BJJ and Chess


White Belt
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
I have heard BJJ compared to a chess match.Is that a relevant statement and if so how?
Imagine your body as all of your pieces, and across the board is your opponent, also made up of all his pieces. One of you moves a piece, the other responds. Some moves are obvious, some very deceptive. Some are quick, others take many moves to set up.
Most importantly, in my opinion, is that the position of ALL the pieces (your body) matter at all times. You can't afford to be focused on taking his rook (insisting on an armbar), because he might be about to (take your back and choke you) checkmate you as soon as you go for it.
You have to able to see the whole board. And developing that big picture mindset is the key to understanding and winning in both sports.
it's relevant in a few senses, and I think it's a good analogy... though obviously you can't take it too literally because unlike Chess and old 90's RPG's grappling is not "turn-based" and your reaction time is extremely limited.
I always thought it was a silly analogy. Football is more like chess, because you have multiple specialized pieces working on long, centrally planned, scripted attacks and defenses in a discrete series of plays. BJJ and grappling are rarely performed on a forethought/conscious thought level, because working through multiple potential computations and permutations is simply a bit too slow of a process. If you aren't functioning predominantly on muscle memory and honed instinct by the time you hit the competition mats, you probably aren't going to do very well. Moreover, there is no turn-by-turn aspect. Basically, grappling has almost nothing in common with chess, except for the fact that both take practice and skill, and both involve some form of general strategy.
bjj is like chess because whoever stays the most steps ahead comes out winning.
BJJ is more like World of Warcraft.

haha this is in some ways true.

Many create a "character" usually modeled after their favorite grappler, choose attire (gi brand, color), clan (Gracie, Machado, etc) and then go to class gaining experience points (real experience). No matter how big a retard you are in real life you can go to BJJ class and look like a stud depending on your abilities. People gain submission points by taking out beginners (boars in the forest) and get defence points by hanging in with the blue and purple belts. Then after some time they challenge the level boss (advanced white belts). Ultimately all of their experience points culminate in leveling up (belt promotion).

The chess analogy applies to almost anything and is a bit overused.
Sure, but you could probably make a chess comparison to a lot of sports.
"___ is like a chess game" is a blanket statement to make a sport that is normally associated with brute physicality sound more refined and intelligent.

I agree with DaRuckus.
bjj is most like hungry, hungry hippo's

The only problem is, some people are so much better that they are making 4-5 moves before you've completely rationalised their first move
"___ is like a chess game" is a blanket statement to make a sport that is normally associated with brute physicality sound more refined and intelligent.

I agree with DaRuckus.

haha, bingo.

the only time I like to use chess as an analogy for BJJ with the gi is when a newb asks me what is so different about gi and no gi.

I tell him gi is much more complicated and could be compared to chess, while no-gi is faster paced and can be compared to checkers.
Not really, chess is pure strategy and depending on the rules you have all the time in the world to make your move. BJJ is more like poker, it's about opportunity and chaos management.
Not really, chess is pure strategy and depending on the rules you have all the time in the world to make your move. BJJ is more like poker, it's about opportunity and chaos management.

Yeah but there's no cards.

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