Social Biden considers accepting Palestinian refugees

I mean, he could stop funding Israel and enabling the atrocities they are committing instead
And that's where you're wrong. Nobody gives a shit about what happens to Palestine. You'll notice the aid packages are rather lacking, as opposed to a more strategic underdog ally, like Ukraine.

You guys are just mad that your fantasies are not reality. You've hitched your wagon to these little shit terrorists, like the leftist bobbleheads you are, and must lie to yourselves about a future you, for whatever pea brain reasoning you've made up in your head, wish for.

Like I said, talk to me in five years. I'm sure your Hamas buddies will rise again, and you totally won't be ignoring how stupid and wrong you were.

But that's what we're saying, dumb dumb.

Israel's war is not going to solve shit. At one point you were clinging to 'there won't be a Palestine', now you're accepting that another Hamas by any other name will rise from the ashes.

No shit.

We've told you that all along.
Israel might offer Zelensky €$...I think that then Zelensky will agree to accept all ppl from Gaza...
Or if will not agree, might offer weapons ... Ukraine needs weapons, Israel does have a lot of different weapons..
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, besides Palestine could use a lot more aid.

What fantasies? Again, I just see you ducking my question about historical examples that suggest an Israeli occupation would turn out well, but it's just crickets from your ignorant ass.

That's literally my point: Israel's approach ensures Hamas, or something worse, will rise up and violence will continue. Again, time and demographics are not on Israel's side.

Oh well, listen, the guy is at least starting to begin to grasp the reality of the situation and why so many are protesting.

Israel's solution isn't a solution at all, it's a massive self-perpetuating problem.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, besides Palestine could use a lot more aid.
Military aid? Yeah, they're not getting any...from anyone, other than maybe Iran. Look how good they're doing with that alliance.

What fantasies? Again, I just see you ducking my question about historical examples that suggest an Israeli occupation would turn out well, but it's just crickets from your ignorant ass.
You already started bargaining. So what, no nation has been conquered in a "nice" 20th century way, where the conquerors just set up a puppet government to appease international law? Palestine will be lucky if that even happens

That's literally my point: Israel's approach ensures Hamas, or something worse, will rise up and violence will continue. Again, time and demographics are not on Israel's side.
Oh', but of course. Be afraid Israel. The scary dirt poor inbreds are coming for payback...sometime...somewhere...maybe!

LOL. So delusional.
Military aid? Yeah, they're not getting any...from anyone, other than maybe Iran. Look how good they're doing with that alliance.
No one said anything about Palestinians needing more or less military aid. Palestine's "battlefield" and "weapons" are PR and international sympathy. The same things that defeated Israel's old ally, apartheid South Africa. Among many other regimes that couldn't stamp out popular unrest and lost international backing. The list of quite long.
You already started bargaining. So what, no nation has been conquered in a "nice" 20th century way, where the conquerors just set up a puppet government to appease international law? Palestine will be lucky if that even happens
So name these nations that conquered and successfully repressed nationalist movements. What are all of these models Israel should be emulating?

You're so ignorant that I don't think you realize there are a couple instances of this. The problem is they are the exceptions, not the rule.
Oh', but of course. Be afraid Israel. The scary dirt poor inbreds are coming for payback...sometime...somewhere...maybe!

LOL. So delusional.
Israel's military strategy smacks of this fear. Notice how Bib's strategy has been about eradicating Hamas, which is at odds with the public's overwhelming desire to get hostages back above anything else?

You don't even realize that the entire reason Bibi's coalition is so vehemently opposed to a one-state solution is because they would not be able to win through majority rule anymore.
Oh', but of course. Be afraid Israel. The scary dirt poor inbreds are coming for payback...sometime...somewhere...maybe!

LOL. So delusional.

It's like 7.10.23 didn't even happen...

We've reached full head up backside stage where what happened can't possibly ever happen...

We're supposed to learn from history, else we're doomed to repea--- you know what, yeah, that won't happen ever again, there are no red flags or warning signs, everything will be juuuuuust fine. Israel should keep bombing and continue to avoid making any plans, nobody will ever hold a grudge.

It's like 7.10.23 didn't even happen...

We've reached full head up backside stage where what happened can't possibly ever happen...

We're supposed to learn from history, else we're doomed to repea--- you know what, yeah, that won't happen ever again, there are no red flags or warning signs, everything will be juuuuuust fine. Israel should keep bombing and continue to avoid making any plans, nobody will ever hold a grudge.

A perfect example of the doublethink. He's freaking out about letting Palestinian refugees immigrate to the US because too many of them hate America apparently, but also Israel's strategy won't make Palestinians hate Israel and the US even more. Amazing backflips.
A perfect example of the doublethink. He's freaking out about letting Palestinian refugees immigrate to the US because too many of them hate America apparently, but also Israel's strategy won't make Palestinians hate Israel and the US even more. Amazing backflips.

Gazans can't hurt Israel lol so silly, but they also can so Israel has to bomb them senseless, USA shouldn't accept Palestinians, but they should because the only solution is Israel displacing them all.

All over the bloody shop.
No one said anything about Palestinians needing more or less military aid. Palestine's "battlefield" and "weapons" are PR and international sympathy.
Sounds scary. LOL.

Like I said, talk to me in five years when Palestine is either A) completely ruled by Israel, or B) Ruled by Israel via proxy.

Please tell me exactly what you think is gonna happen, outside of those two options, so I can laugh. You're just another desperate leftist puffing their chest out in the face of defeat. You're EXACTLY like those fucking brain dead idiots on college campuses right now, thinking your signs and your whining and crying are making a difference.
Sounds scary. LOL.
I think 10/7 was quite scary and policies like Israel's reliance on brute force increase the likelihood of events like that.
Like I said, talk to me in five years, when Palestine is either A) completely ruled by Israel, or B) Ruled by Israel via proxy.
Gaza fell into both those camps from at least 1967 to 2005. What do you think led to the first two intifadas and, by extension, 10/7 and the current mess?
Please tell me exactly what you think is gonna happen, outside of those two options, so I can laugh. You're just another desperate leftist puffing their chest out in the face of defeat.
A the current rate, it will most likely resemble pre 10/7 Gaza, with Hamas still being the dominant political actor in the Gaza Strip.(Like I said, strategic failure. All this blood, treasure and damaged international opinion for effectively no gain). Longer term, Palestine needs a moderate alternative to Hamas, whether it be the group evolving or a new player. Similar to what happened with South Africa. It's going to take years, likely decades, since today's conditions are the results of decades of bad faith from multiple powers.
A the current rate, it will most likely resemble pre 10/7 Gaza, with Hamas still being the dominant political actor in the Gaza Strip.
LOL. Oh', I'll take that bet all day long. Yeah, Israel is just going back to the status quo...

You sound like some people after Oct 7th, thinking that Israel was just gonna launch some rockets into Palestine and be done with it. I don't know if you've actually been paying attention or anything, but umm, Israel is annihilating that entire region...for a reason. They're not just gonna pick up and leave once victory is attained.

But anyways, enough of going in circles. Talk to me in five years. We'll see what's what then. I got a sneaking suspicion that your boys aren't gonna be involved in much...
LOL. Oh', I'll take that bet all day long. Yeah, Israel is just going back to the status quo...
The status quo of an occupied Gaza and Hamas being the dominant power within the Strip? Yup, that won't change, besides the handcuffs being a bit tighter.
You sound like some people after Oct 7th, thinking that Israel was just gonna launch some rockets into Palestine and be done with it. I don't know if you've actually been paying attention or anything, but umm, Israel is annihilating that entire region...for a reason. They're not just gonna pick up and leave once victory is attained.
Yes, that's the point you can't grasp. They are leveling the region, which will only increase Palestinian animosity and strengthen the extremist groups like Hamas. Do you think Palestinian children are suddenly going to forget how much death Israel has wrought on their families? No, Israel is doing its part to create a perfect breeding ground for more insurgents and terrorists.

Again, Israel already occupied the Strip for 40 years. What's going to be different this time?
Yes, that's the point you can't grasp. They are leveling the region, which will only increase Palestinian animosity and strengthen the extremist groups like Hamas. Do you think Palestinian children are suddenly going to forget how much death Israel has wrought on their families? No, Israel is doing its part to create a perfect breeding ground for more insurgents and terrorists.
Unlike the terrorist regime that openly breeds terrorists, right? LOL @ that retarded narrative.

Again, your whole fantasy relies on Israel letting them govern themselves. Yeah, that's not happening. What don't you get about that?
Again, Israel already occupied the Strip for 40 years. What's going to be different this time?
It's already different. Again, you sound like the same idiots who didn't think Israel was gonna go all in on this after Oct 7th. Palestine will never be the same again. How are you not getting that? They're not playing pattycakes with them anymore. That period is over.
It shouldn't need answering, unless you're unaware of the many instances where nations(ultra nationalistic or whatever the fuck title you want to give them, to make them seem strong) have been conquered throughout the history of time. You think little Palestine is gonna be resilient enough to ward off a super power, backed by another super power, with no allies backing them up? They're already buried in rubble, dude. What exactly do you think is gonna happen when the bombs stop dropping? Israel will be the ones re-building it. Not your little terrorist buddies.

Again, this is simply you wishing things to be true. Quit jerking off to college protests, like they mean anything.
Israel is not a superpower, LOL. There is only one current superpower, it's the US.
Israel only exists due to the US. Without the US, Israel is nothing. Their stupid Samson option would just get them killed while they murder millions of civilians.
Being a superpower or not, Israel could easily kill every last Palestinian, from a purely military point of view, but that would completely destroy their standing with the US and they would fail in their long term goal of establishing a prosperous country. It will become Jewish North Korea.
You know that, that's why your posts are so angry. You know Israel can kill everybody and still not win.
Even Netanyahu doesn't want to conquer Gaza, a very tiny area, and repopulate it with Israelis, it means nothing.
Israel is not a superpower, LOL. There is only one current superpower, it's the US.
Israel only exists due to the US. Without the US, Israel is nothing. Their stupid Samson option would just get them killed while they murder millions of civilians.
Being a superpower or not, Israel could easily kill every last Palestinian, from a purely military point of view, but that would completely destroy their standing with the US and they would fail in their long term goal of establishing a prosperous country. It will become Jewish North Korea.
You know that, that's why your posts are so angry. You know Israel can kill everybody and still not win.
Even Netanyahu doesn't want to conquer Gaza, a very tiny area, and repopulate it with Israelis, it means nothing.
They don't have to kill everybody to control that region. That's not how this works. That's not how it's ever worked. Civilian populations are quite durable, once power changes hands.

But please, do go on and on about Israel being on the losing end of this complete and utter decimation, and believe that they're gonna lose standing with their allies over insignificant Palestine. Last I checked, they're still getting military aid that they don't even need. Oh', but it now comes with a stern look of feigned concern over what they're doing with it. And that's with a Liberal government in charge. Tell me what happens if Trump gets elected...

Watch out, Israel. Scary times ahead. LOL.
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No. There's a reason none of the Arab countries will let them in.
Unlike the terrorist regime that openly breeds terrorists, right? LOL @ that retarded narrative.

Again, your whole fantasy relies on Israel letting them govern themselves. Yeah, that's not happening. What don't you get about that?
I wonder how a terrorist regime gained so much power? It can't be because Israel's divide and conquer strategy contributed to Hamas' rise to power and retention of it, while also sidelining more moderate factions.
It's already different. Again, you sound like the same idiots who didn't think Israel was gonna go all in on this after Oct 7th. Palestine will never be the same again. How are you not getting that? They're not playing pattycakes with them anymore. That period is over.
Yes... it's going to be even worse. No one would describe Israel's 40 year occupation of the Strip as being pattycake lol. IT was a full on, totalitarian, undemocratic, military occupation with boots on the ground. And we all saw the fruits of this poisonous tree come to fruition last year.
No. There's a reason none of the Arab countries will let them in.


It's to block a permanent expulsion and land grab that will be associated with decades of terrorism as those people try to reclaim their land.

How's that a clever point to make?

Palestinians belong on Palestinian land.
Yes... it's going to be even worse. No one would describe Israel's 40 year occupation of the Strip as being pattycake lol. IT was a full on, totalitarian, undemocratic, military occupation with boots on the ground. And we all saw the fruits of this poisonous tree come to fruition last year.
And they took their shot, and are now ruling over a hole in the ground. Good play, Hamas. Very "strategic".

You're just flailing now. Don't worry, you won't care about it once a the next "Oppression Olympics" event occurs, and you're attached to another slogan.

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