and are just making shit up to feel better than someone.

I find genealogy interesting. Its something I've spent a lot of time on and I think its relevant to the topic, especially when you're throwing idiotic accusations around at me personally. you don't just get to make up shit about me and then act like I'm out of line for calling you on it.

My people weren't English, Spanish or French, we had no part in what you keep insisting they did. You know nothing about me or where my people came from. Making up shit about me doesn't make you a better person, its kind of pathetic, honestly.

You really should brush up on your history, you have a dangerous combo of ignorance and confidence. I'm not your boogey man, no matter how much you want me to be.

I do believe in assimilation. I believe in common ground and a common cause. I don't believe in blaming my failings on ghosts from 300 years ago I never met. You and I are different that way. You're a victim wannabe, I'm not. I don't feel a need to steal from my fellow man , you do. I refuse to accept responsibility for your weird shame fantasy. I dont really get why people do this, is it just a lack of confidence in yourself? You need to feel superior to someone, even if its not real?
Another swing and miss, you're on a roll. The only line in my family tree that was in the states pre 1890 were descended from the Abenaki in Maine, I live about 30 miles from where my great(x10) grand mother was born. You really have no idea what you're talking about and are just making shit up to feel better than someone.

I find genealogy interesting. Its something I've spent a lot of time on and I think its relevant to the topic, especially when you're throwing idiotic accusations around at me personally. you don't just get to make up shit about me and then act like I'm out of line for calling you on it.

My people weren't English, Spanish or French, we had no part in what you keep insisting they did. You know nothing about me or where my people came from. Making up shit about me doesn't make you a better person, its kind of pathetic, honestly.

You really should brush up on your history, you have a dangerous combo of ignorance and confidence. I'm not your boogey man, no matter how much you want me to be.

I do believe in assimilation. I believe in common ground and a common cause. I don't believe in blaming my failings on ghosts from 300 years ago I never met. You and I are different that way. You're a victim wannabe, I'm not. I don't feel a need to steal from my fellow man , you do. I refuse to accept responsibility for your weird shame fantasy. I dont really get why people do this, is it just a lack of confidence in yourself? You need to feel superior to someone, even if its not real?
My god you have very poor reading comprehension. Whether your ancestors did it or not, they benefit from it and assimilated into the culture that did it. How do you not get that? Literally every American benefits from this RECENT genocide and almost everyone’s family was here while it was happening. I’m not ignorant. I think you’re ignorant to how recent some of this was.

You can spare me telling. It’s irrelevant. I haven’t made a single thing up. What’s happening is your struggle to follow a conversation has crossed paths with your desire to brag about your family line.

“They” that did this were Americans, btw. The English/French/whatever did not fight the natives all across the west and round them up into reservations. That was Americans. This is something that literally went in into the 1950s where we (Americans) took children from reservations and forced them to assimilate as Americans- something I have no doubt you would have supported.
He's not wrong, and their economy is collapsing because of it.

Mald all you want right-tards, but Biden is correct
Before somebody says that this is anti-capitalist thus making me a hypocrite since I’m right wing. I’m not hyper capitalist. Certainly not to the level of the pro migration libertarian movement.

I know the nation state is mostly incompatible with global capitalism or hyper capitalism and I do support checks on it. If capitalism and competition mostly contained within a nation(with some necessary exceptions) isn’t really capitalist…then It isn’t really capitalist

I'm not sure what definition of Capitalism is being used here, but the aging population issues transcend any sort of socialist - capitalist spectrum.

Less workers (young) means higher wages, less services, etc., hurting markets, BUT it also means less tax base, and therefore less government services to the elderly along with drastic increases in cost of old age.

It is an issue that hurts everyone, no matter policy inclination, given the structure societies have used to organize.
It's a big problem in the US, too.

No good answers, yet.
Dems better hope the Biden admin's strategy for November isn't to focus on his immigration record.

If it is, he's gonna get crushed.

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