Television Breaking Bad

BCS started strong and then turned into a boring soap opera. I liked BB but the ending of that kinda fizzled as well imo.

Agreed on BCS but the ending of BB "kinda fizzled?"


I thought the entirety of BB S5 including the ending was GOAT series finale material.
I think I will finish it. I think I stopped 2-3 episodes from the ending. I figured Walter dies or something.
So, really fully hashed out art purely for the sake of art...? Against a backdrop that encapsulates a very real and very dark side of humanity and our self indulgent and self destructive nature.

I couldn't quite tell where you were coming from with this comment.... Art for the sake of arti is b******* though... art should serve a higher purpose, that's what makes it art in my opinion.
Breaking Bad is pretty damn good, but honestly I liked Better Call Saul even more.
I watched some of Better Call Saul and I liked it at the start but then I just got kinda bored sometime around Season2. I wanted to like it but I just kinda lost interest to the point where I gave up. I THINK it was Season2. Felt too slow moving and the stuff with Saul's brother was odd, not very interesting and took too much screen time.

Maybe I should give BCS another go and "push through" to where the plot and characters are more varied and things happen quicker. If anyone can advise..... go right ahead.
GoT is great until they ran out of material from the author and just started winging it for the last three series... then it was a big letdown :(
Yes the last 2 seasons were ridiculous.
I watched some of Better Call Saul and I liked it at the start but then I just got kinda bored sometime around Season2. I wanted to like it but I just kinda lost interest to the point where I gave up. I THINK it was Season2. Felt too slow moving and the stuff with Saul's brother was odd, not very interesting and took too much screen time.

Maybe I should give BCS another go and "push through" to where the plot and characters are more varied and things happen quicker. If anyone can advise..... go right ahead.

If you enjoyed BB, you need to watch BCS. All the law firm stuff with Chuck, Howard, Jimmy and Kim is slow burn, but it's very well written and there is a payoff connected to the best parts of BCS which IMO are the cartel storylines that many episodes are devoted to in the later seasons. Fantastic backstory for Mike, Gus, Lydia, Hector Salamanca, Don Eladio, etc. which allow you to fully appreciate those characters in BB.

There are also two awesome new cartel characters - Lalo and Ignacio "Nacho" referenced in the throw-away line in BB when Walt and Jesse kidnap Saul at gunpoint and he says, "Did Lalo send you? It wasn't me, it was Ignacio!" The writing, acting and storylines for those two are easily on par with any main character from BB and possibly even better.
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Overall I liked the show but Jesse is one of my most hated characters ever. He started out okay, but then it was like they just kept him around to be a cheap plot device. Need 5 minutes of padding? Just shoot Jesse sitting around being depressed. Need some quick action? Just get Jesse to spaz out over something. Never wished death on a character more. If I was making meth I'd have wound up fucking Jesse up Funkytown style
I just think it has a high chance of failure. What if the dudes aren't standing in the right spot?

What if the wall was lined with shelves full of boxes of paper or something that could stop bullets?

But my biggest problem with it was that it just didn't fit Walt. He's not a firearms expert, he's a chemistry genius. Since it's the last group he's ever gonna kill I thought it should be with chemistry.

I would've loved some kind of powder that's harmless when dry, but turns into acid or Poison gas when wet. And he sets off some small explosive that covers everyone in this powder, and as he runs out of the room with Jesse he activates the fire sprinklers and it gets everyone wet and they all die a horrible death thanks to his chemistry knowledge.

If it makes you feel any better about the finale, I don't think these are valid concerns.

"I just think it has a high chance of failure. What if the dudes aren't standing in the right spot?"

That was the beauty of the plan, the sway of the swing arm was horizontal, so it didn't matter where they were standing, it was going to spray back & forth across the single-story building, hitting anyone within its spectrum. The only way to not be hit would be to know that like Walt did, & hit the floor beneath its arc.

"What if the wall was lined with shelves full of boxes of paper or something that could stop bullets?"

A belt-fed M60 firing 7.62 NATO rounds isn't getting stopped by just about anything. Hot knife through butter.

"But my biggest problem with it was that it just didn't fit Walt. He's not a firearms expert, he's a chemistry genius. Since it's the last group he's ever gonna kill I thought it should be with chemistry."

I thought it was kinda perfect, yes it's the ugly brutality of a firearm, but implemented through a very clever use of electronics, & all in service of a gameplan based on geometry & physics. Walt did end up having to use his egg head to make it all happen.
If it makes you feel any better about the finale, I don't think these are valid concerns.

"I just think it has a high chance of failure. What if the dudes aren't standing in the right spot?"

That was the beauty of the plan, the sway of the swing arm was horizontal, so it didn't matter where they were standing, it was going to spray back & forth across the single-story building, hitting anyone within its spectrum. The only way to not be hit would be to know that like Walt did, & hit the floor beneath its arc.

"What if the wall was lined with shelves full of boxes of paper or something that could stop bullets?"

A belt-fed M60 firing 7.62 NATO rounds isn't getting stopped by just about anything. Hot knife through butter.

"But my biggest problem with it was that it just didn't fit Walt. He's not a firearms expert, he's a chemistry genius. Since it's the last group he's ever gonna kill I thought it should be with chemistry."

I thought it was kinda perfect, yes it's the ugly brutality of a firearm, but implemented through a very clever use of electronics, & all in service of a gameplan based on geometry & physics. Walt did end up having to use his egg head to make it all happen.

Agree with all of this but with the following caveat:

It's definitely possible for the M60 contraption to go off properly as replicated in the Mythbusters sequence, but I think it's much more likely that it would have jammed. Anyone who's ever fired an M60 knows that when you spray and pray like that with no pauses, not only does the barrel get hot as shit but the ammo belt is likely to jam if you're not constantly adjusting it and feeding it straight in.

But I give that a pass because a big part of Walt's character is that he's as lucky as he is good.
Agree with all of this but with the following caveat:

It's definitely possible for the M60 contraption to go off properly as replicated in the Mythbusters sequence, but I think it's much more likely that it would have jammed. Anyone who's ever fired an M60 knows that when you spray and pray like that with no pauses, not only does the barrel get hot as shit but the ammo belt is likely to jam if you're not constantly adjusting it and feeding it straight in.

But I give that a pass because a big part of Walt's character is that he's as lucky as he is good.

I'd agree with that, & also add the distinct possibility that Walter 'there can't be a single fucking fly in the lab' White cleaned & slicked his gear more than any legit veteran or modern LARPing wannabe spec ops prepper out there
Be sure to skip every scene with Skylar.

Greatly improves the show.

That's most of season 2.
I went from thinking she was ok, to absolutely hating her, to eventually feeling really sorry for her.

Skip the episode called "The Fly". Just trust me.
Skip the episode called "The Fly". Just trust me.

Ironically, that's the one episode that was directed by Rian Johnson... who wrote & directed The Last Jedi.

And also ironically, I liked 'the fly' episode and it displays how Rian Johnson actually is a great director... but a godawful script writer... just like Zack Snyder.... as he've proven every time he's directed anything he did not write.
Ironically, that's the one episode that was directed by Rian Johnson... who wrote & directed The Last Jedi.

And also ironically, I liked 'the fly' episode and it displays how Rian Johnson actually is a great director... but a godawful script writer... just like Zack Snyder.... as he've proven every time he's directed anything he did not write.
I just thought it was a pointless episode that added nothing except more of Jesse blubbering away. You can literally remove it from the series, and nothing is missing at all. I kept thinking they'll catch it soon and move on to the actual script.
I've watched the series 5 times in total (one with my ex wife, one with each of my kids as they became interested, and one with my now partner.

Only watched that episode the first time round.

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