News Britney Spears's Family and Ex report she is on Meth and 'in an extremely dangerous place'.

She never did it for me. I always felt like her head was too big for her body and that her legs are a bit to short for her torso.
I knew a beautiful tall girl once that said she did a little modeling but her career never took off because the agency told her that all her height was torso and they like girls with longer legs.

I would've thought she was perfect, but honestly after she told me that then it was all I could see. Short legs on a long torso lol.

Don't ever point out your flaws you someone that hasn't noticed them yet.
Agreed. I believe people should be allowed to kick the living shit out of any paparazzi who follows you around and shoves a camera in your face or any paparazzi who hides in bushes trying to sneak a few pics.

Can you imagine being one of those paparazzi? What kind of self loathing ass do you have to be to be proud of that job?

paparazzi would not exist if there was not a huge demand for what they do among the general public. that is the part that makes me the most sad about it all.
paparazzi would not exist if there was not a huge demand for what they do among the general public. that is the part that makes me the most sad about it all.

And don't forget often celebrities secretly call the "paparazzi" most famous Lad Di on Dodis yacht back then. Everyone screamed about the invasion of privacy ,why now we know Diana herself called the reporters and told them when and were she would be in position to be photographed.

Or recently Meghan Markle with her being "chased in a life and death situation " through Manhattan. Well she also had organised them telling them upfront when she would be there. Quite often it's planned.
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You can be pretty much 100% certain that people took advantage of her sexually and financially. It's very sad and sick. Plus she's clearly mentally/chemically "off". She was in that Mickey Mouse club from ages 12-15 know some shady shit was going down there.

She was 16 when he first hit song came out. Her parents and handlers dressed her up like a young school girl and made her a sexual 16!!

Ooops I did it again, when she had just turned 18 and they basically put her in a latex body suit.

Teenage girls were sexualizing themselves when I was a teenager in the 1960s and probably long before that. It becomes a competition with other girls when they hit puberty. I remember girls carrying fashion magazines in junior high. 13 year old girls loved Seventeen magazine and many wanted to be models and parents and schools tried to keep them in check.
Its not just that, many actresses and singers are willing to do a lot for fame. Casting couch. A young girl might not be sure what she's getting into.
And don't forget often celebrities secretly call the "paparazzi" most famous Lad Di on Dodis yacht back then. Everyone screamed about the invasion of privacy ,why now we know Diana herself called the reporters and told them when and were she would be in position to be photographed.

Or recently Meghan Markle with her being "chased in a life and death situation " through Manhattan. Well she also had organised them telling them upfront when she would be there. Quite often it's planned.

The relationship may occasionally be symbiotic but it does not change the overall nature of the paparazzi business.

Certain celebrities are stalked and harassed for months or years at a time. It is dehumanizing.

There is a fundamental difference between celebrities choosing to be photographed and being photographed against their will. Celebrities are not signing up for paparazzi to camp outside their homes.

It is like saying the because Celebrity X showed up at the red carpet at the Met Gala that they therefore also consent to be photographed trying to shop at Erewhon on a Sunday.

I will go back to my original point that while the paparazzi may be bottom feeders, the seemingly unquenchable demand for this type of "celebrity content" is ultimately the root cause.
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I could probably get you (or anyone else that wants it) an e-book version once it comes out. The university has something called OMNI library network, and they have virtually everything under sun (fiction/non fiction, scientific articles etc.) in electronic format. There are seemingly no restrictions on sharing the files (unlike DRM protected like the Kindle App has).
Noted for future Reference
She just released a pic of her full naked ass. I gotta say, meth does her good. At this rate we should get her spread shnitzel in a week or so.


Britney Spears got into a huge row with her boyfriend on Wednesday night, and she ended up out of control, crying, possibly cut, and almost driven away in an ambulance, TMZ has learned.

Britney got to the Chateau Marmont late Wednesday night with boyfriend Paul Soliz


and there was some sort of disturbance and someone called police, claiming a woman matching Britney's description was harassing and threatening hotel employees and guests. Officers showed up shortly after 10:30pm, but they saw no signs of trouble and left.

We're told Britney and Paul retreated to a hotel room around 11pm, where they continued partying and drinking. While they were in the room they ended up getting into a huge altercation that we're told turned physical, according to sources, and Britney may have hurt her leg.


We're told Britney was screaming and 'out of control' in the hallway of her suite, and several guests thought she was having a mental breakdown, so paramedics were called.

While we're told the call to paramedics was for a possible 'injured person', sources at the hotel tell us they feared it was a breakdown.

Paramedics arrived around 12:40am. They made contact with Britney, who was walking out of the hotel with a pillow and blanket wrapped around her. She had clearly been crying. She did not get into the ambulance and ended up leaving with her security ... and without Paul.

Jessica is giving Justin an ear full…

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