News Britney Spears's Family and Ex report she is on Meth and 'in an extremely dangerous place'.

Could just be her family trying to play up her issues to justify their previous control and perhaps try to get it back.
Not to mention there is apparently this new documentary coming out. What better way to make headlines.
Is there any actual hard evidence available other than rumors and hearsay ?

Without the police searching her/her house etc., what evidence would you expect? She's not likely to do it in front of her estranged relatives where they can snap or film her. Also hearsay would be person A saying person B told him she was doing meth. This appears to be people speaking from their own experience and knowledge.
I would imagine a high dose of adderal but I doubt shes straght smoking meth. Who knows though, shes rich as fuck.


Britney Spears has seemingly addressed recent reports in which it was claimed that her ex-husband Kevin Federline and her children had expressed concern about it.

The singer, 41, took to Instagram this evening to share a lengthy statement, which read: "The fact that people are claiming things that are not true is so sad. This may not even be them saying such things because it doesn't make any sense to me for them to be saying that.

"With Preston saying 'she needs to listen to us before it's too late' ... Do you remember every visit you came to my home, you went into your room and locked the door?

"I never saw you guys ... Jayden played the piano and we made music together ... But the day I told him I wanted to see you guys more, I never saw you again.

"It makes me sad because I tried so hard to make things nice for you and it was never good enough. So you guys go behind my back and talk about me ... it breaks my heart and the news is so low ...

"I've always felt like the news bullies me ... It's sad because everyone sits back as if that's ok to make up lies to that extent ... Why am I told I have to sit back and rise above? When they all go so low?

"Hopefully it is just the news being hateful and Kevin nor Preston said any of those things either way I will be fine working out to Throb".


I'm not sure what's going on with Britney's Instagram. She has deleted/deactivated it at least twice.

Britney Spears deleted her Instagram Thursday ahead of her first wedding anniversary with Sam Asghari.


But this appears to be her Instagram:

If that's it, she must have quickly reactivated it again. However there's no statement quoted above there. So maybe she quickly deleted the statement? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When she first started doing the sexy Twitter posts or Instagram or whatever I was mad hoping she would just go full nuts and do an OF
Someone gonna explain forums to him?

Youth roam halls of non stop ringing bells searching for the most recent news.
The takes forever to accomplish or it comes in waves, but the only thing that matters is if they behave.

Broken bottle craps, leads to never winning a thing, and now I know why I have no feathers...on this chicken wing.
there is a reason why the Mentally ill have to be look after .. problem is who can trust now days :sniper: