Body recomp - without counting calories


White Belt
Feb 6, 2017
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So i used to be into bodybuilding ( atleast i think haha ) but after an injury and some health issues in my family, have i changed my mind set about my body, i really want to focus on health and skills.

Recently i decided to get back into training, and i that sense i also wanted to change my appeareance a little, after being a couch potato for some years i have gained weight, and my body shape have shifted. Its mostly my fat on my hips ( love handles ) i would like to change that. My shift in appearance mostly comes from being sedentary and poor diet. So i started to have a S&C or kickboxing/boxing session everyday, with 2 rest days a week. And especially after the illness in my family, i have focused on clean eating and lots of veggies, and move everyday. In the beginning i started count calories to lose fat, but i hate it and its to much stress in our eating schedule at home.

What i have discovered is that the last 5 years my body have kept it weight around 87 kg, i know thats down to my calorie intake. But i tried to cut down to 80 kg, but i felt to hungry and without energy, so i just started eating clean only, and i went right back to 87 kg, and i keep bounce between 87/88 kg. So i have been looking into body recompostition, and weight strength training and a good diet ( enough proteins ) would i then be able to change my appearence, and be more healthy. I have no desire to be ripped and such, just healthy and without love handle and little more muscular apperance ( basically more figting shape )

Have you any advice or experience with this?
If you're just getting back into training or even starting training there's a good chance you'll have an easy time adding some muscle and maybe even losing a little fat in the same timespan. If you can keep your caloric intake quite steady, focusing on "clean" foods might make that easier, you can probably recomp for a while, it'd be easier to track calories and adjust based on what exactly is happening though.
I personally know I'd go overboard calorie-wise every and now and then and potentially ruin a recomp or diet that way, if tracking food is very stressful for you, you could of course stick to similar meals at known quantities or go by feel. Maybe not the most optimal approach, but possible.
Since you're coming back from a long break, you can do it. Recomp is just not as efficient as doing distinct cutting and bulking cycles. The body is good at pressing one pedal at a time, catabolism or anabolism. When recomping at maintenance your body never maximizes either. However when you're starting from a poor body composition you'll see progress anyway, for at least several months and maybe even up to a year.

There's one potential issue. If you're not counting calories, you don't know if you're at maintenance and the recomp could end up being a bulk or mini bulk. The body hates deficits so there's no risk that you'll accidentally eat too few calories. Weigh yourself often and make sure your weight stays stable. If the number starts going up, cut on the food for a while.
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It will work but is extremely slow especially if you aren't counting calories.
If you are hungry while trying to cut some calories without counting. Look into volume eating when it comes to snacking or one of your meals. You might have to make some substitutes with food that you eat. Switch to a low carb bread, cauliflower rice or mix it with some of your rice etc etc. It can be as simple as adding a salad to every meal. You can still have your pizza and burgers but with some changes or smaller portions. I eat a lot of berries and strawberries now. 2 lbs of strawberries is roughly only 300 calories. I can have that with cottage cheese and a ton of sugar free jello. That snack is like 500-600 calories and I feel so full after eating half of it. Volume eating is not really a diet but a guide to feel fuller while eating healthier food. It's just bad when people with eating disorders start using it as a diet.

Body recomposition is a slow process. You don't have to count calories but at least weigh yourself weekly. You will at least know if you are eating too much if the scale is going up or staying the same. You can choose add a little bit of cardio. It doesn't have to be anything intensive. I think most Americans just don't walk enough.
You don't have to count calories, use the hand method for carbs, protein and fat. I saw one method that used baseballs to estimate food portions.

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I've been using MyFitnessPal for two years religiously. If you are already fairly low body fat wise, tracking calories is a must. If you have a lot of weight to lose and you're lifting you could probably get away without it, just by cutting down on how much you normally eat for a while too.

For me I've held 185 pounds for the past two years, all the while losing two percent body fat. So it's been a very slow process because I started at 19 percent. Now at 17 I want to hit my goal of 15. I anticipate taking another two years.

Even if my calories are slightly off for a couple weeks it fucks everything up.
If you are pretty consistent with your diet (eat the same breakfast, lunch, etc.) throughout the week, you really don't have to actually count calories. You can adjust your "normal meals" lower while increasing calorie output through training. Simply feeling hungry is another thing. When I'm not on a diet, I rarely get myself to the point where I feel hungry or at least don't feel full at a few points throughout the day. Just simply gauging that will help as well. I went from 190 to 155 lbs in 3 months and never counted calories.
This is a very educational interview about diet/fitness, talk about counting calories, weight loss, fasting, etc....

So i used to be into bodybuilding ( atleast i think haha ) but after an injury and some health issues in my family, have i changed my mind set about my body, i really want to focus on health and skills.

Recently i decided to get back into training, and i that sense i also wanted to change my appeareance a little, after being a couch potato for some years i have gained weight, and my body shape have shifted. Its mostly my fat on my hips ( love handles ) i would like to change that. My shift in appearance mostly comes from being sedentary and poor diet. So i started to have a S&C or kickboxing/boxing session everyday, with 2 rest days a week. And especially after the illness in my family, i have focused on clean eating and lots of veggies, and move everyday. In the beginning i started count calories to lose fat, but i hate it and its to much stress in our eating schedule at home.

What i have discovered is that the last 5 years my body have kept it weight around 87 kg, i know thats down to my calorie intake. But i tried to cut down to 80 kg, but i felt to hungry and without energy, so i just started eating clean only, and i went right back to 87 kg, and i keep bounce between 87/88 kg. So i have been looking into body recompostition, and weight strength training and a good diet ( enough proteins ) would i then be able to change my appearence, and be more healthy. I have no desire to be ripped and such, just healthy and without love handle and little more muscular apperance ( basically more figting shape )

Have you any advice or experience with this?
Yes i have. You need something drastic like a 2 days water fast (in order to kick start). Then caloric deficit every day. No alcohol of course. You can lose 7 kg in 2 months like that.
This is a very educational interview about diet/fitness, talk about counting calories, weight loss, fasting, etc....

Gave it a try. Stopped after 3' because after some useless summary of the podcast it s now the guy talking about his channel.

Didn t help that it starts with some guy crying.
Gave it a try. Stopped after 3' because after some useless summary of the podcast it s now the guy talking about his channel.

Didn t help that it starts with some guy crying.

You could go to the time bar and it shows the summary to what the segment talk about, click on what you want to know. I usually skip the intro and go right into the parts that look interesting. The info is legit as this is a guy that has formal education on nutritional science, and competed in bodybuilding so he has also applied the academics on himself to lose fat and build muscle.

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