BJJ Clingy Training partner


White Belt
Mar 3, 2024
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Hey all,

This is my first post. I'm a 40 something year old two-stripe white belt in BJJ, and I love it. Do I get smashed by some of the younger guys? Absolutely! But I like to think I hold my own against the majority of other white belts. More importantly, I've made more new friends in the last year than ever before in my life. It's like I joined a fraternity. Outside class, some of the guys come over to watch UFC, hit the bars, take road trips, etc.

Joining the gym transformed my life. Part of my success is that I'm not a super competitive guy. I prefer making friends, and I always try to make newcomers welcome.

However, there is one man in class, ten years older than I am who has become very clingy. He constantly wants to be my partner. At first, I didn't mind, but the dude weighs a good 50lbs more than I do and is at least 6 inches taller than I am, so I often feel squashed by weight as his techniques aren't very good.

In one recent class, every time we were expected to get a new rolling partner, he would rush over to me. Four rounds in a row, I told him I had another partner until he asked, " Are you avoiding me?"

I said, " Yes!"

I thought he would get the hint to leave me alone, but he doesn't. Yesterday, I was rolling with a guy my size, and the clingy gentleman watched us like a hawk the whole time. He then came over to ask why I don't roll that aggressively with him. I said, " I have a hard time moving you, and the other bigger guys."

He seems oblivious. I've heard at least one other guy complain that this man just uses his weight and sometimes smells bad. He wears tight rash guards that highlight his gelatinous stomach which stands out in a gym full of guys who are in shape. It doesn't say " Pick me to train with you!"

Now that I've come right out and told this man that I avoid him, he's less friendly but still eyes me at rolling time, so I find myself quickly grabbing partners.

Thankfully I no longer have to roll with him every class, but why doesn't he leave me alone? When it's time for a class picture, he always wants to stand by me. When I'm changing in the locker room, he's got to change right next to me. Like, dude, go away. I try to give him as little eye contact as possible.

Since I am so open and friendly, I think he clings to me because some of the other guys straight up ignore him. Is this common in BJJ gyms?
Hey all,

This is my first post. I'm a 40 something year old two-stripe white belt in BJJ, and I love it. Do I get smashed by some of the younger guys? Absolutely! But I like to think I hold my own against the majority of other white belts. More importantly, I've made more new friends in the last year than ever before in my life. It's like I joined a fraternity. Outside class, some of the guys come over to watch UFC, hit the bars, take road trips, etc.

Joining the gym transformed my life. Part of my success is that I'm not a super competitive guy. I prefer making friends, and I always try to make newcomers welcome.

However, there is one man in class, ten years older than I am who has become very clingy. He constantly wants to be my partner. At first, I didn't mind, but the dude weighs a good 50lbs more than I do and is at least 6 inches taller than I am, so I often feel squashed by weight as his techniques aren't very good.

In one recent class, every time we were expected to get a new rolling partner, he would rush over to me. Four rounds in a row, I told him I had another partner until he asked, " Are you avoiding me?"

I said, " Yes!"

I thought he would get the hint to leave me alone, but he doesn't. Yesterday, I was rolling with a guy my size, and the clingy gentleman watched us like a hawk the whole time. He then came over to ask why I don't roll that aggressively with him. I said, " I have a hard time moving you, and the other bigger guys."

He seems oblivious. I've heard at least one other guy complain that this man just uses his weight and sometimes smells bad. He wears tight rash guards that highlight his gelatinous stomach which stands out in a gym full of guys who are in shape. It doesn't say " Pick me to train with you!"

Now that I've come right out and told this man that I avoid him, he's less friendly but still eyes me at rolling time, so I find myself quickly grabbing partners.

Thankfully I no longer have to roll with him every class, but why doesn't he leave me alone? When it's time for a class picture, he always wants to stand by me. When I'm changing in the locker room, he's got to change right next to me. Like, dude, go away. I try to give him as little eye contact as possible.

Since I am so open and friendly, I think he clings to me because some of the other guys straight up ignore him. Is this common in BJJ gyms?

Definitely excessive on his part. If he grabs you for one round during rolls, no issue - it's good to mix it up and go with different body types as long as he's not just muscling you around and being a white belt spaz when he's got 50 lbs on you. But it's NOT normal to go 4 rounds in a row with the same partner if everyone else is rotating partners lol. I would just politely but firmly tell him you want to go with others around your same size so you get a chance to work your moves.

This sounds eerily similar to a situation @biscuitsbrah talked about on here awhile back.
Definitely excessive on his part. If he grabs you for one round during rolls, no issue - it's good to mix it up and go with different body types as long as he's not just muscling you around and being a white belt spaz when he's got 50 lbs on you. But it's NOT normal to go 4 rounds in a row with the same partner if everyone else is rotating partners lol. I would just politely but firmly tell him you want to go with others around your same size so you get a chance to work your moves.

This sounds eerily similar to a situation @biscuitsbrah talked about on here awhile back.
Hahah damn I forgot about that. I legit stopped training bjj some days because of her
Hahah damn I forgot about that. I legit stopped training bjj some days because of her

Lol sorry to hear about that bro. IIRC that sounded like a legit bad training experience for you. Wasn't trying to drudge up unpleasant memories but it sounds like TS might be dealing with the same kind of thing here.
I often get guys just like that. I’m nice and not overly competitive so a lot of the newer guys gravitate towards me and some won’t leave me the fuck alone haha. I usually just smile and say nah I wanna mix it up or wanna try different partners when they constantly only want to train with me. But it can definitely get annoying and affect training progress
Man, I once rolled with a woman, and she tried to triangle me and I slipped out so her legs were wrapped around my arm, and once I had pulled my arm out, my gi had the WORST stench I’ve ever smelled. It smelled legit like rotten fish.

I had to end the roll, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her coochie stank
If you have 5 rounds you should be rolling with 5 different people, our coach always make sure we do change partners between rounds.

Maybe some exceptions if there's not a lot of girls or smaller teenagers on that class.

But it's really important to train with different styles, bodytypes and levels

I sure chose with who I roll, making sure that in our normal 5 rounds each class I will get at least 1 with a guy way better than me, one with a guy my level and one with a guy that I'm way better than him. I also like to do at least one round with someone very rough and scrappy, to see if my technique will stand the test of roughness and chaos
I'm afraid there was some misunderstanding. He did not roll with me five rounds. What I'm saying is every time a new round started, he would run to me to request a roll even after I kept turning him down.

I appreciate your responses. I'm often the unofficial school greeter because I try to make everyone welcome, but this guy thinks I want to be best friends.
Every 5 minutes of rolling you should switch partners explain this to the guy. It is part of trying technical stuff on different oponentes. I used to go to night or day classes to change up the opponents.
Your steez and pheromones got him by the balls . Don’t fight it bro .
Man, I once rolled with a woman, and she tried to triangle me and I slipped out so her legs were wrapped around my arm, and once I had pulled my arm out, my gi had the WORST stench I’ve ever smelled. It smelled legit like rotten fish.

I had to end the roll, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her coochie stank

This takes the cake as the worst roll ever.
This takes the cake as the worst roll ever.

She was lesbian looking but had a pretty face short hair.

I’m assuming she had a yeast infection or something. I couldn’t roll with her and I was too embarrassed to roll with anyone else after so I left, happened maybe 15 years ago and I’ll never forget it
Not to be a dick but as a two stripe WB you aren't in the best position to be critizing the guys technique or the fact he uses his size against you. Unless he's a dangerous spaz you should be using that opportunity to get better...and stay out from underneath.

Ripping on a 50 somethings gut isn't very cool either, motherfucker is on the mats trying to train...more than I can say for a lot of people.

Maybe dude wants to roll with another old guy because the youngins are smoking him.

That said if he does smell bad mention it to the dark belts.

And obviously if he is a creep, be an adult and say something to the coach.

Just something for you to think about about from another old dude.
Not to be a dick but as a two stripe WB you aren't in the best position to be critizing the guys technique

Just something for you to think about about from another old dude.
How many stripes does it take to recognize when someone is overly attached to you?

The problem is less about BJJ technique and more about social skills. Honestly, if you keep asking someone to roll, and they repeated say "No", why would you continue to ask EVERY class? If someone asks, "Are you avoiding me?" And I say, "Yes." Does that mean to keep approaching me?
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How many stripes does it take to recognize when someone is overly attached to you?

The problem is less about BJJ technique and more about social skills. Honestly, if you keep asking someone to roll, and they repeated say "No", why would you continue to ask EVERY class? If someone asks, "Are you avoiding me?" And I say, "Yes." Does that mean to keep approaching me?

Just wrist lock him one time and he won’t be your friend anymore! Lol! I love Jiu Jitsu because you meet a lot of cool people but you can also meet some bad or weird people too. If he keeps annoying you even after you tell him I’d maybe think about just saying straight up I don’t want you harassing me about rolling with you anymore leave me alone lol and if he still doesn’t get it tell the coach you don’t wanna be paired up with him anymore

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